25.-Hello, this is Dr.Grey’s office.We to remind you of your 4:15 appointment tomorrow afternoon. -Oh, thanks.It’s good that you called.I it was 4:15 this afternoon. A.are calling; thought B.have called; have thought C.called; am thinking D.will call; think 查看更多



--Hello, this is 77553861.

 -- __________.        

A. How are you?                  B. Will you come tonight?

C. Can I take a message?         D. Is that Mike?


—Good morning,Doctor Brown’s office.

—Hello, this is Tom Smith. Could you please tell Doctor Brown I       ? My car        start.

A. was delayed, doesn’t               B. will be delayed, won’t

C. am delayed, didn’t                  D. would delay, mustn’t


—Hello, this is China Eastern Airlines. What can I do for you?

       —I’d like to     two tickets to Beijing.

       A.take                   B.bring                  C.order                  D.book



Chinese girl looking for language exchanger

Posted Feb 10, 2010 16:25     by Sophia    

Tag: Seeking Language partners    Guangzhou     Sex: Female

Race/Ethnicity: Chinese

I am a Chinese girl in my 20’s, can speak and write in English, but I’d like to make some improvement. People always look for making it better, right?

Meanwhile, I also like to meet more friends if we really have some topics to share.

And if you are in Guangzhou or visit here, I am more than willing to show you around in my spare time.

Reply to happycora@hotmail.com or call 15015704625

Tianhe nice apartment for share

Posted Feb 24, 2010 16:47     by Vivian  

Tag: Seeking roommates     Guangzhou  Tianhe District     Up to 2000 RMB

I have a room available for rent in a shared apartment in Central Tianhe district.

The room has a big window with a nice view. The apartment itself is on the 22th floor of a new secure building on Tianhe Bei Lu, about 10 minutes walk from metro stations(地铁站) on lines 1 and 3, as well as buses and other transportation methods very close.

If you are interested, please feel free to phone me (Vivian) on 13145751201 (message preferred), or email me on vivian_liu2003@hotmail.com.

Business Interpreter/Guide

Posted Feb 26, 2010 08:46     by Sony   

Tag: Business Services    Guangzhou  Baiyun District    

Dear Foreign Friends, I am a professional interpreter, now looking for a Freelance interpreter job urgently. Please read my CV at below:

Name: Sony Song

Gender: Male

Age: 22 years old

Education: Studied English in Da Shan Foreign Language College

Birth: 9th Oct 1987, Luohe city, Henan province, China.

Ability: Speak fluent English, know Guangzhou city very well, can also guide you to Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Dongguan, Shunde, Macao, Hongkong, etc.

Contact Detail: E-mail/MSN: sonysong4@hotmail.com; cell phone: 15112015812

Looking for flat

Posted Mar 11, 2010 14:03     by Lucy    

Tag: Apartments wanted     Guangzhou         


This is Lucy coming from Peru and looking for a short term flat, from 15th April until 4th May 2010. If somebody can give some information, send me pictures, price and address.

Email: lucitamaron@hotmail.com; cell phone: 13800013900

Thanks a lot in advance!

1.If foreigner wants to learn some Chinese and make friends; he / she can call _________.

A. 15015704625    B. 13800013900       C. 13145751201    D. 15112015812

2.To share a department where the traffic is quite convenient, you may send text message to ________.

A. Sophia         B. Vivian             C. Lucy           D. Sony

3.What do the four advisers have in common?

A. All of them speak both Chinese and English.

B. All of them are in their twenties.

C. All of them are Guangzhou citizens.  

D. All of them are hotmail users.

4.The information above can be probably found_________.

A. in a magazine                      B. in a newspaper  

C. at a website                           D. in a guidebook




A:Hello! This is Li Mei Calling from Jilin.May I speak to Carla?

C:Just a moment,please. ___1___


A:Hi,Carla! This is Li Mei calling from Jilin.How are you?

Bt Oh,hi,Li Mei! How nice to hear your voice! I’m fine,thank you.

A:Thank you so much for giving me such a lovely time in Trindad.

B: ___2___  I hope you can come again some day!

A:I’d love to ! I wonder,though,if you are interested in visiting me during the Spring Festival this year. __3___.

B:Oh.I’d love to, but I don’t know if I will be free then. What time of year is it?

A: ___4___ but this year it’s at the beginning of February.

B:I’d love to come.  I’ll try to find out if I can take off work then.It’s very kind of you to invite me!

A:Oh,don’t mention it! I hope you can come! Say hello to Hari for me! I hope he can come to

China with you.

B:That would be fun! Thanks a lot for calling !__ 5___

A:OK, great! Have a good day!

B:Thanks,you too,bye!


A .Oh.sorry.he isn’t here at the moment

    B. I’ll get her for you

    C. It was a pleasure having you here.

D. It is always the same each other.

E. I’d love to show you one of our Chinese festivals.

F. I’ll let Hari know you called.

G. It’s different every year.


请将补全对话答案涂在机读卡上   E=AB        F=AC      G=AD

