The soil can a water, so it helps to keep water from flowing away. 查看更多




1.The soil can ________(吸收) water, so it helps to keep water from flowing away.

2.Mr. King’s son went to a ________(私立的) school last year.

3.My mum is ________ (踌躇) around not knowing how to solve the problem

4.The serious air crash killed the 250 passengers ________(在飞机上).

5.He is the only person I can ________(相信) in this company.

6.The scenery in Rio De Janeiro is really a ________(盛宴) for the eyes.

7.After the American Civil War, slavery was ________(废除).

8.Shengzhen, which is one of the earliest special economic ________(区域) in China, has become a modern city.

9.Rosa Parks was ________(逮捕) because she refused to stand up for a white man.

10.Fifty years ago, mixed-race marriages were ________(禁止).




76.The soil can ________(吸收) water, so it helps to keep water from flowing away.

77.Mr. King’s son went to a ________(私立的) school last year.

78.My mum is ________ (踌躇) around not knowing how to solve the problem

79.The serious air crash killed the 250 passengers ________(在飞机上).

80.He is the only person I can ________(相信) in this company.

81.The scenery in Rio De Janeiro is really a ________(盛宴) for the eyes.

82.After the American Civil War, slavery was ________(废除).

Shengzhen, which is one of the earliest special economic ________(区域) in China, has become a modern city.

Rosa Parks was ________(逮捕) because she refused to stand up for a white man.

Fifty years ago, mixed-race marriages were ________(禁止).


第Ⅱ卷 (共55 分)


66. When you are making big decisions, it is important to get __________(支持)from your family.

67. If you want to work in a big city and live y the seaside, Qingdao is the    _____   (完美的)place for you.

68. The boy was happy to see many colourful ____________(气球)go up into the sky.

69. My father is a ____________(屠夫).He sells meat.

70. Although most of us are just ordinary people, every one of us is ___________(唯一)

71. The soil can___________(吸收)water, so it helps to keep water from flowing away

72. The police____________(拘捕)Rosa Parks, a black woman who refused to give her seat to a white man.

73. The reason why the American Civil War broke out was whether to_____ (废除) slavery or not.

74. Since the accident , Bill can no longer move his legs and has no feeling below his ______    (腰部) ..

75. Jane’s  ________ (残疾) does not prevent her from reaching her goals in life..

