Sunlight is necessary than fresh air to a healthy condition of body. A. no more B. not much C. not very D. no less 查看更多



Vitamin D helps bones and muscles grow strong and healthy. Low levels of vitamin D can lead to diseases such as rickets (佝偻病), mainly found in children. The thinning of bone is a common problem as people, especially women, get older.

But more and more research is suggesting that vitamin D might also help prevent many diseases. The easiest way to get vitamin D is from sunlight. The sun’s ultraviolet (紫外线的) rays react with skin cells to produce vitamin D. But many people worry about getting skin cancer and skin damage from the sun. As a result they stay out of the sun. Also, darker-skinned people produce less vitamin D than lighter-skinned people. The amount also decreases in older people and those living in northern areas that get less sunlight.

Not many foods naturally contain vitamin D. Foods high in this vitamin include oily fish and fish liveroils (鱼肝油). Farmed fish have only about one-fourth as much vitamin D as wild fish. Small amounts of vitamin D are found in beef liver, cheese and egg yolks. But most of the vitamin D in the American diet comes from foods such as milk.

Research in the last several years has shown that low levels of vitamin D may increase the risk of heart attacks in men and deaths from some cancers. More doctors are now having their patients tested for their vitamin D levels. But as research continues, some experts worry that if people take too much vitamin D, it might act as a poison. Also, skin doctors warn people to be careful with sun exposure because of the risk of skin cancer.

1.The first paragraph is mainly about     .

A.the muscle diseases

B.the sources of vitamins

C.the importance of health

D.the functions of vitamin D

2.Which of the following people produce the least amount of vitamin D?______

A.Elderly darker-skinned people.

B.Young lighter-skinned people.

C.Elderly lighter-skinned people.

D.Young darker-skinned people.

3. People can get the most vitamin D from     .

A.beef liver


C.wild fish

D.farmed fish

4.What can we infer from the text?_________

A. Being exposed to sunlight is the safest way to get vitamin D.

B. Lack of vitamin D can make people age quickly.

C. Proper vitamin D levels people need are still not determined now.

D. The vitamin D level is higher in men than in women.



New evidence shows that getting enough Vitamin D may be the most important thing you can do for your health.
You know the usual prescription for good health: a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, regular exercise, no smoking.Now add this: Spend a little more time in the sun.
Huh? That may sound like medical heresy (反面观点).After all, we've been warned for decades about the dangers of the sun: wrinkles, age spots and the increasing threat of skin cancer.But new and impressive medical evidence suggests that sunlight is beneficial.The vitamin D it prompts our bodies to make may prevent cancer, protect against heart disease and ward off a long list of disorders such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and gum disease.It is even showing promise as a treatment for heart disease and some cancers.
Long recognized as vitally important for bone building (it's needed for calcium absorption), vitamin D has now achieved superstar status among nutrients.While all doctors may not agree, many experts are confident enough of its wide-ranging powers to urge that we get much more of it, from the sun and from supplements, as even the best diet in the world may not give us enough.
60.Which of the following is NOT the usual way of keeping healthy?
A.To do exercise now and then.
B.To eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
C.To avoid staying in the sun for a long time.
D.To keep away from cigarettes.
61.What does the underlined word “prompts” in the third paragraph mean?
A.causes              B.forces          C.motivates   D.encourages
62.According to the passage, vitamin D ________.
A.can be got by doing regular exercise
B.can be used to prevent some cancers
C.can be got from the sunlight
D.can be used to remove the wrinkles
63.The passage is most likely from a(an) ________.
A.advertisement report   C.magazine     D.medical prescription


A computer is an "information processor".It is given information,called "data",instructed to do certain things and then show us the results.The data put into the computer is called the"input" and the results which come out are the "output".Some people say the circle of large standing stones at Stonechenge is a kind of computer.Prehistory people worked out their calendar(日历)from the position of the shadows made by the sun shining on the stones. 
Extract 2 
Teach yourself new subjects and skills at your own pace with a home computer.Use it to help with schoolwork,for self-improvement,even to improve your career skills.Learn touchtyping.  Foreign languages or computer programming.A home computer can help children of all ages learn classroom subjects such as spelling,geography and others.In fact it makes learning fun.So if you want to teach yourself,or help your children teach themselves-get a home computer.It can also help you manage your personal finances or help you to work taxes and plan household budgets.You can make business a pleasure with a home computer. 
【小题1】The writer introduces the words such as "input" and "output" in order to_____. 

A.introduce people to computer language computer language is the same as English people some scientific language
D.give people some scientific language
【小题2】Why does the writer talk about Stonechenge in Extract 1?
A.To give an example of the very first computer.
B.To show that computers are older than mankind.
C.To tell the difference between the past and the present.
D.To give another way of explaining computers.
【小题3】If you think of the circle of large standing stones as a computer,_____. 
A.the shadow is the input and the position is the output
B.the sunlight is the input and the calendar is the output
C.the position is the input and the sunlight is the output
D.the calendar is the input and the shadow is the output
【小题4】Extract 2 is probably taken from_____.
A.a computer textbookB.a company's advertisement
C.a teach-yourself computer book D.a children's guide to computers



An increasing number of people enjoy sun-bathing, but experts warn that too much ________of the body to strong sunlight is harmful.

                 A.access       B.exposure   C.resistance D.touch



New evidence shows that getting enough Vitamin D may be the most important thing you can do for your health.

You know the usual prescription for good health: a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, regular exercise, no smoking.Now add this: Spend a little more time in the sun.

    Huh? That may sound like medical heresy (反面观点).After all, we've been warned for decades about the dangers of the sun: wrinkles, age spots and the increasing threat of skin cancer.But new and impressive medical evidence suggests that sunlight is beneficial.The vitamin D it prompts our bodies to make may prevent cancer, protect against heart disease and ward off a long list of disorders such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and gum disease.It is even showing promise as a treatment for heart disease and some cancers.

    Long recognized as vitally important for bone building (it's needed for calcium absorption), vitamin D has now achieved superstar status among nutrients.While all doctors may not agree, many experts are confident enough of its wide-ranging powers to urge that we get much more of it, from the sun and from supplements, as even the best diet in the world may not give us enough.

Which of the following is NOT the usual way of keeping healthy?

     A.To do exercise now and then.

     B.To eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

     C.To avoid staying in the sun for a long time.

     D.To keep away from cigarettes.

What does the underlined word “prompts” in the third paragraph mean?

     A.causes              B.forces          C.motivates    D.encourages

According to the passage, vitamin D ________.

     A.can be got by doing regular exercise

     B.can be used to prevent some cancers

     C.can be got from the sunlight

     D.can be used to remove the wrinkles

The passage is most likely from a(an) ________.

     A.advertisement report        

       C.magazine             D.medical prescription

