I love wearing silk. It so soft next to the skin. A. is feeling B. is felt C. feels D. feeling 查看更多




When my daughter, Sophie, was admitted to a college we were very happy, but a little worried about becoming empty nesters. I knew I had to do something to help myself adapt, starting with the summer before she left.

Sophie had a pack of colorful T-shirts. I knew she wouldn’t wear them any more, so I decided to make a quilt out of them for her bed at college. It focused my energy, and also let me relive some memories. I tried to work on the quilt when Sophie wasn’t at home----which turned out to be often. She was very busy with her friends. Even when she was around, her door was shut more than usual. I felt a bit hurt. After all, we didn’t have much time together before she went to college, I was already missing her, and she hadn’t ever left yet.

When we arrived at the college, a wave of emotion flooded me. I tried to hold it back, but Sophie saw it in my face. She took a big red book from her bag. “ I made this for you, Mom,” she said. Then I knew why she had been staying behind a closed door that summer. It was an album of photographs documenting the life of our family over the last 17 years.

I broke into tears. Some of it was sadness at having to let her go, but some of it was joy. I knew that our connection was more powerful than ever, and that we’d always be connected by the strongest of threads, the love that went into every stitch of her quilt and every photo of my album.

In Sophie’s dormitory I unfolded the quilt on her bed. For a moment she was speechless. Then she threw her arms around me . “Mom, I love you,” she said. One of her new friends was calling her outside. Sophie turned, and I let her go.

56.What do we learn about Sophie from the passage?

A. She did not understand how her mother felt about her leaving.

B. She had few friends, and kept to herself at home that summer.

C. She made a photo album to show her love.

D. She liked her colorful T-shirts very much.

57.Why did the author feel hurt, according to the second paragraph?

A. Because Sophie was not interested in what she was doing.

B.Because Sophie had little time for her.

C.Because Sophie was going to leave home for a long time.

D.Because Sophie did not help her to make the quilt.

58.How did the author feel when they arrived at the college?

A. She felt worried.

B.She felt nervous.

C.She was sorry to be leaving her daughter.

D.She missed her daughter very much.

59.Why did the author finally let her daughter go?

A. She realized that her daughter had to go to college by herself.

B.She realized that the love between them would never be cut off.

C.Sophie’s present had made her forget her sorrow.

D.Sophie’s new friends were calling her outside the dormitory.



India was once part of the British Empire, but thanks to modern technology and a booming economy, it has turned the tables on its former colonial master. Indian tutors are helping to teach math to British children over high-speed Internet connections. Early results suggest the idea is improving exam results. But not everyone is happy at this “outsourcing” of tutoring.
It’s 3:30, and pupils at Raynham Primary School in London are gathering for their after-school maths lessons.
Five time zones— thousands of kilometers away—their math tutors are also arriving for class. High-speed Internet has made it possible for Indian tutors to teach British pupils in real time. Each pupil gets a dedicated one-to-one online tutor. The students work with activities on their computer screen and wear a headset and microphone to talk to their tutor.
The class teacher, Altus Basson, says he has seen an improvement in results. “There are some children who’ve really rocketed in their results. Children who struggleto focus in class focus a lot better on the laptops. The real advantage is that each child gets a focused activity and a single tutor,” he said.
Such individualized teaching is the core idea of Brightspark Education, the company that provides the online tutoring, says founder Tom Hooper. “Children today feel very confident online; they feel very engaged; they feel very in control. And that's half the battle with education.Give them control, make them feel confident and enjoy their learning and you'll see them start to improve and embrace it," he said.
Raynham Primary School is among the first in Europe to try online tutoring. At between $20 and $25 an hour, it's about half the cost of face-to-face coaching. But some people say an Internet connection is not enough of a connection for teaching and learning. Kevin Courtney is deputy General Secretary of Britain's National Union of Teachers. "We think, there's a really important emotional connection between a teacher and a child whether it's a whole class or whether it's one-to-one. You need that immediacy of feedback and we're not convinced that that can happen across an Internet connection. In one of the wealthiest.countries in the world, we think that we can afford to have teachers with genuine emotional connection there with the children," he said.
Brightspark Education says the online tutoring is used only as an addition to supplement regular teaching. The company says its service does not represent a threat to teachers' jobs in Britain.
Parents say they're very satisfied with the results they've seen. And what about the children?Children: "I love it!"I love it!"I hate maths!" So math--or, as the British call it, maths—is still not everyone's favorite subject even with the latest technology to teach it.
【小题1】What do we know about the online tutoring?

A.Indian tutors are helping to teach math in Britain.
B.Tutors and students are in different places.
C.An online tutor helps several students at the same time.
D.Tutors and students communicate by telephone.
【小题2】What can we learn about Brightspark Education? 
A.It shows a threat to teachers’ jobs in Britain.
B.It can take place of the regular teaching.
C.It only pays attention to math teaching.
D.It emphasizes the individualized teaching.
【小题3】According to Kevin Courtne, _________.      .
A.online tutoring will represent a threat to teachers’ jobs in Britain
B.online tutoring has a great influence on British.
C.the emotional connection between a teacher and a child is important
D.immediacy of feedback can happen across an Internet connection
【小题4】What’s the best title for this passage ?
A.A New Teaching Pattern
B.Indian Teachers and British Students
C.To Learn Maths with the Latest Technology
D.Indian Tutors Teach British Kids Online



Mrs. Smith is 70 years old. She had a club. It is a


walking club. There are now ten people in the club, but


most of whom are old people like herself. The people walk


two mile every day. They walk very quickly because that


is a good way to keep health. When it is too cold to walk


outside in the winter, they have to walk in the club. They all


wear T-shirts these words on them“I Love Walking”.


Something interested happened to the walking club one


day. A dog began to walk after them. Soon, there were two


more dogs. Now the walking club has both people and dogs are


walking every day.



I love exploring new places. Whether I travel across America or around the world,a new adventure is always waiting. What I don’t always enjoy is the time spent 9,000 meters(30,000 feet)in the air. Tight spaces, long hours, and unexpected-problems can make air travel stressful. Follow these six tips to make your next flight a braze.
1. Make a checklist. Before you pack,make a checklist of everything you need and mark item off as you put them in your bag. Be sure you include important documents, such as your passport.
2. Pack light. You don’t need to pack your whole closet. Choose clothes that mix and match for more variety. Wear your largest shoes on the place to save room in your bag. And pack a few old items that you can leave behind to make more room for souvenirs(纪念品) on the way home.
3. Carry on essential (基本的)items. Unfortunately, dependable baggage service is hard to come by. When you fly, be sure to pack your medicine, important documents, and a change of clothes in your carry-on bag.
4. Pack water and snacks. No one wants to get stuck on a runway for hours without food, water. But bad weather or mechanical problems could leave you stranded(进退两难的). Pack water and crackers in your carry-on. But leave fresh foods at home. Most countries won’t allow you to bring them across their borders.
5. Stretch your legs. More and more travelers suffer from blood clots caused by sitting too long in tight spaces. You can help prevent this problem by doing stretches in your seat taking short walks every hour.
6. Entertain yourself. A long trip can either mean hours of boredom or an exciting adventure. Plan ahead to keep yourself busy with books,magazines and portable CD player. Just don’t forget to bring extra batteries.
Research airlines before you book your reservations. For just a few dollars more,some airlines offer personal entertainment systems. Singapore Air gives you nearly 70 choices of movies,music channels, and other entertainment!
With a little planning ahead,you’ll be able to sit back and enjoy the ride.
68. It is advised by the writer in this passage to _____ for your flight.
A. pack all the things you will need    B. leave your important documents behind
C. carry some fresh foods with you    D. take some books, magazines and CD players
69. Which of the following tips isn’t mentioned in this passage?
A. Researching airlines before reservations.    B. Staying still during the whole flight.
C. Carrying some water and essential items.     D. Making a list of the things you need.
70. The underlined phrase “come by” in tip 3 probably means _____.
A. receive by chance    B. obtain by effort    C. pass by   D. offer in satisfaction
71. We can conclude from this passage that _____.
A. you will get sick during the long flight hours
B. old items are not allowed to bring back on the way home
C. you are not allowed to carry things as freely as you want
D. you can also board the plane without your passport


If you watch British television on Friday March 15, you might be surprised to see celebrities wearing funny red noses and joking around. But don’t worry, they’re not mad, it’s all part of a biennial fund-raising event called Red Nose Day.
Organized by the charity Comic Relief, founded in 1985 by two British comedians, the aim of the event is to raise money to fight poverty and injustice in the UK and Africa.
Celebrities and public figures support the event by making appearances on comic TV shows broadcast by the BBC. This year, for example, UK Prime Minister David Cameron appeared in a music video by One Direction, which the band produced for the event.
But Britons don’t just raise money for charitable causes on one day a year, they do it all year round. One way of doing so is by shopping in charity shops.
These small, inconspicuous shops sell clothes, books and household goods just like any other shop. But there’s one big difference—it’s all secondhand.
There are nearly 10,000 charity shops in the UK, according to the Charity Retail Association. Their business model is simple: Anybody who has things they don’t want anymore can donate them to a charity shop, where they are checked for damage, cleaned and priced. Most items go back on sale at a small part of their original price and the money that is made by selling them is used for a charitable cause.
The idea of buying used clothes may sound off-putting, but for shoppers who have less spending money, such as the elderly or those in low-paying jobs, it has been a welcome option for years.
Now, “thrifting”—shopping at charity shops— is also becoming popular with young people looking for alternative fashion.
“I love shopping at thrift stores. You can find very unique clothes for a very cheap price. It doesn’t bother me that other people may have worn them, I simply wash them before I wear them,” said Anne Marie, a 19-year-old Internet user from the US, in a comment on a Yahoo forum.
So next time you spot a charity shop, why not go inside? Who knows, you might find a lovely dress for just a few pounds. Even better, you can enjoy wearing it in the knowledge that your money helped a good cause.
【小题1】What do famous people in Britain do in support of the Red Nose Day event?

A.Appear on comic TV shows.
B.Donate large sums of money.
C.Donate expensive clothes to charity shops.
D.Play in a music video with the Prime Minister.
【小题2】What do we learn from the passage about Comic Relief?
A.It was founded in 1985 by two British comedians in Africa.
B.It organizes the Red Nose Day fund-raising event.
C.It runs nearly 10,000 charity shops in the UK.
D.It is financially supported by the UK government.
【小题3】One reason for the popularity of the thrift shops is that __________.
A.they sell a wide variety of goods
B.their business model is simple
C.their goods are carefully checked, cleaned and priced
D.they provide things, sometimes special, at low prices
【小题4】The passage is written mainly to __________.
A.inspire more people to join in charitable causes in the UK
B.introduce the traditions of the Red Nose Day
C.analyze why charity shops are popular in the UK
D.explain how charity shops work in the UK

