–Lucy had a party celebrating her promotion. Did you attend it? --No, I . Was it a big party? A. was not invited B. have not been invited C. hadn’t been invited D. didn’t invite 查看更多





L =" Lucy  " J = Jim

L : Oh, I’ve just had a (76) t        day today.                                 76.     

J : What (77) h         ?                                                                                       77.     

L : Well, I overslept in the morning. I didn’t hear the                         

(78) a        clock.                                                                 78.     

J : Oh, everyone does that once in a (79) w                                  79.     

L : I was late for class, so I drove a little (80) f       . Guess who saw me?


J : A policeman? You got a ticket?

L : Yeah. He didn’t care that I was late. Anyway, I got to class,

(81) b        I had brought the wrong book. The teacher wasn’t 81.     

(82) h         .                                                                      82.     

J : That’s really had.

L : What’s (83) w        , I have a paper due tomorrow. It’s on a      83.     

Hard drive (硬盘). I went to the computer lab and I couldn’t

(84) f          my file. I forgot to save the information.           84.     

J : Oh, not!

L : And now I need to go home. And you know (85) w       ?          85.     

My car keys are missing.



One day, Mr. Arnold was teaching a lesson, and things were going as normally as ever. He was explaining the story of mankind to his pupils. He told them that, in the beginning, men were nomads; they never stayed in the same place for very long. Instead, they would travel about, here and there, in search of food, wherever it was to be found. And when the food ran out, they would move off somewhere else.
He taught them about the invention of farming and keeping animals. This was an important discovery, because by learning to cultivate(耕作)the land, and care for animals, mankind would always have food steadily available. It also meant that people could remain living in one place, and this made it easier to set about tasks that would take a long while to complete, like building towns, cities, and all that were in them. All the children were listening attracted by this story, until Lucy jumped up:
“And if that was so important and improved everything so much, why are we nomads all over again, Mr. Arnold?”
Mr. Arnold didn’t know what to say. Lucy was a very intelligent girl. He knew that she lived with her parents in a house, so she must know that her family were not nomads; so what did she mean?
“We have all become nomads again,” continued Lucy, “The other day, outside the city, they were cutting the forest down. A while ago a fisherman told me how they fish. It’s the same with everyone: when there’s no more forest left the foresters go elsewhere, and when the fish run out the fishermen move on. That’s what the nomads did, isn’t it ?
The teacher nodded, thoughtfully. Really, Lucy was right Mankind had turned into nomads. Instead of looking after the land in a way that we could be sure it would keep supplying our needs, we kept developing it until the land was bare. And then off we would go to the next place! The class spent the rest of the afternoon talking about what they could do to show how to be more civilized.
The next day everyone attended class wearing a green T-shirt, with a message that said “I am not a nomad!
And , from then on, they set about showing that indeed they were not. Every time they knew they needed something, they made sure that they would get it using care and control. If they needed wood or paper, they would make sure that they got the recycled kind. They ordered their fish from fish farms, making sure that the fish they received were not too young and too small. They only used animals that were well cared for, and brought up on farms.
And so, from their little town, those children managed to give up being nomads again, just as prehistoric men had done, so many thousands of years ago.
【小题1】From Paragraph 2, we can know that______ .

A.people got tired of living in the same place
B.people gradually got used to living in cities
C.people tended to settle down after learning farming
D.people spent a long time in learning to keep animals
【小题2】In the teacher’s opinion, Lucy’s argument was______
【小题3】Which of the following agrees with the message “I am not a nomad” (Paragraph 7)?
A.People eat young fish for its delicious taste.
B.Foresters leave the place where wood is not available.
C.Fishermen move elsewhere when there is no fish left.
D.People use recycled materials as much as possible.
【小题4】The writer tries to make us believe that ______.
A.mankind has been progressing mainly through traveling about
B.it’s unwise for mankind to use the land in an uncontrolled way
C.it’s quite good for students to learn more about the history of mankind
D.in the beginning men were nomads.


One year, my school report made my parents angry. On Christmas Eve, all the presents were stolen, along with our TV. My parents told me that there were no presents because Santa was very angry with my behavior over the past year. The next year on Christmas Eve I slept downstairs with a plastic sword waiting for Santa to make sure that he didn't steal the new TV. The next morning, when I woke up, I saw Santa standing there. As soon as I saw that there were no presents, I grabbed my plastic sword and ran at him, shouting angrily: "THIEF! THIEF!"


When I was young, we always had a specific room for the Christmas tree. My mom never really liked the location, so one year she moved the tree into another room. I was convinced that Santa would not know where the tree was and would get lost in our house. I was worried that he would be mad and put me on the "bad" list and would not give me any gifts because he couldn't find the tree. I came up with the idea to make signs leading from the fireplace to the tree. They said things like: "Tree this way" or "Santa, put the gifts over here." When my big brother saw them he began to laugh his head off.


Does everyone remember going to the mall and sitting on Santa’s lap to have his picture taken at Christmas time?

Well, I used to think that if I did that, Santa would get mad bcause he would have to go all around the world and give every kid the chance to have his picture taken with him. Of course his lap would hurt and he would be very fired. I thought he might keep a copy of the picture and that would be how he decided who would be on his naughty list.

My mom couldn't get me onto Santa's lap until she made him promise I wouldn't end up on his naughty list.


1.The real reason why Jack's TV was taken away is that ______________.

A.his parents were too careless

B.his parents thought he had watched too much TV

C.Santa Claus was not satisfied with Jack’s behavior

D.Santa gave the TV to another child as a present

2.Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons why Lucy didn't want the tree to be moved?

A.Santa would not know where the tree was.

B.Santa would be angry and would not give her any gifts.

C.Her big brother might laugh at her.

D.Santa might think she was a "bad" child.

3.We can learn from the third story that _______________.

A.Lydia’s mother was very Strict with her

B.Lydia believed in Santa when she was young

C.Lydia was naughty when she was young

D.Lydia liked taking pictures with Santa

4.Why didn't Lydia want to take pictures with Santa?

A.She was afraid that Santa would get mad with her.

B.She was afraid that Santa would get too tired and hurt himself.

C.She disliked the idea that Santa would keep a copy of her picture.

D.She feared that she would appear in the Santa's naughty list.



Mr. Peter Johnson, aged twenty-three, battled for half an hour to escape from his trapped car yesterday when it landed upside down in three feet of water. Mr. Johnson took the only escape route—through the boot(行李箱).

Mr. Johnson’s car had finished up in a ditch(沟渠) at Romney Marsin, Kent after skidding on ice and hitting a bank. “Fortunately, the water began to come in only slowly,” Mr. Johnson said. “I couldn’t force the doors because they were jammed against the walls of the ditch and dared not open the windows because I knew water would come flooding in.”

Mr. Johnson, a sweet salesman of Sitting Home, Kent, first tried to attract the attention of other motorists by sounding the horn and hammering on the roof and boot. Then he began his struggle to escape.

Later he said, “It was really a half penny that saved my life. It was the only coin I had in my pocket and I used it to unscrew the back seat to get into the boot. I hammered desperately with a hammer trying to make someone hear, but no help came.”

It took ten minutes to unscrew the seat, and a further five minutes to clear the sweet samples from the boot. Then Mr. Johnson found a wrench and began to work on the boot lock. Fifteen minutes passed by. “It was the only chance I had. Finally it gave, but as soon as I moved the boot lid, the water and mud poured in. I forced the lid down into the mud and scrambled clear as the car filled up.”

 His hands and arms cut and bruised(擦伤), Mr. Johnson got to Beckett Farm nearby, where he was looked after by the farmer’s wife, Mrs. Lucy Bates. Huddled in a blanket, he said, “That thirty minutes seemed like hours.” Only the tips of the car wheels were visible, police said last night. The vehicle had sunk into two feet of mud at the bottom of the ditch.

What is the best title for this newspaper article?

A. The Story of Mr. Johnson, A Sweet Salesman

B. Car Boot Can Serve As The Best Escape Route

C. Driver Escapes Through Car Boot

D. The Driver Survived A Terrible Car Accident

Which of the following objects is the most important to Mr. Johnson?

A. The hammer.                   B. The coin.

C. The screw.                             D. The horn.

Which statement is true according to the passage?

A. Mr. Johnson’s car stood on its boot as it fell down.

B. Mr. Johnson could not escape from the door because it was full of sweet jam.

C. Mr. Johnson’s car accident was partly due to the slippery road.

D. Mr. Johnson struggled in the pouring mud as he unscrewed the back seat.

“Finally it gave” (Paragraph 5) means that _______. 

A. Luckily the door was torn away in the end

B. At last the wrench went broken

C. The lock came open after all his efforts

D. The chance was lost at the last minute

It may be inferred from the passage that _______. 

A. the ditch was along a quiet country road

B. the accident happened on a clear warm day

C. the police helped Mr. Johnson get out of the ditch

D. Mr. Johnson had a tender wife and was well attended


My wife and I bought a secondhand car for our tour. During our two months on the road, Lucy and I had a really  36   experience with a good, honest garage and some helpful  37 .

We were driving west on Highway 101 when our "check engine" light came on. We limped of (拐入) a (n )  38   into Las Cruces. We had a real car  39  . Lucy pulled the car into a local garage. By this time the car was  40   so badly that it was shaking all over. This was the  41  _ time to arrive at a garage--late Friday afternoon. Service adviser Olivia was busy  42   paper work and customers as we explained our problems.   43   there were already “ten cars behind”,  he told us to  44    the car into the garage.

    Evelyn, who we later  45   was one of the top motor technicians, took  46   of our car repairing. He and Olivia and some other repairmen stayed several hours after closing,  47_      the car.

Early the next morning (the shop was  48   closed on Saturdays) , Evelyn finally located the problem and fixed it easily within only  49  .

Later Olivia pointed out to us that it was our  50   that helped. " You didn't come into the place demanding this or that. You showed an  51  of our problems on a busy Friday afternoon. Customer's attitude  52   a lot.  He was right in some way, customers should show politeness and understanding to people who  53    them. Even if people were extremely busy, they found way to  54   try and help when they are met with politeness.

The pleasant experience I had shows that  55   for other people can always help.

A. bad

B. pleasant

C. wonderful

D. terrible

A. policemen

B. firemen

C. workmen

D. repairmen

A. exit

B. turning

C. crossing

D. entrance

A. difficulty

B. examination

C. trouble

D. disaster

A. destroyed

B. damaged

C. harmed

D. injured

A. highest

B. easiest

C. luckiest

D. worst

A. at

B. on

C. with

D. by

A. As

B. For

C. Even

D. Although

A. pull

B. push

C. make

D. get

A. learned

B. understood

C. recognized

D. thought

A. care

B. control

C. charge

D. pride

A. building

B. examining

C. repairing

D. driving

A. officially

B. completely

C. really

D. mainly

A. days

B. hours

C. months

D. minutes

A. cleverness

B. attitude

C. kindness

D. appreciation

A. understanding


C. appreciation

D. awareness

A. calls

B. tries

C. decides

D. means

A. comfort

B. protect

C. serve

D. rescue

A. at least

B. at last

C. above all

D. at most

A. kindness

B. respect

C. patience

D. mercy

