After adding the rice, heat the soup for . A. other 20 minutes B. another 20 minutes C.20 other minutes D.20 another minutes 查看更多





“Just do it!”— this slogan (口号) speaks out to teens. It tells them to do something, but only if they think it’s worth it. And if so, why not do it wearing Nike?


“Always coca-cola.”— Coke’s slogans change every few years, but this one has enjoyed a lasting popularity because it shows the brand’s spirit. It seems to say “coke is the only drink there is; there are no other forms of drink.”


“Share moments, share life.”— This slogan from Kodak connects photos and beauty. It asks people to remember the happy moments in life by taking photos of them — using Kodak film of course!


On hearing the slogan “Make yourself heard”, you will know there is Ericsson product for you to call anyone.


One toothpaste ad says “bright-teeth fights bad breath!” The advertisers want you to read the word “fight” and think that the toothpaste cures bad breath.


1. Jack passed the entrance exam and was admitted to a famous university. These days, his father is looking for a mobile phone for him so as to keep in touch with each other closely.

2. Tom was a senior middle school student. He likes sports very much and plays football every afternoon. But after class this afternoon he has to buy a pair of shoes because his shoes have been worn out.

3. There’s a party this evening — for Mary’s 15th birthday. Her family are making preparations for it. Her brother’s job is to buy some drink.

4. Joan doesn’t want to forget the past, especially the happy moments.

5. Alice is afraid of opening her mouth, because a bad smell will come out, which makes her feel embarrassed when talking with others. So she needs something which can remove the smell no matter how much it is.

1._______ 2.______ 3.___ 4.______ 5. _________





  Every year thousands of tourists visit Pompeii, Italy. They see the sights that Pompeii is famous for-its stadium(运动场) and theatres, its shops and restaurants. The tourists do not, however, see Pompeii's people. They do not see them because Pompeii has no people. No one has lived in Pompeii for almost 2, 000 years.

  Once, Pompeii was a busy city of 22, 000 people. It lay at the foot of Mount Vesuvius, a grass-covered volcano(火山). Mount Vesuvius had not erupted(喷发) for centuries, so the people of Pompeii felt safe. But they were not.

  In August of AD 79, Mount Vesuvius erupted. The entire top of the mountain exploded, and a huge black cloud rose into the air. Soon stones and hot ashes began to fall on Pompeii. When the eruption ended two days later, Pompeii was buried under 20 feet of stones and ashes. Almost all of its people were dead.

  For centuries, Pompeii lay buried under stone and ash. Then, in the year 1861, an Italian scientist named Ginseppe began to uncover Pompeii. Slowly, carefully, Ginseppe and his men dug. The city looked almost the same as it had looked in AD 79.There were streets and fountains, houses and shops. There was a stadium with 20, 000 seats. Perhaps the most important of all, there were everyday objects, which tell us a great deal about the people who lived in Pompeii. Many glasses and jars had some dark blue colour in the bottom, so we know that the people of Pompeii liked wine. They liked bread, too; metal bread pans were in every bakery. In one bakery there were 81 round, flat loaves of bread-a type of bread that is still sold in Italy today. Tiny boxes filled with a dark, shiny powder tell us that women liked to wear eye-makeup.

  Ginseppe has died, but his work continues. One-fourth has not been uncovered yet. Scientists are still digging, still making discoveries that draw the tourists to Pompeii.

1.Why do large numbers of people come to Pompeii each year?

[  ]

A.To visit the volcano.

B. To shop and eat there.

C.To watch sports and plays.

D.To see how Pompeiians lived.

2.Why had so many Pompeiians remained by volcanic Mount Vesuvius?

[  ]

A.The city nearby offered all kinds of fun.

B.The area produced the finest wine in Italy.

C.Few people expected the volcano to erupt again.

D.The mountain was beautiful and covered with grass.

3.Why did the city uncovered look almost the same as it had looked in AD 79?

[  ]

A.Because Ginseppe and his men dug it slowly and carefully.

B.Because the city was buried alive and remained untouched.

C.Because scientists successfully rebuilt the city with everyday objects.

D.Because nobody had lived in the city ever since the volcano erupted.

4.What do we know about the Pompeiians who lived 2, 000 years ago?

[  ]

A.They lived more or less the same as Italians now do.

B.They liked women wearing all kinds of makeup.

C.They enjoyed a lazy life with drinking and eating.

D.They went back to Pompeii after the eruption in AD 79.

5.What does the passage mainly tell us?

[  ]

A.An interesting story.

B.The history of Pompeii.

C.The eruption of Mount Vesuvius.

D.A brief introduction of Pompeii.



  If you are hungry, what do you do? Have your favorite meal and stay quiet after that? But   1   It never lets you know, because you keep it busy thinking about your friends or favorite stars.So it silently serves your needs and never lets itself grow.When mind loses its freedom to grow, creativity(创造力)gets a full stop.This might be the reason why we all sometimes think “What happens next?”, “Why can’t I think?”

    2   Why reading but not watching TV? It is because reading has been the most educative tool used by us right from childhood.Since it develops other aspects of our life, we have to take help from reading.

  Once you read a book, you run your eyes through the lines and your mind tries to explain something to you.  3   Now this seed is unknowingly(未发觉地)used by you to develop new ideas.If it is used many times, the same seed can give you great help to relate a lot of things, which you would have never thought of in your wildest dreams!

  This is nothing but creativity.  4   Within no time you can start talking with your friends in English or any other language and never run out of the right words.

  So guys, do give food for your thoughts by reading, reading and more reading.  5   Go and get a book!

A.The interesting part of the book is stored in your mind as a seed.

B.Why not do some reading while you are hungry?

C.Just like your stomach, your mind is also hungry.

D.Now what are you waiting for?

E.Hunger of the mind can be actually solved through wide reading.

F.Reading can help you make more friends, too.

G.Also this makes a significant contribution to your vocabulary.



  Classified Ads

  For direct classified service, call 800-0667 10 a.m.–4 p.m., Monday Friday.

  For Rent

  Best on Campus

  Excellent Room for girls, begins Jan., 2, 4, or 8 months lease.Single, $105-$125.Double, $140.Call 800-1932.

  Family Home, 3 bedrooms, large yard.$275.Call 800-4300.

  For Sale

  Sheepskin Coat, men’s size 42.1 year old.$85.After 6 800-5224.

  Moving:Must sell.Color TV 21, $150; transistor radio, $15; recorder, $25.Call 800-0739.

  Help Wanted

  Babysitter My home

  If you could find a few hours during the day, some evenings and weekends to care for 2 school-age children, please call 800-1111.


  A black bag with a pencil-box and some books left in the reading room.Will the finder please come to Class 3, Grade 1?


  A green jacket was left on the sports ground yesterday afternoon(April 15th).Will the owner please ring 656-6688?


If you wanted to place an ad, what number would you call?

[  ]










If Mary wanted a room for herself, which room should she choose?

[  ]








Family Home


“Classified ads”may probably mean ________.

[  ]


ads about everyone’s life


ads giving one some necessary information


ads divided into different groups according to a certain rule


ads for which you needn’t pay any money


If you want to find a part-time job, you will look at ________.

[  ]


For Rent


For Sale


Help Wanted




请阅读下面一篇文章,并按照要求匹配信息。注意:E=AB F=AC G=AD

  Do you know Australia? Australia is the largest island in the world.It is a little smaller than China.It is in the south of the earth.  1   The population of Australia is nearly as large as that of Shanghai.  2   The cities in Australia have got little air or water pollution.The sky is blue and the water is clean.You can clearly see fish swimming in the rivers.Plants grow very well.

  Last month we visited Perth, the biggest city in western Australia, and went to a wild flowers’ exhibition.  3   We had a wonderful time.Perth is famous for its beautiful wild flowers.In spring every year Perth has the wild flowers’ exhibition.

  After visiting Perth, we spent the day in the countryside.We sat down and had a rest near a path at the foot of a hill.It was quiet and we enjoyed ourselves.Suddenly we heard bells ringing at the top of the hill.  4  _There were about three hundred sheep coming towards us down the path.  5   After a short drive from any town, you will find yourself in the middle of white sheep.Sheep, sheep, everywhere are sheep.

A.The government has made enough laws to fight pollution.

B.Australia is the sixth largest country in the world.

C.Australia is famous for its sheep and kangaroos.

D.Australia is big, but its population is not large.

E.What we saw made us pick up all our things and run back to the car as quickly as we could.

F.There we saw a large number of wild flowers we had never seen before.

G.The people of Australia are very hardworking.

