I borrowed a few books from the library, but of them are easy to read. A. neither B. none C. no D. no one 查看更多




—Nice to see you, Mary. How are you these days?

—Pretty good, thank you.  61  .

—You’ve finished it? That’s great.  62  What do you think of it?

—I think it is a wonderful description of nature. The book focuses on the struggle between nature and humanity. I find it very educational.

—I think so, too.  63

—Oh, I’m sorry. I have to go now.

—Why?  64

—I have to go to my little brother’s birthday party, or he will be angry with me. Shall we talk about it another time?

—Okay.  65  See you!

A.I come to return the book I borrowed from you.

B.I don’t litk the book at all.

C.How about sitting down and talking about it?

D.I think our conversation is getting so interesting.

E.I love books that discuss the struggle between humans and nature.

F.Say “Happy Birthday”to him for me!

G.I’ve been wating to talk to you about the book.



We lived in a very quiet neighborhood. One evening I heard a loud crash in the street. 36 that evening my wife had asked me to go to the store to get some soft drinks. It seemed like this would be a good time to let my teenage daughter Holly 37  her driving, so I sent her to the store in my truck.
At dinner my son talked about how much he liked my  38 . I enjoyed having it, but I said: “Guy, my heart is not set on that truck. I like it but it is just metal and won’t last forever. Never set your heart on anything that won’t last.
After hearing the loud noise, the whole family ran outside. My son shouted: “ Dad! Dad, Holly crashed your truck.”
My heart sank and my mind was 39 with conflicting thoughts. Was anyone hurt? Who else was involved? As I ran to the door, I heard a voice in my heart say: “Here is a chance to show Holly 40  you really love. She’ll never forget it.”
The accident had occurred in my own driveway. Holly had crashed my truck into our other vehicle, the family van (搬运车). In her inexperience, she had  41 _the brakes and the gas pedal. Holly was unhurt  42  but when I reached her, she was crying and saying:“Oh, Dad, I’m sorry. I know how much you love this truck.” I held her in my arms as she cried.
Later that week a friend stopped by and asked what had happened to my truck. I told her the whole story. Her eyes moistened(湿润) and she said: “That happened to me when I was a girl. I borrowed my dad’s car and  43 a log that had fallen across the road. I ruined the car. When I got home my Dad knocked me to the ground and began to kick me.”
Over 40 years later, she still felt the pain of the night. It was a deep wound on her  44 .
I remember how sad Holly was the night she crashed our truck, and how I comforted her. One day, when Holly  45  on her life, I want her to know that I love her a thousand times more than any piece of  46 .
I repaired the van, but the dent(凹陷) in my truck is still there today. Every day it reminds me of what really 47  in my life.

A.job B.truckC.daughter D.cooking
A.flooded B.satisfied C.blessed D.concerned
A.why B.whichC.whatD.how
A.run downB.run forC.ran intoD.run after
A.MotivationB.soul C.shadow D.body
A.think backB.think outC.think upD.think on



      Jane is at the library counter. She is talking to the librarian.

      Jane: Hello, I borrowed five books about a month ago._6_

      Librarian: Let me check for you.

      Jane: _7_

      Librarian: You are lucky, they are due today.

      Jane: Can I renew them?

      Librarian: You can only renew some of them.

      Jane: _8_

      Librarian: Two of the books are hot ones that many students have reserved.

      Jane: I have to return two of them and renew the rest three. Right?  

      Librarian: Right.

      Jane: Can I borrow these two again?

      Librarian: _9_ But you have to wait for a few months.

      Jane: _10_

      Librarian: You have to reserve them and wait for your turn.

      Jane: Oh, I see. I might as well return them now.

A.  I hope so.

B.  Thank you.

C.  Yes, of course.

D.  Why a few months?

E.  Why can’t I renew all of them?

F.  I wonder whether they are due or not.

G.  I wonder whether I can renew all of them.



We lived in a very quiet neighborhood. One evening I heard a loud crash in the street. 36 that evening my wife had asked me to go to the store to get some soft drinks. It seemed like this would be a good time to let my teenage daughter Holly 37  her driving, so I sent her to the store in my truck.

At dinner my son talked about how much he liked my  38 . I enjoyed having it, but I said: “Guy, my heart is not set on that truck. I like it but it is just metal and won’t last forever. Never set your heart on anything that won’t last.

After hearing the loud noise, the whole family ran outside. My son shouted: “ Dad! Dad, Holly crashed your truck.”

My heart sank and my mind was 39 with conflicting thoughts. Was anyone hurt? Who else was involved? As I ran to the door, I heard a voice in my heart say: “Here is a chance to show Holly 40  you really love. She’ll never forget it.”

The accident had occurred in my own driveway. Holly had crashed my truck into our other vehicle, the family van (搬运车). In her inexperience, she had  41 _the brakes and the gas pedal. Holly was unhurt  42  but when I reached her, she was crying and saying:“Oh, Dad, I’m sorry. I know how much you love this truck.” I held her in my arms as she cried.

Later that week a friend stopped by and asked what had happened to my truck. I told her the whole story. Her eyes moistened(湿润) and she said: “That happened to me when I was a girl. I borrowed my dad’s car and  43 a log that had fallen across the road. I ruined the car. When I got home my Dad knocked me to the ground and began to kick me.”

Over 40 years later, she still felt the pain of the night. It was a deep wound on her  44 .

I remember how sad Holly was the night she crashed our truck, and how I comforted her. One day, when Holly  45  on her life, I want her to know that I love her a thousand times more than any piece of  46 .

I repaired the van, but the dent(凹陷) in my truck is still there today. Every day it reminds me of what really 47  in my life.

1.                A.Later          B.Earlier          C.Former   D.Latter


2.                A.pass           B.train           C.practice  D.coach


3.                A.job            B.truck           C.daughter D.cooking


4.                A.flooded         B.satisfied         C.blessed   D.concerned


5.                A.why           B.which          C.what D.how


6.                A.mixed          B.separated       C.recognized    D.confused


7.                A.mentally        B.intellectually     C.primitively D.physically


8.                A.run down       B.run for         C.ran into   D.run after


9.                A.Motivation      B.soul            C.shadow   D.body


10.               A.think back      B.think out        C.think up   D.think on


11.               A.property       B.trucks          C.production D.vans


12.               A.affects         B.matters         C.attracts    D.acquires




My bike was a three-speed English “racer”, purchased during my second year in college in November 1964 for $44. Most of the money was earned by myself in my spare time, but I had to get my mother to help me out a little. At that time, bikes were rare on a college campus. My reason for getting a bicycle was a little strange. A friend of mine convinced me to take a summer job selling door-to-door and suggested that I should use a bicycle to travel between houses. The job didn’t work out, but the idea was in my brain.
That fall, I borrowed another student’s bike and rode 45 miles on the first day, but his bike soon had a flat(瘪了的轮胎) which he didn’t like fixing. So I had to buy one. I immediately started using mine almost every day. Before getting the bike, I sometimes walked 28 miles to my parents’ house. Now the bike gave me a quicker method, but my first trip took four hours due to strong headwinds that had me fight for every foot. Once I made a trip of 100 miles in one day. I decided to use the bike to go camping in the Smokies. During the trip, I recognized the need for handlebars and more gears, so I bought a ten-speed after just one year though I loved this bike.
The first bike “hung around” for a couple of years, and then I gave it to my sister’s kids who let it become part of their lives.
【小题1】What can we learn from the passage?

A.His mother gave him some money when he bought the first bike.
B.The first bike was a gift from his mother.
C.He bought the first bike for racing.
D.He wanted to buy a bike because all his classmates had one.
【小题2】We can infer that besides studying at college the writer ____.
A.often helped his friend do business
B.also worked in a factory
C.had part-time jobs in his spare time
D.had to make money to pay for his tuition
【小题3】The underlined phrase “the idea” in the first paragraph refers to “____”.
A.selling door-to-door
B.buying a bike of his own
C.borrowing a bike from others
D.earning money by working
【小题4】According to the passage, we can learn that the first bike was ____ for him.
A.unnecessaryB.very useful
C.a lifelong toolD.too troublesome

