When their lost son , the couple were in tears with joy. A. got up B. turned up C. gave up D. looked up 查看更多



l like to feel close to someone. It is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh and do things with. Surely, there are times when we need to be alone. We don't always want people around. But we would feel lonely if we never had a friend.

No two people are the same. Sometimes friends don't get along well, which doesn't mean that they no longer like each other. Most of the time they will go on being friends. Sometimes friends move away, then we feel very sad. We miss them much, but we can call them and write to them. Maybe we would never see them again, and we can make new friends. It is surprising to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them. Families sometimes name their children after a close friend. Many places are named after men and women, if they are friendly to people in a town. So are some schools. We think of these people when we go to these places.

There's more good news for people, if they have friends. These people live longer than those people if those don't have friends. Why? It could be that they are happier. Being happy helps you stay well. Or it could be just knowing that someone cares, if someone cares about you, you take better care of yourself.

1.The first paragraph tells us __________.

A.none needs friends

B.we always need friends around us

C.making friends is the need in people's life

D.we need to be alone

2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A.People are happy when their friends leave them.

B.People may never see their friends after their friends move away.

C.People can know their friends in different ways.

D.People like their friends very much if they get to know them.

3.Which of the following is the most probable place people name after friendly people?

A.A house.

B.A room.

C.A library.

D.A village.

4.If people have friends, they would live longer, because __________.

A.they feel happier and healthier

B.they get a lot of help from their friends

C.they take better care of themselves

D.both A and C

5.This passage tells us __________.

A.that people are all friends

B.that people need friends

C.how to get to know friends

D.how to name a place



l like to feel close to someone. It is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh and do things with. Surely, there are times when we need to be alone. We don't always want people around. But we would feel lonely if we never had a friend.
No two people are the same. Sometimes friends don't get along well, which doesn't mean that they no longer like each other. Most of the time they will go on being friends. Sometimes friends move away, then we feel very sad. We miss them much, but we can call them and write to them. Maybe we would never see them again, and we can make new friends. It is surprising to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them. Families sometimes name their children after a close friend. Many places are named after men and women, if they are friendly to people in a town. So are some schools. We think of these people when we go to these places.
There's more good news for people, if they have friends. These people live longer than those people if those don't have friends. Why? It could be that they are happier. Being happy helps you stay well. Or it could be just knowing that someone cares, if someone cares about you, you take better care of yourself.
【小题1】The first paragraph tells us __________.

A.none needs friendsB.we always need friends around us
C.making friends is the need in people's life D.we need to be alone
【小题2】Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.People are happy when their friends leave them.
B.People may never see their friends after their friends move away.
C.People can know their friends in different ways.
D.People like their friends very much if they get to know them.
【小题3】Which of the following is the most probable place people name after friendly people?
A.A house.B.A room.C.A library.D.A village.
【小题4】If people have friends, they would live longer, because __________.
A.they feel happier and healthierB.they get a lot of help from their friends
C.they take better care of themselvesD.both A and C
【小题5】This passage tells us __________.
A.that people are all friendsB.that people need friends
C.how to get to know friendsD.how to name a place



  Tom Hanks has one of the most successful and extensive careers in Hollywood.He has acted in television shows and movies, and done voice work for animated(动画片的)films.He's also a movie director, producer and writer.He won the Academy Award for best actor in back to back years.Spencer Tracy is the only other actor to have done that.

  Tom Hanks was born in California in1956.His father and mother ended their marriage when he was five.Tom and his two older siblings(兄弟姊妹)lived with their father.The youngest child stayed with his mother.

  He once told a reporter that he had had three mothers, four fathers, five schools and ten houses while growing up.The movie star said he thinks the many changes helped him develop a sense of independence.

  Tom Hanks started acting in high school.He took drama classes in college but left before completing his studies.He said he could not get parts in college plays so he left for New York to follow his professional dream.

  His first major parts were on television.He won a lead role in the situation comedy Bosom Buddies in 1979.But he became a star with the movie Splash in 1984.More success came four years later with his starring part in the hit movie Big.He played a 13-year-old boy who wakes up one day in a grown man's body.

  Tom Hanks mainly worked in comedies in the early years of his career.His starring part in the 1993 movie Philadelphia changed his image.He was honored with his first Best Actor Oscar for his work in Philadelphia

  His interest in the experiences of World War Two soldiers led him to his involvement in the TV series Band of Brothers.He was also named an honorary member of the US Army Rangers(突击队员)as a result.He also produced the 13-part series From the Earth to the Moon because of his support for human space travel.He is a member of the National Space Society.


What do we know from Paragraph l?

[  ]


Only two actors have won the Academy Award for best actor in back to back years.


Spencer Tracy won the Academy Award for best actor for his animated films.


It was quite late for Tom Hanks to succeed in his acting and directing career.


Tom Hanks is the only person who is an actor, director, producer and writer in Hollywood.


How many children did Tom Hanks' parents have when their marriage ended?

[  ]










Tom Hanks didn't complete his studies in college because ________.

[  ]


He didn't do well in his studies


He couldn't afford the cost


he wanted to follow his dream in New York


he didn't like the parts in college plays


When he starred in the hit movie Big, Tom Hanks ________.

[  ]


was 32 years old


formally became an actor


had given up Bosom Buddies


was still studying in college


A. year ago August, Dave Fuss lost his job driving a truck for a small company in west Michigan. His wife, Gerrie, was still working in the local school cafeteria, but work for Dave was scarce, and the price of everything was rising. The Fusses were at risk of joining the millions of Americans who have lost their homes in recent years. Then Dave and Gerrie received a timely gift―$7,000,a legacy (遗产) form their neighbors Ish and Arlene Hatch, who died in an accident . “It really made a difference when we were going under financially.” says Dave.    

But the Fusses weren’t the only folks in Alto and the neighboring town of Lowell to receive unexpected legacy from the Hatches. Doxens of other families were touched by the Hatches’ generosity. In some cases, it was a few thousand dollars ; in other, it was more than $100,000.    

It surprised nearly everyone that the Hatches had so much money, more than $3 million―they were am elderly couple who lived in an old house on what was left of the family farm .  

Children of the Great Depression, Ish and Arlene were known for their habit of saving, They thrived own (喜欢) comparison shopping and  would routinely go from store to store, checking prices before making a new purchase .    

Through the years, the Hatches paid for local children to attend summer camp when their parents couldn’t afford it. “Ish and Arlene never asked you needed anything,” says their friend Sand Van Weelden, “They could see things they could do go make you happier, and they would do them.    

Even more extraordinary was that the Hatches had their farmland distributed. It was the Hatches’ wish that their legacy―a legacy of kindness as much as one of dollars and cent ―should enrich the whole community (社区) and Ish and Arlene Hatch’s story .    

Neighbors helping neighbors ――that was Ish and Arlene Hatch’s story.    

56. According go the text, the Fusses   

A. were employed by a truck company    B. were in financial difficulty   

C. worked in a school cafeteria            D. lost their home    

57. Which of the following is true of the Hatches?   

A. They had their children during the Great Deoression   

B. They left the family farm to live in an old house   

C. They gave away their possessions to their neighbors   

D. They helped their neighbors to find jobs    

58. Why would the Hatches routinely go from store?   

A. They decided to open a store        B. They wanted to save money   

C. They couldn’t afford expensive things   D. They wanted to buy gifts for local kids    

59. According to Sand Van Weelden, the Hatches were   

A. understanding  B. optimistic    C. childlike   D. curious    

60 What can we learn from the text?   

A. The community of Alto was poor   

B. The summer camp was attractive to the parents   

C. Sandy Van Weelden got a legacy form the Hatches   

D. The Hatches would like the neighbors to follow their example    


GUATEMALA CITY(Reuters)---- A fish that lives in mangrove swamps(红树沼泽)across the Americas can live out of water for months at a time, similar to how animals adapted(适应)to land millions of years ago, a new study shows.

   The Mangrove Rivulus, a type of small killifish, lives in small pools of water in a certain type of empty nut or even old beer cans in the mangrove swamps of Belize, the United States and Brazil. When their living place dries up, they live on the land in logs(圆木), said Scott Taylor, a researcher at the Brevard Endangered Lands Program in Florida .

   The fish, whose scientific name is Rivulus marmoratus, can grow as large as three inches. They group together in logs and breathe air through their skin until they can find water again.

   The new scientific discovery came after a trip to Belize.

   “We kicked over a log and the fish just came crowding out,” Taylor told Reuters in neighboring Guatemala by telephone. He said he will make his study on the fish known to the public in an American magazine early next year.

   In lab tests, Taylor said he found the fish can live up to 66 days out of water without eating.

   Some other fish can live out of water for a short period of time. The walking catfish found in Southeast Asia can stay on land for hours at a time, while lungfish found in Australia, Africa and South America can live out of water, but only in an inactive state. But no other known fish can be out of water as long as the Mangrove Rivulus and remain active, according to Patricia Wright, a biologist at Canada’s University of Guelph.

   Further studies of the fish may tell how animals changed over time.

   “These animals live in conditions similar to those that existed millions of years ago, when animals began making the transition(过渡)form water onto land, ” Wright said.

49. The Mangrove Rivulus is a type of fish that ________.

   A. likes eating nuts

   B. prefers living in dry places

   C. is the longest living fish on earth

   D. can stay alive for two months out of water

50. Who will write up a report on mangrove Rivulus?

   A. Patricia Wright.

   B. Researchers in Guatemala.

   C. Scientists from Belize.

   D. Scott Taylor.

51. According to the text, lungfish can __________.

   A. breathe through its skin

   B. move freely on dry land

   C. remain alive out of water

   D. be as active on land as in water

52. What can we say about the discovery of Mangrove Rivulus?

   A. It was made quite by accident.

   B. It was based on a lab test of sea life.

   C. It was supported by an American magazine.

   D. It was helped by Patricia Wright.

