A) Read the following poem, and then write about what you think of the poem. Computer by Gwendolyn Brooks A computer is a machine. A machine is interesting. A machine is useful. I can study a computer. I can use it. Who made it? Human beings made it. I am a human being. I am warm. I am wise. I have empathy for animals and people. I conduct a computer. A computer does not conduct me. B) Suppose you are Li Hua, and you have a penfriend living in another country and he / she is curious to know about the major news items in our country. Briefly describe ONE news story that has been on TV, on the radio, or in the newspapers in our country, and explain why people are interested in it. 2005年全国中学生英语能力竞赛高三年级组样题参考答案 笔试部分 I. 31. D 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. D 36. A 37. B 38. C 39. A 40. A 41. D 42. C 43. B 44. A 45. C 46. B 47. A 48. D 49. C 50. B II. 51. A 52. D 53. A 54. B 55. B 56. Computers may take control of the world. 57. People are hesitant to challenge authority of computers. 58. People's basic thinking and reasoning skills. 59. Wrong buttons may be pressed. / A computer may function in a wrong way. 60. complete dependence on computers for decision-making 61. D 62. E 63. C 64. A 65. B 66. To help people learn more about Native Americans. 67. The elders. 68. They are proud of their heritage. 69. Jonathan 70. Justin III. 71. when 72. drive 73. condition 74. having / getting 75. pick 76. spare 77. However 78. that 79. watch 80. found 81. repairs 82. longer 83. waiting 84. apologized 85. could IV. 86. 因为当时我正在为成为一名特殊教育的教师而学习.所以.对这类比赛和参加比赛的人都有着浓厚的兴趣.并且希望能够更多地参与这类活动. 87. 虽然天空下起了小雨.冷风也不停地吹着.但我却没有听到一个人在抱怨. 88. 我的任务是站在跑道的终点线处.等那条跑道上的参赛者跑完全程.穿过终点线的时候.上前去拥抱住他们. 89. 不论在比赛中他们获得的是第一名还是最后一名.只要当拥抱者的双臂紧紧地拥抱着他们的时候.他们的脸上就都会绽放出喜悦的笑容. 90. 我曾经担任我们中学英式足球队的队长两年.自认为是个很投入的运动员.但即使这样.我也没有做到一年到头都在训练. 91. Once you have your own skateboard, you are free to skate anywhere. 92. Being a good listener means much more than just listening with ears. 93. We should map out the whole year in advance. 94. The weather turned out to be so bad, which was more than I would expect. 95. Your father asked me to pass you the message that he would not go back home today. V. My grandfather is used to have a beautiful gold watch. 96. is When I was small, he promised to lend it to me in his will. 97. leave “When I was gone, he said, “this is going to be yours. 98. am Unluckily that will never happen. About three months before, 99. ago my grandfather came up to London∧visit us. The first 100. to Sunday morning after he arrived, my youngest son said he wanted to go to the park. 101. √ “We'll do better than that, said to my grandfather. 102. to “We'll go and feed the pigeon in Trafalgar Square. 103. pigeons But off they went. When they came back, my 104. And Grandfather looked very anxiously. “My watch, he 105. anxious said, “It's gone. Someone must have stolen it while we were feeding pigeons. VI. 106. 根据前两个图得出如下规律: A=D, A+C=B, B+C=E 107. 108. W(圆形.正方形.梯形和三角形中的字母拼起来是spring, autumn, winter, summer.) 109. None 110. 50 metres VII. A) One possible version: This is a poem about the computer with easy and simple words. Brooks, the writer, tells us in the poem how humans and computers are different. A computer has a great effect on the way people live. It makes people's life easy and convenient. For example, I use the computer to get the information I need and communicate with my friends by sending emails or chatting on line. A computer is really a “useful and “interesting machine . However, the computer was made by human beings, who are “warm and “wise , and who have “empathy for animals and people . No matter how useful and powerful a computer is, it is operated and controlled by human beings. So humans are great and clever! B) One possible version: Dear Joy, Thank you for your letter. You asked me to tell you what is in the news here. I think probably the most interesting story at the moment is the battle over our water supply. This is a very dry area in our country, and water is always a problem. Back in the early 60's, the Snowy Mountains Scheme turned a river around so that it flowed back inland rather than out into the sea. Since then we have had several major irrigation projects, and for a long time the irrigated farms did very well. However, we now have major disputes as to which farms should get the most water. Farmers at the end of the irrigation systems claim that they are not getting their fair share. I think people find this interesting because we all need water to live. We also know that if the farmers don't get water we will have far less to eat ourselves and less food to export. Take care, and write to me soon. Best wishes from your penfriend, Li Hua 查看更多






W:I think it is going to rain.

M:Going to rain?The ground is already wet!

1.What does the man mean?

A.It won’t rain.

B.It is raining.

C.It’s going to rain.

W:What happens in the first part of the film?

M:To tell the truth, I don’t exactly remember because it almost put me to sleep.

2.What does the man think of the film?




M:I’d like to have this film developed.

W:Just write down your name and address here please.

M:Oh…, it’s for a friend.I don’t know his address.I guess I’ll have to make a phone call and come back later.

3.What will the man do when he comes back?

A.He will make a telephone call.

B.He will write down his friend’s address.

C.He will get his photos back.

M:Hi, Jane.Long time no see!

W:Hi, George.How are you doing?

M:Not so well.I’ve been working overtime a lot.Besides, I go to night classes, and I’m on my way to school now.

W:That’s terrible!Why don’t you take it easy for a while?

4.What does George need most of all?

A.Having a rest.

B.Going to school.

C.Keeping on working.

W:Tickets, please.

M:We want to catch the eighteen to London.

W:You’ve just missed it!

M:Goodness me!What should we do then?

W:You can come in the afternoon and catch the three sixteen.

5.Where does this dialogue take place?

A.At the cinema.

B.At the police station.

C.At the railway station.




M:I’d like to book a ticket to Los Angeles for next Monday.

W:Just a second.

M:I’ll need a ticket with an open return.

W:TWA has a flight leaving at 9:25.

M:I guess that’s OK.What time should I check in?

W:You have to be there half an hour before it leaves.

6.What does the man want to do?

A.Buy a ticket.

B.Book a ticket.

C.Book a room.

7.When will the man go to Los Angeles?

A.Next Monday.

B.This Monday.

C.Not settled.

8.When should the man check in?





W:Having visited so many different countries you must be able to speak several different languages.

M:I wish I could, but French and English are the only ones that I have ever learned to speak.

W:Have you ever tried Chinese?

M:Yes, but I gave up halfway.The Chinese characters are too difficult to practise.

W:How about Japanese?

M:I attended class for two or three months, but the more I learned, the more difficult the grammar became.

W:Do you like travelling?

M:No, I don’t, but I have to.I work in the sales department.

W:If only all the countries used the same language, then I would be able to work in different countries.

M:But to tell you the truth, I hope not.As a matter of fact, I am quite interested in language learning.

9.How many languages can the man speak?




10.What’s the man’s job?

A.A doctor.

B.A businessman.

C.A teacher.

11.What does the woman wish?

A.She wishes she could speak French.

B.She wishes she could speak Japanese.

C.She wishes there were just one language in the world.


W:Have you been chased by a dog?

M:No, I haven’t.But by a bull.


M:Yes, a couple of years ago.When I was walking in the country, the field was full of bulls.And I was wearing a bright red coat.They suddenly jumped up and down and started chasing me.

W:What happened then?

M:I just ran for the nearest fence and jumped over it.

W:You’re lucky.But I know a man who was bitten by a dog while he was jogging.

M:How did that happen?

W:He was running past a farm when a sheepdog started barking at him.He tried to kick it out of the way.But the dog jumped up and bit him in the leg.

12.When was the man chased by bulls?

A.A couple of years ago.

B.A couple of months ago.

C.A couple of weeks ago.

13.What was the man doing when he was chased by a dog?

A.He was walking.

B.He was working.

C.He was running.

14.Why did the bulls chase the man?

A.He was wearing a red coat.

B.He ran past a farm.

C.He walked in the country.


M:Have you ever eaten here before?

W:Only in the evenings.I didn’t know until now that they served breakfast too.

M:That’s what the Carolina Coffee Shop is famous for.People have been coming here for over 60 years for breakfast before going to the university football and basketball games.It’s a tradition.

W:Oh, what’s good here?

M:The best is their French toast.They take some pieces of French bread and dip them in eggs.Then they bake them.It’s delicious.

W:I think I’ll try it.

M:OK.Since this is your first visit to the Carolina Coffee Shop in the morning, I’ll buy you breakfast.


15.What time of day is the conversation taking place?

A.In the morning.

B.In the afternoon.

C.In the evening.

16.What does the man suggest the woman have?

A.French bread.

B.French toast.

C.French eggs.

17.Who will pay the breakfast?

A.The man.

B.The woman.

C.It will be free.


“We are not training future poets.”said a school’s headmaster.“We just hope the class makes students more creative.”The class has 56 poem-loving students in it.They get half a day’s teaching every week from Zhu Tiewu, a poet from the Shanghai City Poets Group.Zhu has a three-term teaching plan for the class.He will ask them to study many poems in the first two terms.They will only get to write poems in the final term.Students will study both old and new poems.These will come from both China and foreign countries.But are students interested in poems today?Yes.According to a study of 90 students at the school, about half of them read poems and about a third want to be poets.They are learning about poems not because they want to be poets, but because poems teach them a lot about life.

18.What’s the purpose of teaching poems to students in this school?

A.To train them into future poets.

B.To make the class more lively.

C.To make the students more creative.

19.What’s Mr.Zhu’s three-term teaching plan for the class?

A.He will ask them to study poems in the first two terms and then get to write.

B.He will ask them to study Chinese poems for two terms and then to study foreign poems.

C.He will ask them to study poems in the first term and then write in the following terms.

20.How many students in this school want to be poets?

A.About 1/2.

B.About 1/3.

C.About 1/4.

