
What an exciting day it was for Jennifer and Valerie! They 26  friends since Grade Three and had  27 many of their high school experiences. Now they were driving together to their final high school event. Today was 28 day at Laman High School.  29 they were close friends, they were different in many ways. Jennifer was a fairly 30  student while Valerie did just enough to get by and was mainly 31  in a good social life.

"Isn't it 32  that we're all finished?" said Valerie. "I'm really looking forward to having a 33  time this summer."

"  34  be nice," Jennifer replied. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to work most of the summer to help pay for my college expenses. "

Jennifer's parents had only a small 35  and she had made up her mind to have a career in which he could 36  all the things her 37  could not.

Valerie,  38  , came firm a fairly wealthy family. She had little desire to work hard for  39  she had always taken for granted.

"I really don't want to go to college for a while," she 40  . "My uncle 41 a restaurant in the Bahamas and he has 42  me to spend a year there 43  a waitress. That should give me plenty of 44  for the beach. "

"It seems 45  will really be going different ways now," thought Jennifer.

1.A.has been       B. were C. had been            D. would be

2.A.learned       B. obtained  C. remembered      D. shared

3.A.exam        B. sports     C. graduatioD. working

4.A.If         B. Because     C. Although    D. When

5.A.diligent          B. polite   C. active        D. favorite

6.A.specialized        B. relievedC. envied   D. interested

7.A.certain          B. great     C. unfortunate        D. annoying

8.A.nice        B. high         C. bad        D. happy

9.A.Can        B. Shall     C. Must        D. Need

10.A.income      B. problem     C. family       D. difference

11.A .afford         B. give      C. support          D. send

12.A .teachers     B. parents    C. friends      D. relatives fact   B. in a way  C. as a result        D.on the contrary

14.A.what            B. whom      C. that        D. these

15.A.admitted B. complain     C. proposed      D. screamed

16.A.opens    B. runs      C. works            D. makes

17.A.helped  B. assured     C. invited          D. promised

18.A.on        B. do       C. like             D. as

19.A.peace      B. work      C. energy            D. time

20.A.I        B. we       C. she             D. they




Everybody knows Charlie Chaplin,a world-famous funny actor.People 21have laughed at Charlie Chaplin’s films 22 tears run down their faces.From his very first 23 they know what will happen. The little man is always with black moustache,wide-open eyes,round black hat and ___24 too large for his feet.He’ll?25 ?through snow,and fall from windows.He’ll fight men who are twice his 26 ,fall in love with women,who 27 notice him and try to hug(拥抱)them.

The poor man that Charlie Chaplin 28 in dozens of films makes all kinds of stupid mistakes.He is always in 29 ,but he never 30 .He dreams of becoming a great man.Even people who 31 understand English can 32 Chaplin’s films,because they are mostly? 33___.It isn’t what he 34 that makes people laugh.His comedy(喜剧)doesn’t depend on words.It depends on little? 35 ?which mean the 36 thing to people all over the world.

Chaplin raises his thick eyebrows or rolls his eyes.He hides behind a fat lady or under a table to escape from his 37 .He dresses well and pretends to be a 38 and important man. It is all so hopeless and 39 that he makes us laugh.This is the 40 of Chaplin’s huge success.                       B.everywhere?     C.abroad                         D.who?

22.A.if                     B.once?          C.because                         D.until?

23.A.disappearance        B.appearance?     C.words                           D.emotions?

24.A.trousers                B.stocks?                            D.hands?

25.A.sleep                    B.sit?                               D.struggle?

26.A.length                  B.size?           C.greatness                      D.width ?

27.A.hardly                  B.deeply?         C.widely                         D.luckily

28.A.played                  B.recognized?     C.loved                               D.fooled?                       B.excitement?     C.sorrow                          D.trouble?

30.A.comes down          B.gets away?      C.goes back               up?

31.A.don’t                    B.can?                                 D.may?

32.A.understand           C.enjoy                                   D.see?

33.A.frightening           B.silent?          C.pleasant                       D.moving?

34.A.plays                    B.acts      ?    C.expects                         D.says?

35.A.actions                 B.expressions ?  C.stories                          D.words?

36.A.some                    B.different?    C.same                                D.bitter?

37.A.enimies                B.own?        C.characters                         D.films?

38.A.poor                     B.sad                                    D.beautiful?

39.A.possible                B.impossible ?   C.instructive                        D.tired?

40.A.way                            B.beginning?   C.theory                              D.secret?



I believe that families are not only blood relatives, but sometimes people who show up and love you when no one else will.

In May 1977, I was living in a Howard Johnson’s motel off Interstate 10 in Houston. My dad and I 21 a room with two double beds and a bathroom which was too 22 for a 15-year-old girl and her father. Dad’s second marriage was  23 and my stepmother had  24 us both out of the house the previous week. Dad had no  25_ what to do with me. And that’s when my other family  26 .

Barbara and Roland Beach took me into their home  27  their only daughter, Su, my best friend, asked them to. I  28 with them for the next seven years.

Barb washed my skirts the same as Su’s. She  29 I had lunch money, doctors’ appointments, help with homework and nightly hugs. Barbara and Roland attended every football game where Su and I were being cheerleaders. 30 I could tell, for the Beaches there was no 31 between Su and me; I was their daughter, too.

When Su and I 32 college they kept my room the same for the entire four years I attended school. Recently, Barb presented me with an insurance policy they bought when I first moved in with them and had continued to pay on for 23 years.

The Beaches knew 33 about me when they took me in – they had heard the whole story from Su. When I was seven, my mother died and from then on my father relied on other people to _34 his kids. Before I went to live with the Beaches I had believed that life was entirely  35__ and that love was shaky and untrustworthy. I had believed that the only person who would take care of me was me.

36 the Beaches, I would have become a bitter, cynical (愤世嫉俗的) woman. They gave me a(n) 37 that allowed me to grow and change. They kept me from being paralyzed(使瘫痪 ,使麻痹 ,使无能力)by my _38  , and they gave me the confidence to open my heart.

I  39 family. For me, it wasn’t the family that was there on the day I was  40  , but the one that was there for me when I was living in a Howard Johnson’s on Interstate 10.

16.A. lived   B. shared    C. possessed     D. bought

17.A. cheap   B. noisy    C. small       D. limited

18.A. in trouble B. in sight    C. in place   D. in parts

19.A. struck     B. removed  C. kicked    D. knocked

20.A. plan     B. choice     C. chance    D. idea

21.A. looked after  B. showed up   C. turned over    D. came cross

22.A. so      B. because    C. until      D. while

23.A. worked    B. traveled    C. lived      D. learned

24.A. worked out   B. called up   C. watched out    D. made sure

25.A. As long as B. As far as   C. As soon as     D. As many as

26.A. change    B. problem   C. conflict     D. difference

27.A. set off      B. left for     C. entered into        D. admitted into

28.A. all    B. little   C. something D. nothing

29.A. supply B. teach C. encourage D. raise

30.A. different   B. unfair     C. easy       D. hopeful

31.A. Thanks to B. In spite of C. Except for     D. But for

32.A. home     B. house     C. ability       D. lesson

33.A. choice    B. failure     C. past       D. present

34.A. doubt about    B. call on    C. center on   D. believe in

35.A. born B. accepted   C. educated   D. deserted


Word came that the government must control the spread of this disease.

“Our job,”said the 26 officer,“is to spray the wall of every house in every town and village in the malaria parts of Mexico.You may be 27 to learn that there are about ninety-nine thousand 28 villages and towns.Some are big places like the capital city, 29 are single houses deep in the forest or upon the mountaintops.The men working with our program say that most of these people 30 within districts which are 31 enough for the mala ria-carrying mosquitoes to live in and spread the disease.That 32 that we must plan to spray the bricks of 33 three million houses once or twice a year for five years.”

“We have 34 everything very carefully,”said the officer 35 .“Our advance guards have drawn 36 of some forty thousand parts of the country for 37 by the spray teams.Each house in the malaria districts has been given a special 38 so that we can work in order.The United States has given us cars and trucks to carry the spray teams and their 39 .”

“The malaria program has been 40 with the people in this country.Everyone wants to 41 .The Defense Department is helping us plan the 42 of men and supplies.The Education Department has printed sheets in Spanish to explain 43 malaria is spread.Resistance is a problem.It was in the neighboring country—the United States that such resistance to spray was first 44 .Take the 45 of the housefly and D.D.T. At fist D.D.T. killed them off.Now it won’t hurt a fly.”

“What worries people is the danger that the mosquitoes may become resistant,”said the officer at last.              B.wealth                                    D.medicine

27.A.surprised                     B.excited                      C.doubtful                    D.happy

28.A.united                  B.developing                C.similar                      D.separate

29.A.other                    B.some                         C.the others                  D.the few

30.A.sleep                                     C.stand                         D.sit

31.A.cold                                             C.bright                       D.warm

32.A.saves                    B.expresses                   C.means             

33.A.nearly                  B.mostly                      C.finally                       D.only                            B.learnt                        C.written                      D.studied

35.A.mentioned            B.remembered                     C.started                       D.continued                B.places                       C.maps                         D.bus-lines                    B.use                           C.share                                   B.sign                          C.number                            D.attention                    B.clothes                      C.families                     D.guns

40.A.familiar                B.friendly                     C.strict                         D.popular                                     C.stop                

42.A.movement            B.program                    C.action             

43.A.why                                            C.what                         D.that

44.A.proved                 B.killed                        C.thought                            D.discussed

45.A.event                    B.matter                       C.fact                 


For most of the day construction worker Sidney Smith and his brother – in – law Joseph Chambers had been   21  along the banks of Lake Waco with little   22 . Chambers suggested they go home, but Smith 33  that there were still several hours of daylight 24  and there was one other place they might try a bit longer before  25 .
Smith drove his pickup(小货车)a couple of miles along the 26 road to get to the other side of the lake. This road, in the truest sense, was a path wagging in the heavy 27 area. Even with the sun still high in the cloudless sky, the 28 of trees formed a leafy 29 over the road and it suddenly seemed  30 in the evening.
“A guy could get lost and nobody would ever find him,” said Chambers.
Smith smiled, “We’re 31 there.” He said. A few seconds later, the smile was  32  from his face.
“What the hell is that?”
  He braked to a stop. Less than twenty feet away was what appeared to be a  33 .
  For several minutes the two men sat in the pickup 34 to decide whether they had happened to 35 someone’s bad practical joke or something far more serious. Smith with his brother-in-law got out of the pickup and  36 walked towards that thing some distance before them.
It was a young man who was already dead. They had got to tell 37 . Back into the pickup, Smith backed the pickup down the road 38 he could turn around, then 39 back. With the dead young man still on his mind, Smith felt as if he was going to be sick. God, how he 40  they had given up fishing and gone home early.

A.playing B.boating    D.walking
A.failure B.success C.disappointmentD.interest
A.quarreledB.argued C.reasoned D.shouted
A.remainingB.staying  C.keeping  D.leaving
A.starting offB.running out C.sending away up
A.windingB.widening C.leading   D.blocking
A.grassedB.woodedC.iced    D.snowed
A.trunksB.shadow  C.shade    D.shape
A.hatB.umbrella C.sheet   D.overcoat
A.foggyB.late  C.early  D.rainy
A.almostB.already  C.only   D.fairly
A.escapedB.lostC.gone   D.missed
A.talkingB.hopingC.wanting  D.trying
A.come acrossB.turn out  C.bring about D.make up
A.loudlyB.quietly  C.quickly   D.slowly
A.untilB.before   C.after   D.when
A.turnedB.ranC.headed   D.walked
A.expectedB.hopedC.wished   D.prayed

