形成.....的基础 form the foundation 查看更多




1.We were able to find her address with the help of ________(当地的)police.

2.The garden ________(延伸)down to the lake.

3.He ________(声称)that he hadn’t done it, but I didn’t believe him.

4.He doesn’t ________(恐惧)easily.

5.Any one who is ________(咬)by dogs must be injected vaccine.

6.They have many pets, ________(包括)three cats.

7.As he had nothing to tell, he refused to give any ________(采访)to the journalists.

8.He wanted to look at the tiger ________(靠近地).

9.We should live in ________(和谐)with all other creatures on the planet.

10.Laurel was a ________(完美的)girl in every way.

11.All the students are ________(盼望)the arrival of the summer holiday.

12.Climbing a mountain is a really ________(累人的)thing.

13.According to the traveling ________(日程表), we’ll be flying to Hainan on Tuesday.

14.She appears in her twenties, but ________(实际上)she is fifty-two.

15.Her many talents were the ________(羡慕)of all her friends.

16.She ran 100m in an ________(令人惊讶的)10. 9 seconds.

17.I can’t understand her ________(沉默)on this matter.

18.There were magnificent ________(景色)of the surrounding countryside.

19.The old sailor often tells us about his ________(冒险)in the Atlantic Ocean.

20.Whenever I am in trouble, they will ________(提供)ready help.

21.He’s not an officer, but a ________(普通的)soldier.

22.The room is ________(满是灰尘的).It seems that no one has lived here for a long time.

23.Keep calm, ________(无论什么事)happens.

24.The brain needs a continuous ________(供给)of blood.

25.It usually costs us two hundred thousand yuan in ________(总数)to buy an apartment of 100 square meters.

26.________(衣物), food are all our life necessities.

27.Mr Black doesn’t like pets, but he began to keep a cat ________(令人惊讶地).

28.The students ________(形成)a little group to help the old granny.

29.He’s the ________(最温和的)man you could wish to meet.

30.Diao Chan was said to be a legend ________(美人)in Chinese history.

31.We would like to move to a town ________(环绕)by mountains and forests.


  话题链接:Proper habits of nutrition can be developed by paying attention to the variety of foods included in the diet; and the quantity of each kind of food eaten.A diet, or the food regularly eaten, must contain all the nutritional(营养的)elements.Different food contains different vitamins(维生素),let's look at the food one by one.


  Eggs are an excellent source of complete protein(蛋白质);they contain all essential amino acids(氨基酸).One large egg contains 7 or 8 grams of first-class protein.Also found in eggs are vitamins A, B2, D, and E; niacin(烟酸);copper; iron; phosphorus(磷);and unsaturated(不饱和的)fats.The egg yolk contains the richest known source of choline, found in lecithin and necessary for keeping the cholesterol (胆固醇)within the egg emulsified(蛋白).The egg yolk also contains biotin(维生素H),one of the B-complex vitamins.


  Fiber is the part of food that is not digested by the human body, such as the skin of an apple and the husk(壳,皮)of a wheat kernel.The normal functioning of the intestinal tract depends upon the presence of adequate fiber.A low-fiber diet has been associated with heart disease, cancer of the colon and rectum(直肠),diverticulosis(瘢痕形成),varicose veins(纹理),phlebitis(静脉炎),and obesity.


  Fish are excellent sources of high-grade protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and minerals, especially iodine(碘)and potassium(钾).Fish are categorized as freshwater fish, saltwater fish, and shellfish.These types differ slightly in nutritive value.Freshwater fish provide magnesium(镁),phosphorus, iron, and copper.Saltwater fish and shellfish are rich in iodine, fluorine(氟),and cobalt (钴).Fatty fish, such as halibut(比目鱼),mackerel(鲭鱼),and salmon, are good sources of vitamins A and D.Herring, oysters, and sardines contain vanadium and zinc.Shellfish are low fatty acids but are relatively high in cholesterol.


  Fresh fruits are good sources of vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin A and C, carbohydrates in the form of cellulose and natural sugars, and water.They are good substitutes of such high-carbohydrate(碳水化合物)foods as candy, cookies, and cakes, which contain few nutrients.Yellow fruits, such as apricots, cantaloupe(香瓜),and persimmons(柿子),are good sources of carotene(胡萝卜素),which is converted to vitamin A.Aside from acerola cherries and rose hips, the best natural sources of vitamin C are the citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruit, lemons, and tangerines(橘);other sources of vitamin C are cantaloupe, strawberries, and tomatoes.Apples and bananas contain valuable bulk fiber in the form of indigestible(不可吸收的)cellulose, which is needed for regular bowel movement.Bananas are high in magnesium(镁)and may be useful for treatment of diarrhea, colitis, ulcers, and certain cases of protein allergies.Bananas and pears are the highest in natural sugars.


  Grains are often referred to as cereals ;they are the seeds of various grasses such as wheat, oats, rice, and barley.Often called the “staff of life”, they provide the bulk of the world's food supply.Common foods made from these grains are flours, breads, breakfast cereals, and macaroni.

想一想:Healthy eating is the essential thing for the physical and mental development for human being.But the eating habit of our Chinese people is not very reasonable or suitable.If you are responsible for the improvement of the Chinese healthy eating, what will you do to change the formed eating habit of Chinese people?


I thin she hurt my feelings__rather than by accident as she claimed.

A)virtually?    B)deliberately?      C)literally      ?D)appropriately


  1. 提出申请     2. 申请的理由    3. 恳请批准


Years ago,when I was working at a children’s institution,a boy 1 up in the waiting room.It was David.He had 2 his parents.He was very sad 3 to talk to others.
The first two times we met,David didn’t say a word.He sat in the chair and only 4 up at the children’s drawings on the wall.As he was about to leave 5 the second visit,I put my hand on his 6 .He didn’t shrink (退缩) back,but he didn’t look at me either.
“Come back next week,” I hesitated a bit.
He came,and I suggested we play a game of chess.He  7 .After that we played  8 every time,in complete  9 and without making any eye contact.It’s not  10 to cheat in chess,but I admit that I made sure David won  11 .
It seemed as if he enjoyed my  12 .But why did he never look at me?Perhaps he sensed that I respected his suffering.I kept wondering and  13with him,until some months later,  14 ,
he looked up at me.“It’s your turn,” he said.
After that day,David started  15 .He got friends in school.He wrote me a few  16 about how he would try to get into university.After some time,the letters  17 .Now he had really started to live his own life.
I learned how  18cures pain.And David showed me how one—without any  19 —can reach out to another person.All it takes is a shoulder to cry on,a  20 touch and an ear that listens.

A.showed B.wentC.rose D.put
A.missedB.lostC.loved D.respected
A.preferring B.trying C.refusingD.expecting
A.glanced B.stared C.wokeD.looked
A.cried B.smiledC.nodded D.wondered
A.violinB.cards C.basketballD.chess
A.wise B.easyC.rightD.wrong
A.now and thenB.more or lessC.once or twiceD.all the time
A.game B.successC.cheat D.company
【小题13】A.playing       B.competing            Carguing    D.fighting
A.naturally B.suddenlyC.impatientlyD.angrily
A.stopped B.arrived C.posted D.continued
A.moneyB.time C.hate D.fame
A.gently B.lovely C.livelyD.friendly

