to disturb his baby sister, John tiptoed into the room. A. Not wishing B. Not to whish C. To wish not D. Wishing not 查看更多



PLAYA GRANDE, COSTA RICA----This resort town was long known for Leatherback Sea Turtle(棱皮龟)National Park, nightly turtle beach tours and even a sea turtle museum. However, on a beach where dozens of turtles used to nest on a given night, scientists spied only 32 leatherbacks all of last year.

With leatherbacks threatened with extinction, Playa Grande’s turtle museum was abandoned (抛弃)three years ago and now sits among a sea of weeds. And the beachside ticket office for turtle tours was washed away by a high tide in September. “We do not promote that as a turtle tourism destination any more because we realize there are far too few turtles to please,” said Alvaro Fonseca, a park ranger.(管理员)

Even before scientists found temperatures going up over the past decade, sea turtles were threatened by beach development, drift net fishing and Costa Ricans’ interest in eating turtle eggs. But climate change may cause the most serious harm to an animal that has lived in the Pacific for 150 million years.

Sea turtles are sensitive to numerous effects of warming. They feed on reefs, which are dying in hotter seas. They lay eggs on beaches that are being covered by rising seas and more violent waves.

More uniquely(独特地), their gender is determined not by genes but by the egg’s temperature during development. Small rises in beach temperatures can result in all-female populations, obviously problematic for survival. If the sand around the eggs hits 30 degrees Celsius, the gender balance shifts to female; at about 32 degrees they are all female. Above 34, you get boiled eggs.

On some nesting beaches, scientists are artificially cooling nests with shade or irrigation and trying to protect broader areas of coastal property from development to ensure that turtles have a place to nest as the seas rise.

Why does the resort town stop promoting its turtle tourism?

A.It decides not to disturb the turtles’ normal life.

B.Tourists have lost interest in watching turtles.

C. There are only very few turtles now.   D. The turtle museum was destroyed by a high tide.

Which of the following is the major factor in the turtles’ endangerment?

A. The locals’ eating habit.   B. Drift net fishing.  C. Beach development. D. Global warming.

The underlined word “gender” in Paragraph 5 means ____.

A. the sex of turtles   B. the habit of turtles   C. the weight of turtles   D. the kind of turtles

We learn from the last paragraph that scientists ____.

A. are doing research on the sea rise   B. are moving turtles to new homes

C. are protecting turtles’ nests        D. are going rid of sea weeds

The passage intends to ____.

A. introduce a special kind of sea turtle   B. explain the mystery of turtles’ eggs

C. show the dangers a certain kind of sea turtle is facing  

D. attract more visitors to a sea turtle museum


When I first got an e-mail account ten years ago, I received communications only from family, friends, and colleagues. Now it seems that every time I check my e-mail, I have an endless series of advertisements and other correspondence that do not interest me at all. If we want e-mail to continue to be useful, we need specific laws that make spamming(发送垃圾邮件) a crime.

If lawmakers do not do something soon to prohibit spam, the problem will certainly get much worse. Computer programs allow spammers to send hundreds of millions of e-mails almost instantly. As more and more advertisers turn to spam to sell their products, individual(个人的) e-mail boxes are often flooded with spam e-mails. Would people continue to use e-mail if they had to deal with an annoying amount of spam each time?

This problem is troubling for individuals and companies as well. Many spam e-mails contain computer viruses that can shut down the entire network of a company. Companies rely on e-mail for their employees to communicate with each other. Spam frequently causes failures in their local communications networks, and their employees are thus unable to communicate effectively. Such a situation results in a loss of productivity and requires companies to repeatedly repair their networks. These computer problems raise production costs of companies, which are, in the end, passes on to the consumer.

For these reasons, I believe that lawmakers need to legislate (立法) against spam. Spammers should be fined, and perhaps sent to prison if they continue to disturb people. E-mail is a tool which helps people all over the world to communicate conveniently, but spam is destroying this convenience.

1.According to the text, what is the major cause of the flooding spam?    

A.Companies rely on e-mail for communications.

B.More people in the world communicate by e-mail.

C.More advertisers begin to promote sales through spam.

D.Many computer viruses contain spam e-mail.

2.According to Paragraph 3, who is the final victim of spam?             

A.The business

B.The advertiser

C.The consumer

D.The employee

3.What is the purpose of the text?

A.To inform

B.To educate

C.To instruct

D.To persuade



Has anyone noticed how, with the passage of time, one’s relationship with one’s grown-up daughters and sons becomes changed? I’ve been aware of this for some time but I’m not quite sure how to deal with it.

Take the kitchen sink for example.

Following a family get-together at my place, I walked into the kitchen to find Kate, my daughter carefully cleaning the sink.

“Don’t do that; what are you doing that for?” I said, unhappy about the hidden criticism.

“Mum,” she said, “you really ought to put your glasses on when you clean the sink. Behind the tap here was black!”

But it’s not just things like kitchen sinks. Another time Kate arrived to pick me up to lunch. She looked at me and then asked, “Mum, why do you use brown eyebrow pencil when your hair is grey?”

A sudden memory of her, aged 14, going to her first mixed party flooded back. She had come in to say goodbye. For a moment I thought she’d been an accident. Both eyes were black. I remember suggesting that perhaps a little less eye make-up might be more effective.

Now I told her, “My hair used to be brown.”

“It looks absurd.”

“Mrs. Menzies had dark eyebrows with grey hair.”

“Yes, but you’re not Mrs. Menzies, are you?” she said triumphantly, as if that proved her point.

But a recent event made me realize that something really must be done.

She had returned some for a few weeks before getting married. One evening I went out on a dinner date. By the time my companion left me at the front door, it was about 2am. As I stepped in, an angry figure in a white nightgown stopped me.

“Well, what time of night is this to be coming home?” she shouted. “Where have you been? I’ve been worried sick!”

Shades of the past come back to disturb me. But what should I do about all this? Nothing, probably. Maybe, after all, it’s only a stage young people are going through.

The daughter thought her mother didn’t clean the kitchen sink well because of her        .

       A.laziness    B.carelessness      C.unhappiness     D.poor-quality glasses

From the passage we know the daughter         .

       A.didn’t want to help with the sink

       B.didn’t like brown eyebrow pencils

       C.had an accident when she went to her first party

       D.shouted at her mum because she came home late

How does the mother feel after all these have happened?

       A.Shocked.  B.Proud.      C.Envious.   D.Confused.

The author writes the stories to prove that         .

      A.their relationship became stronger 

       B.their roles changed as time passed

       C.her daughter very much cared about her

       D.her daughter got upset as she grew up


A couple of years ago,before a trip to China,Nicole Davis and her US women’s volleyball teammates were warned about the prominence (显著、突出) of coach “Jenny” Lang Ping in her native country.

“I was pushed over by Chinese journalists while I was just trying to put my luggage on the bus,”said Davis.

Known as the “Iron Hammer” for her punishing spikes(扣球),Lang made it possible for China to dominate in the sport in the early 1980s.She was a key player on China’s 1984 Olympic gold medal winning team.

When the US team arrived for the Olympics,Lang,48,who is from Beijing,had to take a different route to avoid a crowd of reporters and fans.

Then came the greatest moment to Lang:While the US team was playing in a packed gym,at least 8,000 Chinese fans unfurled an American flag.

“That really says it all,” Davis said.“They look at her as an icon(偶像).I’m sure it’s hard for them to see her coaching another country,but they love her so dearly that her success is their success.”

The loyalty of the Chinese fans was tested on Friday,when China lost a match to the US.

“It’s a pity that China lost the match,but I’m still glad that Lang Ping’s team won,since she is the pride of China’s volleyball,” said Liu Chengli,a spectator.“We also cheered for

Lang’s victory.”

Lang said she just tried to stay professional when the two teams meet.“It doesn’t matter if we play China or any other team.It’s the same.” Lang said.

Davis said she and her teammates could not have imagined the passion for volleyball among Chinese because the sport was lack of popularity in the US. The reception from Chinese fans has touched the US players,said US volleyball player Lindsey Berg.

“It’s such an honor to be here and play for our coach here in China,”she said.“The amount of support that the Chinese give to her and us has been tremendous.The whole event has been unbelievable.”

What’s the passage mainly about?

A.Staying professional.                           B.Cheering for the Iron Hammer.

C.A match between China and the US.      D.Lang Ping’s career as a coach.

Lang Ping avoided meeting the reporters and fans probably because she ________.

A.was afraid to be questioned about her strategy

B.didn’t want to be paid much attention to

C.disliked to be with her fans

D.didn’t want to disturb public order

What does the underlined word “unfurled” exactly mean?

A.destroyed completely                           B.tore into pieces

C.spread out to the wind                          D.rolled up

What does Lang Ping mean by saying “It doesn’t matter if we play China or any other team.”?

A.American Volleyball Team will beat any team.

B.Chinese Volleyball Team is the same as other teams.

C.She just tried to stay professional.

D.The results of each match will be the same.


When I first got an e-mail account ten years ago, I received communications only from family, friends, and colleagues. Now it seems that every time I check my e-mail, I have an endless series of advertisements and other correspondence that do not interest me at all. If we want e-mail to continue to be useful, we need specific laws that make spamming(发送垃圾邮件) a crime.
If lawmakers do not do something soon to prohibit spam, the problem will certainly get much worse. Computer programs allow spammers to send hundreds of millions of e-mails almost instantly. As more and more advertisers turn to spam to sell their products, individual(个人的) e-mail boxes are often flooded with spam e-mails. Would people continue to use e-mail if they had to deal with an annoying amount of spam each time?
This problem is troubling for individuals and companies as well. Many spam e-mails contain computer viruses that can shut down the entire network of a company. Companies rely on e-mail for their employees to communicate with each other. Spam frequently causes failures in their local communications networks, and their employees are thus unable to communicate effectively. Such a situation results in a loss of productivity and requires companies to repeatedly repair their networks. These computer problems raise production costs of companies, which are, in the end, passes on to the consumer.
For these reasons, I believe that lawmakers need to legislate (立法) against spam. Spammers should be fined, and perhaps sent to prison if they continue to disturb people. E-mail is a tool which helps people all over the world to communicate conveniently, but spam is destroying this convenience.

  1. 1.

    According to the text, what is the major cause of the flooding spam?    

    1. A.
      Companies rely on e-mail for communications.
    2. B.
      More people in the world communicate by e-mail.
    3. C.
      More advertisers begin to promote sales through spam.
    4. D.
      Many computer viruses contain spam e-mail.
  2. 2.

    According to Paragraph 3, who is the final victim of spam?             

    1. A.
      The business
    2. B.
      The advertiser
    3. C.
      The consumer
    4. D.
      The employee
  3. 3.

    What is the purpose of the text?

    1. A.
      To inform
    2. B.
      To educate
    3. C.
      To instruct
    4. D.
      To persuade

