A. need B. spend C. afford D. manage 查看更多




The life-long benefits of teaching children how to take care of their money make it well worth the effort. Children who are not taught these lessons pay the consequences for a life time. Some parents don’t teach children about money because they think they shouldn’t talk about money with children, don’t have the time, or think they don’t have enough money. Parents should take the time to teach children about money regardless of their income and should start when children are young.

       Most people have strong feelings and opinions about money, based on childhood experiences and the values and beliefs of their families. Most often, these experiences, values, and beliefs are different for each parent. Parents should talk about these feelings and opinions and establish an unchanging approach(方式) to teaching children about money. This is important for the healthy development of children.

       Here are some tips that parents can keep in mind as they begin teaching their children to manage money:

       ★ Guide and advise your children how to spend their money, rather than tell them what they can and cannot do.

       ★ Encourage and praise children rather than criticize their actions.

       ★ Allow children to learn by mistakes and by successes.

       ★ Be consistent(前后一致的) while taking children’s differences into consideration.

       ★ Include all family members in money management discussions, decision making, and activities that are suitable for their age. As children get older include them in discussions of limits and consequences.

       ★ Expect all family members to do some everyday chores based on their abilities without being paid.

       ★ Express your desire to have things you can’t afford. Children need to know that parents say “no” to themselves, too.

64. It is _____ for parents to teach their children about money management in their childhood.

A. easy               B. useless    C. too early            D. beneficial

65. 15-year-old Harry isn’t good at managing his money. His mother is advised to _____.

A. explain to him how to manage his money better

B. pay him more money to deal with his chores

C. praise him for what he has done

D. allow him to buy what he wants

66. When parents discuss how to manage the family finances, they should _____.

A. include their children in the discussion

B. express their desire to have some valuable things

C. pay more attention to their children’s differences

D. try to meet their older children’s needs first


The life-long benefits of teaching children how to take care of their money make it well worth the effort. Children who are not taught these lessons pay the consequences for a life time. Some parents don’t teach children about money because they think they shouldn’t talk about money with children, don’t have the time, or think they don’t have enough money. Parents should take the time to teach children about money regardless of their income and should start when children are young.

Most people have strong feelings and opinions about money, based on childhood experiences and the values and beliefs of their families. Most often, these experiences, values, and beliefs are different for each parent. Parents should talk about these feelings and opinions and establish an unchanging approach(方式) to teaching children about money. This is important for the healthy development of children.

Here are some tips that parents can keep in mind as they begin teaching their children to manage money:

★ Guide and advise your children how to spend their money, rather than tell them what they can and cannot do.

★ Encourage and praise children rather than criticize their actions.

★ Allow children to learn by mistakes and by successes.

★ Be consistent(前后一致的) while taking children’s differences into consideration.

★ Include all family members in money management discussions, decision making, and activities that are suitable for their age. As children get older include them in discussions of limits and consequences.

★ Expect all family members to do some everyday chores based on their abilities without being paid.

★ Express your desire to have things you can’t afford. Children need to know that parents say “no” to themselves, too.

1.It is _____ for parents to teach their children about money management in their childhood.

A.easy             B.useless           C.too early          D.beneficial

2.15-year-old Harry isn’t good at managing his money. His mother is advised to _____.

A.explain to him how to manage his money better

B.pay him more money to deal with his chores

C.praise him for what he has done

D.allow him to buy what he wants

3.When parents discuss how to manage the family finances, they should _____.

A.include their children in the discussion

B.express their desire to have some valuable things

C.pay more attention to their children’s differences

D.try to meet their older children’s needs first



The hotel was in a 31 street and seemed to agree with one who 32 a good sleep after a tiring trip. The woman manager 33 me to my room. When I asked her about dinner, she said it was 34 at six and I had 35 it." 36 , I'm not very hungry." I said in a friendly voice. " I'll just have a 37 and then go to a restaurant."   "What!" she said, raising her eyebrows (眉毛). "This is a respectable (体面的) hotel, young man. If you want, 38 go somewhere else. " She spoke as if a glass of beer were a 39 liquid. I felt my 40 back through the dark streets after dining outside. I knocked loudly on the door but nobody 41 . It was a long time 42 the lady opened the door. "What's going on?" she said 43 ." Guests are to be back by ten. The rule is for everyone."   I went to my room and tried to sleep. The bed was 44 and the sheets and blankets were damp. 45 of all, the whole hotel trembled when the church clock 46 every quarter of an hour. Just before dawn, I finally went to sleep.   "Did you sleep well last night, young man?" asked the old lady the next morning. " 47 speaking, I don't think I could 48 another night here." I replied. "I 49 slept at all." "That's because you were 50 all night drinking!" She said disapprovingly.

1.A. modern B. dark C. crowded  D. quiet

2.A. needed B. took C. slept    D. tried

3.A. called B. showed   C. pointed  D. sent

4.A. eaten  B. prepared C. cooked   D. served

5.A. forgotten  B. taken    C. missed   D. ordered

6.A. Thank you  B. Never mind   C. I'm sorry    D. Too bad 

7.A. sleep      B. cake C. drink    D. rest

8.A. have to    B. must C. rather   D. better

9.A. dangerous  B. ugly C. cruel    D. strange

10.A. direction B. feet C. path D. way

11.A. answered  B. heard    C. opened   D. went

12.A. before    B. when C. after    D. until

13.A. in surprise   B. kindly   C. coldly   D. cruelly

14.A. hard  B. easy C. comfortable  D. difficult

15.A. Above B. Last C. Worst    D. First

16.A. struck    B. broke    C. beat D. hit

17.A. Correctly B. Generally    C. Really   D. Truly

18.A. need  B. spend    C. afford   D. manage

19.A. never B.hardly    C. seldom   D. haven't

20.A. dreaming  B. awake    C. up   D. down



When I was nine , my father was ill.I can remember my mother’s words ___16___ it were yesterday: “Kerrel, Your father has AIDS.Be very ____17___ when you are around him.”

AIDS wasn’t something we talked about in my country when I was growing up.From then on, I knew that this would be a family ___18___.My parents were not together anymore, and Dad lived ___19___.For a while, he____20__ take care of himself.But when I was 12, his condition__21____.My father’s other children lived far away, so it fell to me to look after him.

We couldn’t___22____ all the necessary medication for him, and because Dad was unable to work, I had no money for ___23____ supplies and often couldn’t even buy food for dinner.I would sit in class feeling completely ___24____, the teacher’s words muffled as I tried to figure out how I was going to manage.

I did not share my ___25___ with anyone.I had seen how people ___26___ to AIDS.Kids laughed at classmates who had parents with the disease.And even adults could be ___27__.When my father was __28____to the hospital, the nurses would leave his food on the bedside table even though he was too weak to feed himself.

I had known that he was going to die, but after so many years of __29____ his condition a secret.I was completely __30____when he reached his ___31___ days.__32___  and hopeless, I __33___ a woman at the nonprofit National AIDS Support.That day, she kept me on the phone for hours.I was so __34____to find someone who cared.She saved my life.

I was 15 when my father died.He took his secret away with him, having never spoken about AIDS to___35____, even me.He didn’t want to call  attention to AIDS.I do.

1.                A.as             B.though         C.as if  D.even if


2.                A.dangerous      B.careful         C.calm D.confident


3.                A.difficulty        B.shyness         C.secret    D.weight


4.                A.unhappily       B.lonely          C.separately D.alone


5.                A.could          B.must           C.should   D.need


6.                A.broken         B.worsened       C.damaged  D.destroyed


7.                A.pay            B.spend          C.afford    D.offer


8.                A.family          B.everyday        C.medical   D.school


9.                A.lost            B.nervous        C.disappointed   D.worried


10.               A.suffering       B.burden         C.pressure  D.sadness


11.               A.treated         B.cared          C.reacted   D.feared


12.               A.different       B.nervous        C.sensitive   D.cruel


13.               A.moved         B.retreated       C.returned  D.recovered


14.               A.leaving         B.keeping        C.stopping   D.preventing


15.               A.uneasy         B.unabsorbed     C.unprepared    D.uncomfortable


16.               A.due           B.relaxing        C.profound  D.final


17.               A.Curious        B.Strange         C.Terrified   D.Sad


18.               A.encountered    B.visited         C.called D.contracted


19.               A.lucky          B.dramatic        C.romantic  D.magical


20.               A.anyone         B.someone       C.nobody   D.none



