They a the date of their wedding in the paper. 查看更多





1.When the police caught the thief, he _______(假装) an ordinary man.

2.He failed in his first a________(  尝试 )to ride a horse, but he would try a second time.

3.This company shows great _______( 尊重 )for human rights.

4.We should honor those who have made great _________(贡献) to the society.

5.They ________(宣布) the date of their wedding in the paper.

6.He was not a regular ___________(顾客) of that shop, for he just dropped in sometimes.

7.He is a j____(新闻记者) collecting and writing news reports for newspapers and magazines.

8. A good salesman must be ________(进取的) if he wants to succeed.

9. B_________(举止) yourself, or you’ll not be allowed to take part in the party.

10. I’ve got about $10 in my w_____________.(钱包)




1.When the police caught the thief, he _______(假装) an ordinary man.

2.He failed in his first a________(  尝试 )to ride a horse, but he would try a second time.

3.This company shows great _______( 尊重 )for human rights.

4.We should honor those who have made great _________(贡献) to the society.

5.They ________(宣布) the date of their wedding in the paper.

6.He was not a regular ___________(顾客) of that shop, for he just dropped in sometimes.

7.He is a j____(新闻记者) collecting and writing news reports for newspapers and magazines.

8. A good salesman must be ________(进取的) if he wants to succeed.

9. B_________(举止) yourself, or you’ll not be allowed to take part in the party.

10. I’ve got about $10 in my w_____________.(钱包)





1Where does the woman live now?

AIn New York

BIn Chicago

CIn Boston

2What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

ATeacher and student

BHusband and wife

CDoctor and patient

3What’s the weather like?




4Why won’t the woman order dessert?

AShe thinks the dessert is too expensive

BShe doesn’t want to gain weight

CShe is afraid of dropping the dessert on her clothes

5What is true about Mary and Jack?

AThey spent a week having honeymoon

BThey went on their honeymoon a week after their wedding

CThey thought a honeymoon of one week was too short




6What month is it now?




7What does the woman offer to do for the man?

ATo type his paper

BTo help him with his homework

CTo organize his finding notes


8What does the man want?

AA cup of coffee

BA salad

CA cheeseburger

9Where does Louise suggest the man eat?

AAt a coffee shop

BAt his house

CIn her office

10Where does Louise usually have lunch?

AAt home

BAt a coffee shop

CIn her office


11What is the woman planning to do this evening?

ATo have a talk with Bob

BTo see some Americans off

CTo have dinner with some American friends

12What’s wrong with the man?

AHe’s got a headache

BHe’s forgotten the date

CHe’s got a sore throat

13Whom is the man going to write to?

AHis friends

BHis parents

CHis girlfriend


14How did the woman come?

ABy train

BOn foot

CBy bus

15How long had the man been waiting for her?

ANearly an hour

BMore than an hour

CAbout five minutes

16Why didn’t she tell her boss about her appointment?

ABecause she thought the work wouldn’t take long

BBecause she thought the work wasn’t hard to do

CBecause she didn’t think the boss would let her go


17Why did the doctors in Boston study 1,100 children?

ATo examine whether these children were unhealthy

BTo find out whether their mothers had smoked

CTo examine the effect that mothers’ smoking had on their children

18Who developed 20 more cold and breathing diseases than other children in their later life?

AThe children whose mothers smoked

BThe children whose mothers didn’t smoke

CThe children whose fathers smoked

19John and Mary are brother and sister; if their father is a heavy smoker, according to the passage, what will happen?

AJohn is more likely to develop lung cancer

BNeither John nor Mary has the chance to develop lung cancer

CMary is more likely to develop cancer

20What is the purpose of this passage?

ATo warn us of the danger of fathers’ smoking in front of children

BTo warn people with breathing problems not to smoke

CTo warn us that mothers who smoke may affect their children’s health

