Billy C. First Stop 查看更多





1.What does Mr. Green probably do?

[  ]

A.A guide.

B.A repairman.

C.A boot and shoe repairer.

2.What did the woman's parents think about the play?

[  ]

A.They both like it.

B.Neither liked it.

C.The mother didn't like it but the father did.

3.What can we get from the conversation?

[  ]

A.Dick is very surprised to see his neighbour here.

B.Dick expected to see his neighbour here.

C.Dick is not surprised at all.

4.With what is Billy able to buy?

[  ]

A.He gets ten dollars to buy them.

B.He can buy them with the money.

C.He is able to buy a few pencils and some paper.

5.What's wrong with the woman's son?

[  ]

A.He is terribly ill.

B.He prefers going to school to staying at home.

C.He only wants to watch the biggest football match.




6.Where does this conversation take place?

[  ]

A.At home.
B.At a dinner party.
C.At a restaurant.

7.What will the man have besides apple juice?

[  ]

A.Some pork.
B.Some chicken.
C.Some beef.


8.What is the job of the woman?

[  ]

A.A fireman.
B.A nurse.
C.A doctor.

9.What happened to the man?

[  ]

A.He fell off his bike.

B.He fell off his bed.

C.He fell off his ladder.

10.Which part of the man's body hurts?

[  ]

A.His legs.
B.His left leg.
C.His right leg.

11.What will the women do next?

[  ]

A.Go to the man's place to examine him.

B.Go to hospital to examine the man.

C.Go to the man's place to repair the ladder.


12.Where do you think the dialogue take place?

[  ]

A.In a hospital.
B.At the doctor's.
C.At home.

13.What did the woman do with the man's trouble?

[  ]

A.She told him to go to bed.

B.She took some hot water for him to use.

C.She telephoned the doctor at last.


14.Where does this dialogue take place?

[  ]

A.In a restaurant.

B.On the phone.

C.In the street.

15.When does this restaurant stop serving lunch?

[  ]

A.1 p. m. .
B.2 p. m. .
C.3 p. m. .

16.How many people will come with the woman for lunch?

[  ]



17.Where did the fire probably start?

[  ]

A.On the first floor.

B.On the second floor.

C.On the third floor.

18.When was the building built?

[  ]

A.In 1718.
B.In 1782.
C.In 1930.

19.What was the building used as at the time of the fire?

[  ]

A.A hotel.

B.An old people's home.

C.A history museum.

20.Who is Andrew Barnes?

[  ]

A.A newspaper reporter.

B.The owner of the building.

C.The head of the five department.


     Parents divorced, little Buddy was in the care of his mother's large Alabama family. Over the years,
Buddy seldom saw either of his parents. But he was happy where he was and he had many kindly
relatives, among whom Miss Sook was by far his best friend. Before Christmas, Buddy's father had
managed to get legal custody(法定监护) of him for this Christmas. So, he had a new suit, with a card
pinned with his name and address and made the trip alone, by bus, to New Orleans.
     Several things occurred that kept me awake the whole night. First, the footfalls, the noise of my father
running up and down the stairs, breathing heavily, I had to see what he was up to. So I hid and watched.
There was a Christmas tree and the fireplace downstairs. Moreover, I could see my father. He was
crawling around under the tree arranging a pyramid of packages. I felt dizzy, for what I saw forced me to
reconsider everything. If these were presents intended for me, then obviously they had not been ordered
by the Lord and delivered by Santa Claus; no, they were gifts bought and wrapped by my father,which
meant that my rotten little cousin Billy Bob and other rotten kids like him weren't lying when they laughed
at me and told me there was no Santa Claus. The worst thought was: Had Sook known the truth, and lied
to me? No, Sook would never lie to me. She believed. It was just that-well, though she was
sixty-something, in some ways she was at least as much of a child as I was.
     I waited until I was sure he was in bed and sound asleep. Then I crept downstairs and examined the
tags attached to each of the packages. They all said: "For Buddy." I decided to open the packages: It
was Christmas morning. I was awake, so why not? I won't bother to describe what was inside them: just
shirts and sweaters and dull stuff like that. The only thing I appreciated was a toy gun. Somehow I got the
idea it would be fun to waken my father by firing it. So I did. Bang. Bang. Bang. He raced out of his room, wild-eyed, Bang. Bang. Bang. "Buddy-what the hell do you think you're doing?" Bang. Bang. Bang. "Stop that!" I laughed. "Look, Daddy. Look at all wonderful things Santa Claus brought me."
     Calm now, he walked into the room and hugged me. "You like what Santa Claus brought you?"
     I smiled at him. He smiled at me. There was a tender lingering (逗留不去的) moment, damaged when I said: "Yes. But what are you going to give me, Daddy?" His smile evaporated. His eyes narrowed
suspiciously-you could see that he thought I was pulling some kind of trick. But then he blushed, as though he was ashamed to be thinking what he was thinking. He patted my head, and coughed and said: "Well, I
thought  I'd wait and let you pick out something you wanted. Is there anything particular you want?"
I reminded him of the airplane we had seen in the toy store on Canal Street. His face sagged. Oh, yes, he
remembered the airplane and how expensive it was. Nevertheless, the next day I was sitting in that
airplane dreaming I was zooming toward heaven while my father wrote out a check for a happy salesman, who promised to help ship the plane on the bus.
But I wasn't free of New Orleans yet. The problem was a large bottle of wine; maybe it was because of
my departure, but anyway my father had been drinking it all day, and on the way to the bus station, he
scared me by grabbing my wrist and harshly whispering: "I'm not going to let you go. I can't let you go back to that crazy family in that crazy old house. Just look at what they've done to you. A boy six, almost
seven, talking about Santa Claus! It's all their fault, all those sour old spinsters with their Bibles and their
knitting needles, those drunken uncles. Listen to me, Buddy. There is no God! There is no Santa Claus.
" He was squeezing my wrist so hard that it ached. "Kiss me. Please. Please. Kiss me. Tell your daddy
that you love him." But I couldn't speak. I was terrified I was going to miss my bus. And I was worried
about my plane, which was strapped to the top of the taxi. "Say it: 'I love you.' Say it. Please. Buddy. Say
     It was lucky for me that our taxi-driver was a good-hearted man. Because if it hadn't been for his help, and the help of some efficient porters and a friendly policeman, I don't know what would have happened
when we reached the station. My father was so drunk he could hardly walk, but the policeman talked to
him, quieted him down, helped him to stand straight, and the taxi-man promised to take him safely home.
But my father would not leave until he had seen the porters put me on the bus.
     Once I was on the bus, I crouched in a seat and shut my eyes. I felt the strangest pain. A crushing pain
that hurt everywhere. I thought if I took off my heavy city shoes, those crucifying monsters, the agony
would ease. I took them off, but the mysterious pain did not leave me. In a way it never has; never will.
     Twelve hours later I was home in bed. The room was dark. Sook was sitting beside me, rocking in a
rocking chair, a sound as soothing (令人舒畅的) as ocean waves. I had tried to tell her everything that
had happened, and only stopped when I was hoarse (嘶哑的) as a howling dog. She stroked her fingers
through my hair, and said: "Of course there is a Santa Clause. It's just that no single somebody could do
all he has to do. So the Lord has spread the task among us all. That's why everybody is Santa Claus. I am. You are. Even you cousin Billy Bob. Now go to sleep. Count stars. Think of the quietest thing. Like snow. I'm sorry you didn't get to see any. But now snow is falling through the stars-" Stars sparkled, snow whirled inside my head; the last thing I remembered was the peaceful voice of the Lord telling me something I
must do. And the next day I did it. I went with Sook to the post office and bought a penny postcard. That same postcard exists today. It was found in my father's safety deposit box when he died last year. Here is what I had written him: Hello pop hope you are well I am and I am turning to pedal my plane so fast I will
soon be in the sky so keep your eyes open and yes I love you Buddy.
1. When Buddy asked his Daddy for Christmas presents, his father's reaction suggested that _______.
A. He felt sorry he forgot to prepare presents for his son.
B. He thought his son should have known all the presents were sent by him, not Santa Claus.
C. It was difficult for him to accept that his son is so greedy.
D. He was ashamed of not knowing what his son liked.
2. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Buddy didn't tell his Daddy "I love you" until his death.
B Buddy's father and Miss Sook were people of different personalities.
C. Buddy still held the belief that there was Santa Claus.
D. Buddy finally mailed a postcard to his father.
3. What can be inferred from the first paragraph?
A. Cousin Billy Bob had a good relationship with Buddy.
B. Miss Sook had no idea of Santa Clause, and lied to Buddy.
C. Father loved Buddy very much and prepared a lot of gifts for him.
D. Buddy was afraid of his father for they had been separated long time.
4. The following words can describe Miss Sook except _______.
A. old            
B. clever          
C. naughty          
D. trusted
5. Which of the following can be the best title of passage?
A. Is There a Santa Clause in the World?
B. A Christmas Memory
C. How to Celebrate Christmas in a Meaningful Way?
D. A Christmas of a Divorced Family


     Parents divorced, little Buddy was in the care of his mother's large Alabama family. Over the
years, Buddy seldom saw either of his parents. But he was happy where he was and he had many
kindly relatives, among whom Miss Sook was by far his best friend. Before Christmas, Buddy's
father had managed to get legal custody(法定监护) of him for this Christmas. So, he had a new
suit, with a card pinned with his name and address and made the trip alone, by bus, to New
     Several things occurred that kept me awake the whole night. First, the footfalls, the noise of my father
running up and down the stairs, breathing heavily, I had to see what he was up to. So I hid and watched.
There was a Christmas tree and the fireplace downstairs. Moreover, I could see my father. He was
crawling around under the tree arranging a pyramid of packages. I felt dizzy, for what I saw forced me to
reconsider everything. If these were presents intended for me, then obviously they had not been ordered
by the Lord and delivered by Santa Claus; no, they were gifts bought and wrapped by my father. Which
meant that my rotten little cousin Billy Bob and other rotten kids like him weren't lying when they laughed
at me and told me there was no Santa Claus. The worst thought was: Had Sook known the truth, and lied
to me? No, Sook would never lie to me. She believed. It was just that-well, though she was
sixty-something, in some ways she was at least as much of a child as I was.
     I waited until I was sure he was in bed and sound asleep. Then I crept downstairs and examined the
tags attached to each of the packages. They all said: "For Buddy." I decided to open the packages: It
was Christmas morning. I was awake, so why not? I won't bother to describe what was inside them: just
shirts and sweaters and dull stuff like that. The only thing I appreciated was a toy gun. Somehow I got the
idea it would be fun to waken my father by firing it. So I did. Bang. Bang. Bang. He raced out of his room, wild-eyed, Bang. Bang. Bang. "Buddy-what the hell do you think you're doing? Bang. Bang. Bang. "Stop
that!" I laughed. " Look, Daddy. Look at all wonderful things Santa Claus brought me."
     Calm now, he walked into the room and hugged me. "You like what Santa Claus brought you?"
     I smiled at him. He smiled at me. There was a tender lingering (逗留不去的) moment, damaged
when I said: "Yes. But what are you going to give me, Daddy?" His smile evaporated. His eyes narrowed
suspiciously-you could see that he thought I was pulling some kind of trick. But then he blushed, as
though he was ashamed to be thinking what he was thinking. He patted my head, and coughed and said: "Well, I thought I'd wait and let you pick out something you wanted. Is there anything particular you
     I reminded him of the airplane we had seen in the toy store on Canal Street. His face sagged. Oh,
yes, he remembered the airplane and how expensive it was. Nevertheless, the next day I was sitting in
that airplane dreaming I was zooming toward heaven while my father wrote out a check for a happy
salesman, who promised to help ship the plane on the bus. 
     But I wasn't free of New Orleans yet. The problem was a large bottle of wine; maybe it was because
of my departure, but anyway my father had been drinking it all day, and on the way to the bus station, he
scared me by grabbing my wrist and harshly whispering: "I'm not going to let you go. I can't let you go
back to that crazy family in that crazy old house. Just look at what they've done to you. A boy six, almost
seven, talking about Santa Claus! It's all their fault, all those sour old spinsters with their Bibles and their
knitting needles, those drunken uncles. Listen to me, Buddy. There is no God! There is no Santa Claus."
He was squeezing my wrist so hard that it ached. "Kiss me. Please. Please. Kiss me. Tell your daddy
that you love him." But I couldn't speak. I was terrified I was going to miss my bus. And I was worried
about my plane, which was strapped to the top of the taxi. "Say it: 'I love you.' Say it. Please. Buddy. Say
     It was lucky for me that our taxi-driver was a good-hearted man. Because if it hadn't been for his help, and the help of some efficient porters and a friendly policeman, I don't know what would have happened
when we reached the station. My father was so drunk he could hardly walk, but the policeman talked to
him, quieted him down, helped him to stand straight, and the taxi-man promised to take him safely home.
But my father would not leave until he had seen the porters put me on the bus.
     Once I was on the bus, I crouched in a seat and shut my eyes. I felt the strangest pain. A crushing pain
that hurt everywhere. I thought if I took off my heavy city shoes, those crucifying monsters, the agony
would ease. I took them off, but the mysterious pain did not leave me. In a way it never has; never will.
     Twelve hours later I was home in bed. The room was dark. Sook was sitting beside me, rocking in a
rocking chair, a sound as soothing (令人舒畅的) as ocean waves. I had tried to tell her everything that
had happened, and only stopped when I was hoarse (嘶哑的) as a howling dog. She stroked her fingers
through my hair, and said: "Of course there is a Santa Clause. It's just that no single somebody could do
all he has to do. So the Lord has spread the task among us all. That's why everybody is Santa Claus. I
am. You are. Even you cousin Billy Bob. Now go to sleep. Count stars. Think of the quietest thing. Like
snow. I'm sorry you didn't get to see any. But now snow is falling through the stars-" Stars sparkled,
snow whirled inside my head; the last thing I remembered was the peaceful voice of the Lord telling me
something I must do. And the next day I did it. I went with Sook to the post office and bought a penny
postcard. That same postcard exists today. It was found in my father's safety deposit box when he died
last year. Here is what I had written him: Hello pop hope you are well I am and I am turning to
pedal my plane so fast I will soon be in the sky so keep your eyes open and yes I love you Buddy.
1.When Buddy asked his Daddy for Christmas presents, his father's reaction suggested that  _______.
A. He felt sorry he forgot to prepare presents for his son.
B. He thought his son should have known all the presents were sent by him, not Santa Claus.
C. It was difficult for him to accept that his son is so greedy.
D. He was ashamed of not knowing what his son liked.
2. Once Buddy was on the bus, he felt the strangest pain . The reason probably is _____________.
A. His father squeezed him so hard that it ached.
B. His father was very drunk and had difficulty returning home.
C. He didn't say "I love you" to his father.
D. He had an argument with his father at home.
3. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Buddy didn't tell his Daddy "I love you" until his death.
B. Buddy's father and Miss Sook were people of different personalities.
C. Buddy still held the belief that there was Santa Claus.
D. Buddy finally mailed a postcard to his father.
4. What can be inferred from the first paragraph?
A. Cousin Billy Bob had a good relationship with Buddy.
B. Miss had no idea of Santa Clause, and lied to Buddy.
C. Father loved Buddy very much and prepared a lot of gifts for him.
D. Buddy was afraid of his father for they had been separated long time.
5. The following words can describe Miss Sook except _______.
A. old            
B. clever          
C. naughty          
D. trusted
6. Which of the following can be the best title of passage?
A. Is There a Santa Clause in the World?
B. A Christmas Memory
C. How to Celebrate Christmas in a Meaningful Way?
D. A Christmas of a Divorced Family



  Once people called them “flying saucers”.Now they usually have a   1   name, UFOs-Unidentified Flying Objects.There are hundreds of   2   and some photographs of these spaceships from other worlds and the “  3  ” in them.

  On February 4th, 1977, fourteen boys at a school in   4   all saw a silver object, as big as a bus, with a red light on top.“We saw something come out of it.It had a helmet.We ran and told our   5   but when we came back it wasn’t there.”Afterwards, the teachers put the children into different rooms and asked each one to   6   a picture of the spaceship.All the drawings showed the same object.

  Pauline Coombs also lived in Wales.In April 1977 she was in her car with her children when she saw a light in the sky.she said, “It was in front of us.It was no bigger than a football and it was yellow.The object came nearer to the car and   7   us.The children began to cry.Near the farm where we lived, the car suddenly   8  .I jumped out with the children and we ran up the road.The thing still followed us.When I got in the house I was so   9   that I couldn’t speak.”

  One evening about two weeks after this, Pauline and Billy Coombs were at home.  10   they saw a man outside the window.He was more than two metres tall and dressed in silver-coloured clothes.On his head he wore a silver   11   with black glass at the front.

  “He came very near us, ”said Pauline.“Billy and I were so afraid that we couldn’t move.The television in the room was on but there was no   12  , only a lot of white lines.The man just watched us through the window and then   13  .We telephoned the police but I don’t think they believed us.”

  Some people say they have not only seen men from other worlds but also been inside a UFO.One of these is an English man, Horatio Penrose.Not long before   14   on 13th May 1954, he was in his car on the road between Derby and Burton, in England.

  “A bright light came along the road to me, ”he said.“I had to stop very suddenly and I hit my head on the window.I cannot remember very well what happened to me next but something   15   the car and put it on the side of the UFO.It was up in the air over us.He took me into a room where there was a bright light.There were five people in the room.They looked like   16   men and women, although they were smaller.I had a deep   17   on my head and a girl began to help me.She was pretty and had a very white face.She did not   18   but I understood her thinking and she answered my questions before I asked them.There was not much time for us to “talk” because I soon   19  .I woke up in my car.”

  Has anyone ever found an empty UFO? The governments of many countries do not like to talk about this, but scientists in Spitsbergen in Norway think that they found a UFO.They said, “We thought at first that it was a Russian plane but now we are sure that it is not.We have never seen the   20   of this object anywhere before.In fact, we have no idea at all what it is.”


[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]




sped up






[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]


came in


went away


flew away


rushed away


[  ]






early morning


late afternoon


[  ]


jumped into


broke up


picked up


pushed up


[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]


left it


worked in


went to sleep


made friends with them


[  ]













 Banbury House               Tel: 564839

Enjoy mixing with other students in comfortable accommodation? 10 minutes’ walk to the university district and close to all main bus stops. Single and double rooms. Students provide own food but all cleaning services offered. Please bring your own bedding.

Enjoy mixing with other students in luxury accommodation 10 minute walk to the university district and close to all main bus routes. Single and double rooms. Students provide own food but all cleaning services offered. Please bring your own linen.


Three Seasons               Tel: 445987

We can provide all types of accommodation for all types of single student. Rooms are fully furnished with bedding and there are four bathrooms each floor. Meals provided. 30 minutes’ walk to the university and city centre.

We can provide all types of accommodation for all types of single student. Rooms are fully furnished with linen and four bathrooms each floor. Full board possible. 35―40 minutes from main universities and city.


First Stop                    Tel: 223300

Suitable for new students. We provide double rooms. If you wish, we can offer assistance in finding a suitable person to share a room with. All washing and cleaning services offered at extra charge. Large canteen and three bathrooms on each floor. Sports centre next floor.


Sturtin Hotel                    Tel: 876333

Located in pleasant countryside surroundings. We offer scenic views and old-world attractiveness. Relax after a long day by swimming in the pool or using the exercise gym. Separate study rooms available. No children. Bar & restaurant.


Downtown Digs               Tel: 882312

Do you worry that you’ll not have enough money to see the term through? Don’t waste it on expensive housing. This is a hostel(宿舍, 旅店) for students run by students. No references and no rules. Shared bathroom, dormitory accommodation.

Must provide own linen. All cleaning operates on a rota system. Singles only.


Hilton Hostel                                  Tel: 846241

It’s not quite the Hilton Hotel but all rooms are fully furnished with meals, bedding and cleaning services included. Walking distance to the university and bus stops to the city downtown. Minimum stay period of six months. Singles only.



请阅读以下5人的个人信息, 然后匹配人物和适合他们住的地方:

56. As the daughter of a famous heart surgeon Sarah is used to living in comfort and doesn’t want things to change. Now she is starting university. She doesn’t like to cook for herself when she could be lazing around the swimming pool.

57. John is looking for a room near the university. He is on a very limited budget so he wants to share with his classmate to minimize expenses.

58. Billy is a party boy who is more interested in having fun than studying. He doesn’t like people telling him what to do or when to do it. Money is very tight so he also has to work part time to make ends meet.

59. Melinda and her husband are visiting students at the university for one year. They need a comfortable room from where it is convenient to get to the university as they have no car.

60.   Edna doesn’t like cooking. She is looking for accommodation that is reasonably convenient to both the university where she is studying and the downtown where she works.

人物                                            住宿

56. Sarah                                   A. Banbury House

57. John                                    B. Three Seasons

58. Billy                                     C. First Stop

59. Melinda                                D. Sturtin Hotel

60. Edna                                    E. Downtown Digs    

F. Hilton Hostel

