对话填空 M:Hello. International Friends Club. Can I help you? W:Oh, hello. I (1) r about your club in the paper today and I thought 1. I’d phone to find (2) o a bit more. 2. M:Yes, certainly, well we’re a sort of social club for people from (3)d countries. It’s quite a new club-we have about 50 members 3. at the moment, but we’re growing all the time. We have social get-togethers, and sports (4) e , and we also have language 4. evenings every day (5)e Thursday. People can come 5. and (6) p their languages-you know, over a drink or something. 6. We have different languages on different evenings. Monday---Spanish; Tuesday-Italian; (7) W - German; and Friday-French. On Thursday 7. we usually have a meal in a (8) r for anyone who wants to come. 8. W:Well, that (9) s great. I really need to practise my French. 9. M:OK. Well, if you can just give me your name and (10) a , 10. I’ll send you the form and some information. 第二节 书面表达 周笔畅宣布退出“超女 演唱会巡演.重返校园.有些学生认为她应该回校读书.有些学生则不以为然.如果你是她.你会选择退出还是留下?请根据以下表格的内容.以Wise Choice为题.为杂志写一篇120字左右的英语短文. 看 法 理 由 应该回校读书 1.演出花费太多的时间和精力 2.不能集中精力学习 3.对未来自身的发展不利 应该参加演出 1.演出提供了一个展示才华的舞台 2.丰富演出经验.有利于将来的音乐生涯 3.不应使歌迷们失望 你的观点 请自由发挥 注意: 1.行文应连贯.内容应完整,2.题目和开头语已经给出,3.词数120左右. Wise Choice After the singing competition "Super Girls' Voice", Zhou Bichang declared that she would quit the "Super Girls" tour and would go back to school studying. Some students think her choice is wise... 查看更多




M:Hello! How are you today? I heard you were not y  1   last week.

W:I’m m  2   better now thank you!

M:What was the matter? N  3   serious I hope

W:Oh! No, I had a bad cold and had to stay in bed for two days.

M:I hope it was the last cold of winter and not the first cold of summer.What about your friend Ann? I heard she was ill too.

W:She was ill but now she’s all right.I think she c  4   a cold.

M:Everybody seems to have one now.I guess it’s because of the sudden c  5   of weather, one day hot and the next day cold.

W:And very windy too.That’s why I’m wearing a s  6   today.What do you think of?

M:It certainly looks w  7  .It must have cost a lot.Where did you buy it?

W:Oh! I got it at a sale.It was quite cheap.

M:Really! Well, Mary, I must say it s  8   you well.What a p  9  ! I can’t get one for my wife.

W:Why not? Maybe I can help you find one for your wife some day.

M:Thanks a lot.I’m really thinking of s  10   her a present.



W: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Johnson, please?

M: Speaking. Who’s calling, may I speak?

W: This is the Town Job Center. We have r___76___ your email and we are quite interested in you.

M: Can you tell me more about it? What kind of job? Where?

W: Well, a college wants to find some laboratory a___77___. It’s a kind of job you would like to do, a___78__ we can see from your email.

M: Yes, I did put that in my email.

W: Yeah. They also want a person who knows how to o___79_____ the computer. So we think you are just the r___80___ kind of person for the job.

M: What about the pay and the work time?

W: I am c___81____ to that. The pay that they have o___82___ is satisfactory, but the work time is a little c___83___: sometimes early in the morning or sometimes late in the afternoon.

M: Well, I am interested in it, but I need more d___84___ about the work time so that I can talk over with my wife.

W: W___85___ don’t you come over here tomorrow?

M: Ok, I’ll do that. See you tomorrow then. Bye!




Doctor:Hello, what seems to be the(1)p________?

Patient:Well, I’m not(2)f________ very well at the moment.

I’m(3)p________ for exams and I’ve been staying up late at night studying.This morning I got up very early to do some more work, and I(4)f________ onto the floor.I came to myself after a few seconds.

Doctor:Mm, Have you got any(5)o________ troubles?

Patient:I’ve been(6)p________ nervous and my eyes hurt sometimes.

Doctor:Well, it(7)s________ as if you’ve probably been overdoing your study and You’re too tired.I don’t think there’s(8)a________ to worry about, but I think, you should take it(9)e________ for a while and try to get plenty of sleep.

Patient:Yes, I haven’t been getting much sleep(10)l________



W: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Johnson, please?

M: Speaking. Who’s calling, may I speak?

W: This is the Town Job Center. We have r___76___ your email and we are quite interested in you.

M: Can you tell me more about it? What kind of job? Where?

W: Well, a college wants to find some laboratory a___77___. It’s a kind of job you would like to do, a___78__ we can see from your email.

M: Yes, I did put that in my email.

W: Yeah. They also want a person who knows how to o___79_____ the computer. So we think you are just the r___80___ kind of person for the job.

M: What about the pay and the work time?

W: I am c___81____ to that. The pay that they have o___82___ is satisfactory, but the work time is a little c___83___: sometimes early in the morning or sometimes late in the afternoon.

M: Well, I am interested in it, but I need more d___84___ about the work time so that I can talk over with my wife.

W: W___85___ don’t you come over here tomorrow?

M: Ok, I’ll do that. See you tomorrow then. Bye!



W:Hello, Bob!Long time no see.How are you(1)g________ along with your(2)p________ for the entrance exam?

MWell, I can't tellAnyway, I'm(3)t________ my best

W:So am I.Sometimes I really feel very tired, both(4)p________ and mentally.

MI feel the sameThese days I'm(5)s________ from headaches and general weaknessNot enough time for sleepI don't know what will happen if it(6)g________ on like this for long

W:We have no time for sports, even music, not to(7)m________ films and TV programmes.All we can see is exercises, exam papers and this sort of things.

MBut we'll get more(8)k________ after studying all these yearsIf we do well and go to college, we can take up many jobs and make a(9)c________ to society in the future

W:To realize our dream, we must work hard now.What I expect is that our parents should not put more(10)p________ on us.

ML can't agree more

