Mary went to the last Sunday to buy a pair of shoes. A. shoe’s store B. shoes store C. shoe store D. shoes’ store 查看更多





Meaningful Colours


  Mary did not understand such sentences as “She is blue Today”, “You are yellow”,“He has a green thumb (大拇指)”,“He has told a little white lie”and so on. And she went to her teacher for help.

  Mary : Mrs Smith, there is a colour in each of these sentences. What do they mean?

  Mrs Smith : In everyday English, Mary, blue sometimes means sad. Yellowafraid. A person with a green thumbgrows plants well. And a white lie is not a bad one.

  Mary : Would you give me an example for “a white lie”?

  Mrs Smith: Certainly. Now I give you some cake. In fact you don't like it, but you won't say it. Instead, you say, “No, thanks. I'm not hungry.”That's a white lie.

  Mary: Oh, I see. Thank you very much.

1.Sometimes “yellow”means “afraid” in ________ English.

[  ]


2.The farmer doesn't have a green thumb, that is to say ________.

[  ]

A.he is not good at planting
B.all his plants grow well
C.he should have a green thumb
D.he can't grow well like plants

3.John is ________ go to out alone at night. He's yellow!

[  ]


4.Mary didn't want to tell me ________ of her serious illness.

[  ]She told me a white lie.

A.the cause
B.the reason
C.the truth
D.the news

5.If you fail to pass the exams, you'll be ________.

[  ]



Neighbors rescued a woman from her burning home early Monday morning,and three firefighters were hurt putting out the flames in Green Bay.
The fire was discovered around 4 o'clock at a three-story home in the South Quincy Street on the city's east side. Investigators(调查者) say 68-year-old Mary Taylor lives there with her two dogs.
“I got out of bed and went to the front window and could hear somebody was yelling(叫喊),‘Fire!’” Curt Dworak said.When he realized what was happening, he threw on some clothes and ran to help. “I was just hoping Mary wasn't in there,but her car was in the driveway,so I just reacted,” he said, “I just broke the glass and then went in through the window.”
Dworak yelled for Mary but got no response. As he searched,the fire grew and debris(碎片) started falling around him. I didn't know what to do. I yelled for her a couple more times,and then I heard her. Disoriented(分不清方向的)and unable to move, Mary was sprawling(趴) on the floor in the back of her house,so Dworak picked her up and carried her to safety.
Dworak, who has been hailed as a hero by Green Bay Fire Department but shrugged of the praise,said,“They would have done the same thing. Mary is a nice lady,and how could you live with yourself if you didn't do something like that?”
Mary was up and talking before she was taken to the hospital to be checked out. Dworak escaped without a thin cut.
As soon as Dworak realized there was a big fire,he        .

A.went to his front window and stood watching
B.put on his clothes quickly and rushed there
C.searched for Mary's crying in her room
D.put away his clothes and jumped off his house
The sentence “ but her car was in the driveway” in Paragraph 3 implies(暗指) that
A.Mary was just in the house.B.Mary's car was in Dworak's way.
C.Mary's car was broken.D.Mary's car was in good condition.
The underlined Word “ hailed” in Paragraph 5 can be replaced by “         ”.
What can we learn from the passage?
A.It was Dworak who found the fire first.
B.Dworak was badly injured by the fire.
C.Mary lost consciousness in the flames.
D. Mary is friendly to her neighborhood.



1.Each boy and each girl were given a chance to compete in the game.

2.Mary mustn’t be in the library, for she went to the hospital with her mother just now.

3.Great changes have been taken place in my hometown in the past ten years.

4.Seeing from the spaceship, the earth is a huge water globe.

5.It’s very cold outside. You’d better to put on more clothes.



One day, a woman sat down next to a man on a bench near a playground. The woman _36__ a little boy in a red coat and said: “That is my son __37__ is moving smoothly down the slide (滑板)”. “What a lovely boy!” the man replied. Then he went __38__ saying, “That is my daughter on the bike. She is __39__ a white dress”.
After a while, the man looked at his __40__ and called to the girl in white, “Shall we go home, Mary?” “Only five __41__ minutes, Dad, please?” little Mary cried. The man __42__ and Mary went on riding her bike happily. Five minutes passed soon. The father __43__ and called again to his daughter: “It’s time __44__ now, Mary?” Again, Mary pleaded (恳求), “Give me more minutes, Dad. __45__ five more minutes, OK?” The man smiled and said: “OK.”
The __46__ responded, “You are surely a patient father.” __47__ in thought, the man said nothing. However, after a __48__, he smiled and then said: “Her elder brother Tom was killed by a __49__ driver last year while he was riding his bike near here. I never __50__ much time with Tom and now I would give anything for just five more minutes with him. I wouldn’t make the same __51__ with Mary. She thinks she has five more minutes to ride her bike. The __52__ is that I get five more minutes to watch her play. Life sometimes __53__ too suddenly. ”
Yes, life is all about making priorities (优先考虑的事), and what are your priorities? Don’t always __ 54__ excuses for your not being able to accompany your family members or your friends. Give someone you are __55__ five more minutes of your time today!

A.pointed toB.looked upC.shouted atD.argued with
A.inB.upC.on D.out
A.put downB.stood upC.cut downD.picked up
【小题9】 go
A.spent B.wastedC.explodedD.fed
A.chanceB.truth C.injuryD.glory
A.proud ofB.beneficial toC.worried aboutD.devoted to


Mary Quant was born in 1934. When she was young, there were no teenage fashions (时尚).Young women were dressed like grown-ups or little girls. At thirteen, she designed (设计)her own school uniform(制服).She wore short dresses and long socks. After school. Mary went to Goldsmith’s College in London. She didn’t enter the college gate but she met her future husband, Alexander Plunkett-Green Like Mary he wore unusual clothes, such as purple velvet trousers and pajama jackets.
In 1955 Mary left college and worked for a hat-maker in London’s West End. But soon they opened their own shop. It was called Bazaar and it was the first small shop for women in the King’s Road in Chelsea Mary designed all the clothes and made them on her old sewing machine.
The 1960s are often called the “Swinging Sixties”.During these years Mary’s designs became very popular. Everyone loved her mini-skirts(迷你裙)and coloured tights(紧身衣).Thanks to Mary, London became the fashion capital of the world.
Mary’s fashion shows were quite different from what they had been before. Mary’s models(模特)didn’t walk-they danced to pop music.
Soon Mary’s clothes became popular in America,too.
At the age of 37, Mary had a son, Orlando. She said:“Becoming a mother is quite the most important thing that ever happened to me.”
In 1966, Mary was awarded(获奖)the O.B.E.(a special medal given by the Queen).She went to Buckingham Palace in a mini-skirt to collect the medal.
Later on Mary started her own cosmetics(化妆品)company.
She designed smart black, white and silver packagings(包装)for it,with the Quant daisy symbol(菊花标志)that is still the same today.
Today, Mary’s business is worth 100 million pounds. She is still designing-not just only clothes,but also a perfume(香水)called“Havoc”and some other things.
She has now opened the Mary Quant Colour Shop in London’s Carnaby Street.
45.When Mary was thirteen, ____________.
A.she dressed like a little girl     B.she designed her school uniform
C.she dressed like a grown-up    D.she became a popular designer
46.In 1960s London became the fashion capital of the world because_______.
A.Mary’s designs became very popular. Everyone loved her clothes.
B.Mary changed fashion shows greatly.
C.of Mary’s business, which was worth 100 million pounds
D.May’s husband also helped to make unusual clothes.
47.Mary’s still designing_______ .
A.just clothes     
B.not just only clothes, but also a perfume called “Havoc”and some other things
C.packaging for cosmetics     
D.beautiful hats
48.The Quants’symbol is _______.
A.a daisy     B.a mini-skirt      C.a sewing machine    D.a hat

