Let the child lie on the bed, which him comfortable. A. allows B. permits C. makes D. gives 查看更多



As you are probably aware, the latest job markets news isn’t good: Unemployment is still more than 9 percent, and new job growth has fallen close to zero. That’s bad for the economy, of course. And it may be especially discouraging if you happen to be looking for a job or hoping to change careers right now. But it actually shouldn’t matter to you nearly as much as you think.

  That’s because job growth numbers don’t matter to job hunters as much as job turnover data. After all, existing jobs open up every day due to promotions, resignations, terminations, and retirements. (Yes, people are retiring even in this economy.) In both good times and bad, turnover creates more openings than economic growth does. Even in June of 2007, when the economy was still humming along, job growth was only 132,000, while turnover was 4.7 million!

  And as it turns out, even today — with job growth near zero — over 4 million job hunters are being hired every month.

  I don’t mean to imply that overall job growth doesn’t have an impact on one’s ability to land a job. It’s true that if total employment were higher, it would mean more jobs for all of us to choose from (and compete for). And it’s true that there are currently more people applying for each available job opening, regardless of whether it’s a new one or not.

  But what often distinguishes those who land jobs from those who don’t is their ability to stay motivated. They’re willing to do the hard work of identifying their valuable skills; be creative about where and how to look; learn how to present themselves to potential employers; and keep going, even after repeated rejections. The Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows that 2.7 million people who wanted and were available for work hadn’t looked within the last four weeks and were no longer even classified as unemployed.

  So don’t let the headlines fool you into giving up. Four million people get hired every month in the U.S. You can be one of them.

1.The author tends to believe that high unemployment rate ______?

A.deprives many people of job opportunities.

B.prevents many people from changing careers.

C.should not stop people from looking for a job.

D.does not mean the U.S. economy is worsening.

2.Where do most job openings come from?

A.Job growth

B.Job turnover

C.Improved economy

D.Business expansion

3.What does the author say about overall job growth?

A.It doesn’t have much effect on individual job seekers.

B.It increases people’s confidence in the economy.

C.It gives a ray of hope to the unemployed.

D.It doesn’t mean greater job security for the employed.

4.What is the key to landing a job according to the author?





5.What do we learn from the passage about the unemployment figures in the US?

A.They clearly indicate how healthy the economy is.

B.They provide the public with the latest information.

C.They warn of the structural problems in the economy.

D.They exclude those who have stopped looking for a job.



    Recently, I heard a touching story which illustrates the 1 that words have to change a life -- a power that lies right in the hands of those reading this article.

    Mary had grown up knowing that she was different from the other kids, and she hated it.She was born with a cleft palate(先天性颚裂)and had to bear the jokes and 2 of cruel children who teased her non-stop about her  3 lip and unclear speech.She was  4 that no one, outside her family, could ever love her  5 she entered Mrs.Leonard’s class.

    In the 1950’s , it was common for teachers to give their children a(n) 6 hearing test.However, in Mary’s  7 , in addition to her cleft palate, she was  8 able to hear out of one ear.  9 not to let the other children have another “ 10 ”to point out, she would 11 on the test each year.The “whisper test” was given by having a child walk to the classroom door, turn sideways, close one ear with a finger, and then 12 something which the teacher whispered.Mary turned her bad ear towards her teacher and  13 to cover her good ear.She knew that teachers would often say things like, “The sky is blue.” or “What color are your shoes?” But not on that day .Surely, God put seven words in Mrs.Leonard’s mouth that 14 Mary’s life forever.When the “Whisper test” came, Mary heard the words: “ I wish you were my little girl.”

    Words from a godly teacher can  15 a heart and powerfully set the course of a life.

1.A.effect          B.power      C.fact        D.influence

2.A.glares          B.smiles        C.stares      D.enthusiasm

3.A.misled         B.mistaken     C.mismatched   D.misshaped

4.A.confirmed       B.convinced     C.informed     D.warned

5.A.when         B.after         C.until      D.since

6.A.annual         B.monthly        C.weekly     D.daily

7.A.case          B.opinion     C.heart      D.phenomenon

8.A.nearly         B.definitely      C.barely      D.eventually

9.A.Worried        B.Determined    C.Surprised    D.Excited

10.A.mistake       B.drawback    C.shortcoming   D.difference

11.A.compete        B.succeed     C.rely        D.cheat

12.A.exchange       B.repeat      C.modify     D.neglect

13.A.failed         B.managed     C.pretended    D.remembered

14.A.changed        B.decided     C.helped       D.improved

15.A.break         B.mend      C.melt      D.calm



  Professor Barrow's house, big and untidy, stood alone at one end of a huge garden. The place was totally uncared for, quite wild and overgrown with all sorts of useless things. I fought my way through bushes and tall weeds to the front door and rang the bell.

  I was glad that I had found him. In twenty minutes he put me right on all the points that had puzzled me. As I got ready to leave, I looked out d his study window and said,“You're very fond of gardening, I see,”

  “No, I'm not,”he said.“But even so, I love this garden. It's as I always wanted it to be. I never touch it at all.”

  “It could be made lovely. It seems a pity to let all this ground go to waste. But perhaps you don't see it that way?”

  “I don't. I lived here when I was a child, and I had more than enough of gardening then. It was my father's hobby, you see. Unfortunately, he wasn't fit enough to do it himself. My brother and I did all of it between us—with a spade (铁锹) and a fork, year after year. There was one right way and many wrong ways. Each blade of grass was an enemy to be rooted out by hand, not just cut off. I've spent a good part of life at work here.”

  “I see. You took a dislike to it, and now you're getting even (平衡的)!”

  “I disliked it. That's putting it mildly (说得婉转些). Then, of course, I didn't understand the effect it had. It used to worry me. It appeared in my dreams—a mistake here, something not quite straight there, the enemy showing its head in a place I was supposed to have cleaned. The work was too much. It seemed endless. The size of the place was itself a fight to a boy.”

  “And now it's yours, you're just letting it go to…”

  “Ruin?”he said.“No, I don't agree with that. This garden and I are now the best friends. I like watching it grow in its own way. I make no demands on it. I never interfere with (干扰) it, and it never interferes with me. It has freedom at last, and so have I.”

  “But the path is overgrown. It's inconvenient for you, isn't it?”

  “That's part of my pleasure,”he laughed.“You can go out the backway. The weeds are shorter there because they don't get the sun.”

1.How did the professor feel about gardening when he was a child?

[  ]

A.He liked his father's wild, overgrown garden.

B.He was glad to be able to help his sick father.

C.He was beginning to dislike it.

D.He just hated it.

2.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

[  ]

A.The professor never worked in the garden at all now.

B.The writer thought of the path as part of his pleasure.

C.Barrow and his brother had to take root in the garden.

D.The professor and the writer talked about gardening for 20 minutes.

3.At night young Barrow used to dream that ________.

[  ]

A.he let the garden grow in its own way

B.the garden grew too large for him

C.he had done some work in one of the many wrong ways

D.enemies appeared suddenly in the garden and cut off their grass

4.In what way did the garden have“freedom at last”?

A.The main way was through friendship with Barrow.

B.There was no one to control how it grew.

C.Barrow was free to do what he liked with the garden.

D.Only the front garden, where the sun shone, was free.


As you are probably aware, the latest job markets news isn’t good: Unemployment is still more than 9 percent, and new job growth has fallen close to zero. That’s bad for the economy, of course. And it may be especially discouraging if you happen to be looking for a job or hoping to change careers right now. But it actually shouldn’t matter to you nearly as much as you think.
  That’s because job growth numbers don’t matter to job hunters as much as job turnover data. After all, existing jobs open up every day due to promotions, resignations, terminations, and retirements. (Yes, people are retiring even in this economy.) In both good times and bad, turnover creates more openings than economic growth does. Even in June of 2007, when the economy was still humming along, job growth was only 132,000, while turnover was 4.7 million!
  And as it turns out, even today — with job growth near zero — over 4 million job hunters are being hired every month.
  I don’t mean to imply that overall job growth doesn’t have an impact on one’s ability to land a job. It’s true that if total employment were higher, it would mean more jobs for all of us to choose from (and compete for). And it’s true that there are currently more people applying for each available job opening, regardless of whether it’s a new one or not.
  But what often distinguishes those who land jobs from those who don’t is their ability to stay motivated. They’re willing to do the hard work of identifying their valuable skills; be creative about where and how to look; learn how to present themselves to potential employers; and keep going, even after repeated rejections. The Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows that 2.7 million people who wanted and were available for work hadn’t looked within the last four weeks and were no longer even classified as unemployed.
  So don’t let the headlines fool you into giving up. Four million people get hired every month in the U.S. You can be one of them

  1. 1.

    The author tends to believe that high unemployment rate ______?

    1. A.
      deprives many people of job opportunities
    2. B.
      prevents many people from changing careers
    3. C.
      should not stop people from looking for a job
    4. D.
      does not mean the U.S. economy is worsening
  2. 2.

    Where do most job openings come from?

    1. A.
      Job growth
    2. B.
      Job turnover
    3. C.
      Improved economy
    4. D.
      Business expansion
  3. 3.

    What does the author say about overall job growth?

    1. A.
      It doesn’t have much effect on individual job seekers
    2. B.
      It increases people’s confidence in the economy
    3. C.
      It gives a ray of hope to the unemployed
    4. D.
      It doesn’t mean greater job security for the employed
  4. 4.

    What is the key to landing a job according to the author?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  5. 5.

    What do we learn from the passage about the unemployment figures in the US?

    1. A.
      They clearly indicate how healthy the economy is
    2. B.
      They provide the public with the latest information
    3. C.
      They warn of the structural problems in the economy
    4. D.
      They exclude those who have stopped looking for a job



1.What do you know about the woman?

[  ]

A.She had to work overtime.

B.She failed to see Henry.

C.She had a traffic accident.

2.What does the man mean?

[  ]

A.He wonders why she is here.

B.He himself is Dr Johnson.

C.The doctor will be here soon.

3.What is the woman doing now?

[  ]

A.Teaching at a school.

B.Going into politics.

C.Doing business.

4.Where is the woman now?

[  ]

A.At the office.

B.In her house.

C.In a hospital.

5.What did the woman want the man to do?

[  ]

A.To come within 30 minutes.

B.To check the pipes.

C.To tell her the leak.



6.What can the woman be?

[  ]

A.A secretary of Mr. Li's.

B.A desk clerk at a hotel.

C.A waitress at the Blackwood Hotel.

7.Why did the man ask the woman to change the dollar?

[  ]

A.To pay for the information.

B.To take a bus.

C.To make a phone call.


8.When does the father usually give his daughter money?

[  ]

A.On Friday.

B.On Saturday.

C.On Sunday.

9.What can we learn from the dialogue?

[  ]

A.The father keeps his secret money in the bedroom.

B.The daughter will spend all the money on books.

C.The father usually gives his daughter $ 13 a week.


10.What's the relationship between the two speakers?

[  ]




11.How long will the man stay here?

[  ]

A.7 days.

B.2 weeks.

C.1 month.

12.What does the man like about China?

[  ]

A.High mountains.

B.Long rivers.

C.High mountains, long rivers and people.

13.Where does the man come from?

[  ]





14.What is the woman going to buy?

[  ]

A.Some beautiful fish.

B.A small bottle.

C.A few rocks.

15.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

[  ]

A.In the market.

B.In an office.

C.At home.

16.What does the man advise the woman to do?

[  ]

A.Keep the fish in a bottle.

B.Get a tank to keep the fish.

C.Make some holes in the rocks.

17.Why should a few rocks be put into the tank?

[  ]

A.To let the fish swim around.

B.To make the tank prettier.

C.To keep the water clean.


18.Why is the man nervous?

[  ]

A.He's sitting a third driving test.

B.He hasn't studied traffic rules yet.

C.He has failed to pass the driving test three times.

19.How did the man feel before the second test?

[  ]

A.Sure of himself.



20.Why did the man fail in the second test?

[  ]

A.He broke a traffic rule again.

B.He hadn't practiced driving long enough.

C.He was unable to deal with an unexpected case.

