100 years ago, mixed race marriages were f in the southern states of America. 查看更多



Some amazing people _______ our world for the better in the past 100 years.

A.changeB.are changingC.have changedD.had changed



Britain, ______ many other industrialized countries, ______ major changes over the last 100 years.

A.together with; have experienced

B.as well as; have experienced

C.in common with; has experienced

D.instead of; has experienced



Britain ____ many other industrialized countries, ____ major changes over the last 100 years.

A.together with; have experienced           B.as well as; have experienced

C.in common with; has experienced           D.instead of; has experienced



Britain ____ many other industrialized countries, ____ major changes over the last 100 years.

A.together with; have experiencedB.as well as; have experienced
C.in common with; has experiencedD.instead of; has experienced


Britain, ______________many other industrialized countries, ______ experienced major changes over the past 100 years.

A.together with; have

B.as well as; have

C.in common with; has

D.instead of ; has


