109. Michelle digs a hole in the back garden that is 10 centimetres deep, 15 centimetres wide and 6 centimetres long. How much earth is in the hole? 查看更多



First Lady Michelle Obama is a big fan of volunteering. Volunteering means working for free to help someone else. Mrs. Obama says volunteering is very important. “It should be part of everyone’s life, ” she says.

Many teens agree. They say that helping others feels great and makes a difference. These days, more teens volunteer than work for pay. Teens clean up parks, walk dogs at animal shelters , visit the elderly and more.

Some cities ---- including Seatle, Chicago, and Washingtong,D.C. ----require high school students to volunteer. Students must volunteer in order to graduate. The student volunteers learn new skills and help their communities (社区).

Many parents are in favor of the idea ---- they say volunteering helps teens build job skills. But most teens don’t want to be forced to volunteer. They say they are busy. And they say volunteering is only fun if it’s a choice.

Read both sides of the debate (辩论) and decide.


● Volunteering can help teens get into college or get a job.

● Many cities and towns need help. Volunteers can help keep important programs going.

● Not all teens will volunteer if it isn’t required. Schools should repuire students to do all they can to get ready for adult life.


● Most teens are already very busy with classes, homework, jobs and sports. Forcing them to do more isn’t fair.

● It should be up to each person. Helping out doesn’t feel as good if you have to do it.

● Finding a volunteer job isn’t always easy. Students shouldn’t be kept from graduating because of something they can’t control.

1.The writer mentions Michelle Obama in order to        ,

A.introduce the topic of the text

B.explain what volunteering is

C.tell what she does for the US

D.show she enjoys volunteering

2.According to the text, in Chicago,          .

A.finding a volunteer job is quite easy

B.more people would rather work for pay

C.volunteering is a must for high school students

D.college students have to volunteer before graduation

3.The underlined part “are in favor of “ in the text means”        .

A.drop             B.develop           C.catch             D.like

4.Which question does the text mainly discuss?

A.Is volunteering good for students?

B.What is the best time to volunteer?

C.Should students be required to volunteer?

D.Which volunteer jobs should students do?



Change Has Come to America

November, 04, 2008, Barack Obama

Hello, Chicago.

If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.

It's the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen.

A little bit earlier this evening, I received an extraordinarily gracious call from Sen. McCain. Sen. McCain fought long and hard in this campaign. And he's fought even longer and harder for the country that he loves. He has endured sacrifices for America that most of us cannot begin to imagine. We are better off for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader.

I congratulate him; I congratulate Gov. Palin for all that they've achieved. And I look forward to working with them to renew this nation's promise in the months ahead.

I want to thank my partner in this journey, a man who campaigned from his heart, and spoke for the men and women he grew up with on the streets of Scranton and rode with on the train home to Delaware, the vice president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden.

And I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last 16 years the rock of our family, the love of my life, the nation's next first lady Michelle Obama.

Sasha and Malia I love you both more than you can imagine. And you have earned the new puppy that's coming with us to the new White House.

To my sister Maya, my sister Alma, all my other brothers and sisters, thank you so much for all the support that you've given me. I am grateful to them.

And to my campaign manager, David Plouffe, the unsung hero of this campaign, who built the best -- the best political campaign, I think, in the history of the United States of America.

To my chief strategist David Axelrod who's been a partner with me every step of the way.

To the best campaign team ever assembled in the history of politics you made this happen, and I am forever grateful for what you've sacrificed to get it done.

But above all, I will never forget who this victory truly belongs to. It belongs to you. It belongs to you.

1. Why did Sen. McCain make a phone call to the writer?

A.To inform the writer of something important.

B.To share his happiness with the writer.

C.To congratulate the writer on his success.

D.To give him some good ideas on making a successful speech..

2.  If Sen. McCain won the election, What would Palin do?

A.She would be a governor.

B.She would be the vice president-elect of the United States.

C.She would be the nation's next first lady.

D.She would be the campaign manager of Sen. McCain’s.

3. How many people did the writer thank in his speech?

A.5                B.6                C.7                D.8

4. What did the writer imply by saying “I will never forget who this victory truly belongs to?”

A.He is a failure rather than a success.

B.He still doesn’t know who this victory truly belongs to.

C.He thinks highly of his supporters.

D.He considers his success as people’s victory.



Throughout this long, tense election, everyone has focused on the presidential candidates and how they’ll change America. Rightly so, but selfishly, I’m more fascinated by Michelle Obama and what she might be able to do, not just for this country, but for me as an African-American woman. As the potential First Lady, she would have the world’s attention. And that means that for the first time people will have a chance to get up close and personal with the type of African-American woman they so rarely see.

  Usually, the lives of black women go largely unexamined. The prevailing theory seems to be that we’re all hot-tempered single mothers who can’t keep a man. Even in the world of make-believe, black women still can’t escape the stereotype of being eye-rolling, oversexed females raised by our never-married, alcoholic (酗酒的) mothers.

  These images have helped define the way all women are viewed, including Michelle Obama. Before she ever gets the chance to commit to a cause, charity or foundation as First Lady, her most urgent and perhaps most complicated duty may be simple to be herself.

  It won’t be easy. Because few mainstream publications have done in-depth features on regular African-American women, little is known about who we are, what we think and what we face on a regular basis. For better or worse, Michelle will represent us all.

  Just as she will have her critics, she will also have millions of fans who usually have little interest in the First Lady. Many African-American blogs have written about what they’d like to see Michelle bring to the White House—mainly showing the world that a black woman can support her man and raise a strong black family. Michelle will have to work to please everyone—an impossible task. But for many African-American women like me, just a little of her poise (沉着), confidence and intelligence will go a long way in changing an image that’s been around for far too long.

1.Why does Michelle Obama hold a strong fascination for the author?

A.She serves as a role model for African women.

B.She possesses many admirable qualities becoming a First Lady.

C.She will present to the world a new image of African-American women.

D.She will pay closer attention to the interests of African-American women.

2.What is the common stereotype of African-American women according to the author?

A.They are victims of violence.

B.They are of an inferior violence.

C.They use quite a lot of body language.

D.They live on charity and social welfare.

3.What do many African-Americans write about in their blogs?

A.Whether Michelle can live up to the high expectations of her fans.

B.How Michelle should behave as a public figure.

C.How proud they are to have a black woman in the White House.

D.What Michelle should do as wife and mother in the White House.

4.What does the author say about Michelle Obama as a First Lady?

A.However many fans she has, she should remain modest,

B.She shouldn’t disappoint the African-American community.

C.However hard she tries, she can’t expect to please everybody.

D.She will give priority to African-American women’s concerns.

5.What do many African-American women hope Michelle Obama will do?

A.Help change the prevailing view about black women.

B.Help her husband in the task of changing America.

C.Outshine previous First Lady.

D.Fully display her fine qualities.




The US government has started a website, Admongo, to help children think critically about the advertising aimed at them. It claims to provide visitors with an “aducation” through games and other entertainment.

A cartoon man dressed in old time pilot clothing greets visitors to Admongo. "Call me Haiz", he says upon arrival in a rocket ship that opens up with a crazy world inside it. Spacey dance music plays in the background as Haiz tells visitors that they need to learn about advertising.

Its inventors say eight to twelve years old is the age kids develop their critical thinking abilities. Kids that age are also a big market for advertisers.

The idea behind Admongo is to teach children three things: To identify the advertiser. To know what the advertiser is really saying. And to know what the advertisement is trying to get the child to do.

Children learn these things through a video game. They create their own game character. They can choose different skin colors, hair styles, eye and mouth shapes. Then they begin a trip through ad-land, where there are ads on buses and billboards. The players have to find all the marketing in the neighborhood before they can move on to the next level.

The Admongo game takes players inside a home, to the advertising studio and everywhere else ads can be found. It is a complete exploration of the world of marketing.

One such area is food marketing. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) says it is a big business. The FTC estimates that food, drink and fast-food restaurants spent more than one and a half billion dollars on advertising to young people in 2009.

The FTC says children are important for three reasons. They buy products. They influence parents and caregivers to buy. And they are the future adult buyers of the products.

A recent study says most advertising aimed at children is for foods of the lowest nutritional value. First Lady Michelle Obama has said she would like to see advertisers marketing healthy foods for children.

1.What is the best title of the text?

A.A website aimed at children’s food         B.The cartoon guide named “Haiz”

C.An “aducation” website for children      D.A popular online video game

2.Why did the government start the website?

A.To advertise the video game for children.     B.To help children know about advertising.

C.To attract the biggest market of buyers.       D.To sell the products of its company.

3.What can players do in the website game?

A.Play video games during the trip.           B.Travel to a supermarket.

C.Eat in a fast-food restaurant.               D.Choose appearance for their character.

4.Children are important for advertising because they are

A.important for the society                  B.the most potential buyers

C.easily influenced by ads                  D.easily affected by poor products

5.According to Michelle Obama, lots of foods advertised for children are ________.

A.of low quality      B.yummy           C.of high nutrition    D.healthy


