Newspapers can keep us well i about what is happening all over the world. 查看更多



四:单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分 10分)

76. Reagan was e______ as the thirty-second  President of the United States.

77. I want to write about people who have AIDS or who are a______ to drugs.

78. O_______, what you have said is not true.

79. I can't _______(联系) what he does to what he says

80. Newspapers can keep us well i________ about what is happening all over the world.

81. It's not__________(可靠的)to judge a man only by his looks

82. Her sad r__________ 1ooks the nature of her thoughts.

83. They don't have the best service,but I __________ (容忍)it because I love their food.

84. Scientists ______(预言)that the environmental pollution will increase in the next ten years.

85. It isn’t ________(方便的) to talk at the moment; I’m in the middle of the meeting.


1. As is known to us, Bank of China has many ______(分支机构)all over the country.
2. Newspapers can keep us well ______(知晓的,了解的)about what is happening all over the world.
3. It is very difficult to ________(联系)the result with the unknown cause.
4. They are________(讨论) about the problem with education.
5. Her work has ________(有助于)greatly to our understanding of this difficult subject.
6. The ______(屋顶)of the buildings were broken in the hurricane. 
7.  We must arrange a ______(方便的) time and place for the meeting.
8. She was strongly ________(推荐)for the post.
9. She doesn't have enough _____(力气)to carry it upstairs.
10. I only caught a ______(一瞥)of the parcel, so I can't guess what was inside it.



1.Don’t you know what disease it is? I thought you had        (咨询)the doctor.

2.If you were to come tomorrow ,I would        (款待) you to dinner.

3.The project has only been under way for three months ,so it’s too early to      (评估)its success.

4.My grandfather is as     (有活力的)as a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing all day.

5.Newspapers can keep us well         (获悉)about what is happening all over the world.

6.Tom’s teacher       (指责)him of cheating in the exam.

7.After finishing writing the letter ,Linda folded it and put it in the        (信封).

8.Her rich experience gave her an        (优势)over the other people applying for the job.

9.Go to see your parents as often as possible if it is        (方便)to you.

10.The government has taken many        (措施)to improve the living standard of laid—off workers.

