32.A.give up B.take up C.use up D.keep up 查看更多



A.What’s the trouble, Mr. Smith?

B.I’ve a bad cold and a bad headache.

A. 1  .

B.Yes, thirty—nine point five.

A.I see .Open your mouth and say “Ah” 2  Let me ex-amine you. Breathe in Breathe out. That’ll do.


A.No, it’s only a cold. I’ll give you some medicine. 4

B.How often shall I take the medicine?


B.Thank you very much, doctor.

A.Be sure to eat it on time.

B.Have you got a fever?

C.Now open your shirt.

D.Drink more water and keep warm.

E.Did you use to stay up too late at night?

F.Is there anything serious, doctor?

G.Three times a day.


Feeling blue about world? “Cheer up.” Says science writer Matt Ridley.”The world has never been a better place to live in, and it will keep on getting better both for humans and for nature.”
Ridley calls himself a rational optimist—rational, because he’s carefully weighed the evidence; optimistic, because that evidence shows human progress to be both unavoidable and good.And this is what he’s set out to prove from a unique point of view in his most recent book.The Rational Optimist.He views mankind as grand enterprise that on the whole, has done little but progress for 100,000 years.He backs his finding with hard facts gathered through years of research.
Here’s how he explains his views.
1) Shopping fuels invention
It is reported that there are more than ten billion different products for sale in London alone.Even allowing for the many people who still live in poverty, our own generation has access to more nutritious food, more convenient transport, bigger houses, better ears, and of course, more pounds and dollars than any who lived before us.This will continue as long as we use these things to make other things. The more we specialize and exchange, the better off we’ll be.
2)Brilliant advances
One reason we are richer, healthier, taller, cleverer, longer-lived and freer than ever before is that the four most basic human needs -food, clothing, fuel and shelter- have grown a lot cheaper.Take one example.In 1800 a candle providing one hour’s light cost six hours’ work.In the 1880s the same light from an oil lamp took 15 minutes’ work to pay for.In 1950 it was eight seconds.Today it’s half second.
3)Let’s not kill ourselves for climate change
Mitigating(减轻)climate change could prove just as damaging to human welfare as climate change itself.A child that dies from indoor smoke in a village, where the use of fossil-fuel(化石燃料)electricity is forbidden by well - meaning members of green political movements trying to save the world, is just as great a tragedy as a child that dies in a flood caused by climate change.If climate change proves to be mild, but cutting carbon causes real pain, we may well find that we have stopped a nose - bleed by putting a tourniquet(止血带)around our necks.

  1. 1.

    What is the theme of Ridley’s most recent book?

    1. A.
      Weakness of human nature.
    2. B.
      Concern about climate change.
    3. C.
      Importance of practical thinking.
    4. D.
      Optimism about human progress.
  2. 2.

    How does Ridley look at shopping?

    1. A.
      It encourages the creation of things.
    2. B.
      It results in shortage of goods.
    3. C.
      It demands more fossil fuels.
    4. D.
      It causes a poverty problem.
  3. 3.

    The candle and lamp example is used to show that______.

    1. A.
      oil lamps give off more light than candles
    2. B.
      shortening working time brings about a happier life.
    3. C.
      advanced technology helps to produce better candles.
    4. D.
      increased production rate leads to lower cost of goods.


   If you want to take the whole family on holiday,and keep everybody happy.then I have found just the place for you.I recently went with a group of friends to stay at the Greenwood Holiday Village, which is open from May until October.

    Built in the centre of a forest,Greenwood is a great place to stay whatever the weather is like, Its main attraction for families is the indoor World of Water,where young and old Can have fun in the different pools.Some of these,however,are for serious swimmers only.

    For sporty, people,the Country Club offers tennis,squash and badminton.If your children are too young to join in these sports,there are activity clubs.Greenwood is a good place for families as it is traffic-free――you explore on foot or by bike.Some people complained that this was inconvenient,but I was pleased to be out in the fresh air.For evening entertainment,there are shows and cinemas.

    Accommodation is in a variety of apartments of different sizes.These have up to four bedrooms,a kitchen and a bathroom,as well as a dining area.Before going,I thought the apartments might not be big enough for all of us,but I was pleasantly surprised―it was not too crowded at all.

    I'll definitely go back to Greenwood next year.Why don't you give it a try? Visit their website for further information now!


60.From the text,the reader can find out        

  A.the best way to get to the holiday village

  B.the best time of year to visit the holiday village

  C.what activities are available at the holiday village

  D.how to reserve accommodation at the holiday village

61.What does the writer think about the holiday village?

  A.The apartments there are not big enough

  B.It is not convenient because you cannot use your car.

  C.It can only be enjoyed in good weather.

  D.There is something there for all ages

62.Which of the following statements about the apartments is TRUE?

  A.There is not much space between them

  B.Each one has its own bathroom.

  C.They all have four bedrooms.

  D.Not all of them have dining areas.

63.Which postcard would somebody send from the holiday village?

                          A.                                                           B.    

Dear Jane,

   The children love the beach and all the activities. We’ve got a lovely 4-bedroom apartment.








Dear Jane,

   As it’s April, the weather isn’t good, but it doesn’t matter as there’s a lovely swimming pool.



 C.                                                                 D.

Dear Jane,

   My parents love the swimming pool, and the children love riding around the forest on

Their bicycles.








Dear Jane,

   We’re a bit disappointed that we have to drive everywhere, but there’s a lot to see and do.











Fresh flowers actually continue to grow while in a vase.So in order to keep flowers fresh, you need to consider what the flowers need to grow and stay healthy.Flowers need water, light, and food.Besides, you need to be aware of a few precautions to take.
Distilled water(蒸馏水) is the best kind of water to use for fresh flowers, because there are no chemicals in it.Change the water for your fresh flowers every day or no less than every 2 days to prevent bacteria(细菌) building up.Cut the stems under water again before putting them back in the vase, so that they will be able to draw water up easily.
Keep your fresh flowers out of direct sunlight.At night, put them in the fridge.This will prolong their life.Adding commercial flower food to good water is probably the best method of keeping flowers fresh.Some people put sugar in the water for food.That is OK, but commercial flower food has bacteria-killing ingredients, which can make the water more acidic(酸性的).If you want a more natural food for your fresh flowers, try water that has been specially treated.That solution will also give the water acidity, sugar, and bacteria-killing ability.
Keep your fresh flowers away from fruit.Fruit gas, or ethylene, will reduce the life of your fresh flowers, making them get older faster.Ethylene is what makes fruit ripen.It is given off by dead flowers, too, so be sure to remove them.
If you follow these tips, your fresh flowers will last a long time and beautify any room in which you put them.
1.What does the underlined word precautions in Paragraph 1 mean?
A.problems that happen to flowers. B.advantages of having flowers.
C.measures taken to prevent problems.   D.preparations to grow flowers outside.
2.The fact that distilled water is most beneficial for fresh flowers indicates that ______.
A.distilled water is perfect for people to drink
B.running water shouldn’t be used to water flowers
C.it takes great efforts to keep flowers fresh
D.fresh flowers aren’t used to certain chemicals
3.In order to prolong the life of fresh flowers, you should ______.
A.protect them from direct sunlight during the daytime
B.put them in a damp place at night
C.put them in a fridge all the time
D.put them near water during the daytime
4.Which of the following is the best method of keeping flowers fresh?
A.Cutting the stems under water before putting them back.
B.Using distilled water and commercial flower food.
C.Keeping them away from fruit gas.
D.Watering them with water which contains sugar.


Fresh flowers actually continue to grow while in a vase.So in order to keep flowers fresh, you need to consider what the flowers need to grow and stay healthy.Flowers need water, light, and food.Besides, you need to be aware of a few precautions to take.

Distilled water(蒸馏水) is the best kind of water to use for fresh flowers, because there are no chemicals in it.Change the water for your fresh flowers every day or no less than every 2 days to prevent bacteria(细菌) building up.Cut the stems under water again before putting them back in the vase, so that they will be able to draw water up easily.

Keep your fresh flowers out of direct sunlight.At night, put them in the fridge.This will prolong their life.Adding commercial flower food to good water is probably the best method of keeping flowers fresh.Some people put sugar in the water for food.That is OK, but commercial flower food has bacteria-killing ingredients, which can make the water more acidic(酸性的).If you want a more natural food for your fresh flowers, try water that has been specially treated.That solution will also give the water acidity, sugar, and bacteria-killing ability.

Keep your fresh flowers away from fruit.Fruit gas, or ethylene, will reduce the life of your fresh flowers, making them get older faster.Ethylene is what makes fruit ripen.It is given off by dead flowers, too, so be sure to remove them.

If you follow these tips, your fresh flowers will last a long time and beautify any room in which you put them.

1.What does the underlined word precautions in Paragraph 1 mean?

A.problems that happen to flowers. B.advantages of having flowers.

C.measures taken to prevent problems.   D.preparations to grow flowers outside.

2.The fact that distilled water is most beneficial for fresh flowers indicates that ______.

A.distilled water is perfect for people to drink

B.running water shouldn’t be used to water flowers

C.it takes great efforts to keep flowers fresh

D.fresh flowers aren’t used to certain chemicals

3.In order to prolong the life of fresh flowers, you should ______.

A.protect them from direct sunlight during the daytime

B.put them in a damp place at night

C.put them in a fridge all the time

D.put them near water during the daytime

4.Which of the following is the best method of keeping flowers fresh?

A.Cutting the stems under water before putting them back.

B.Using distilled water and commercial flower food.

C.Keeping them away from fruit gas.

D.Watering them with water which contains sugar.


