in long forms a lot of time and few people like it. A. Fill, takes B. To fill, take C. Filled, take D. Filling, takes 查看更多



Accidents and illness are unhappy things to talk about, but no one can expect to live a lifetime without having some kind of accident or becoming ill. Some accidents and illnesses are serious and may result in long periods of invalidism.

The newspapers contain spectacular accounts of accidents in the street and highways and public places, but nearly as many accidents occur around the home. Somebody trips on a rug. Somebody falls off a stepladder. Somebody is careless in cooking dinner, and is burned. Accidents incurred in the playing of sports and swimming also accounts for a large number of injuries, big and little. Despite constant campaigns to reduce the number of accidents, there are still approximately 100,000 accidental deaths and nearly 9,000,000 non­fatal injuries in the United States each year.

It has been estimated that around 3,000,000 people are constantly ill in the United States throughout the year and that over half the illness is caused by respiratory diseases, chiefly colds and influenza.

The pain and suffering caused by accidents and illness tell only half the story. Loss of time from school and work and medical and hospital expenses often make the pain seem worse. Money spent in this country for doctors, services, hospitalization, nursing care, drugs, medicines, Xrays, and special treatments, amounts to a huge annual sum. Added to this expense is another much larger amount that is lost to wage earners throughout the nation by reason of their loss of wages or income while sick or otherwise disabled.

Accident and health insurance is a form of insurance devised to protect against these economic losses. It protects the earning of wage earners and finishes financial aid to the family of the breadwinner by the payment of his doctor and hospital bills. Today, business and professional men, farmers, industrial workers, clerks and those engaged in various occupations, whose earning power is shut off for a week, a month, or sometimes years, because of accidents or illness can insure themselves against this financial loss by accident and health insurance.

Protection is available to all types of workers and the cost(called the premium)ranges from a few cents a day for small or limited policies to a month for policies paying larger amounts(called indemnities). Policy is another name for an insurance contract(合同). Most accident and health policies are cancelable policies—that is, they are sold for a definite term such as a week, a month, or a year, similar to contracts of fire insurance and automobile liability insurance. There are, however, policies which cannot be canceled or terminated(终止)by the insurance company until the policyholder reaches an age at which he usually has no further earning power—most often at sixty or sixty­five years. These non­cancelable policies cost more than the cancelable policies.

1.What is the passage mainly concerned about?

A.Everyone will have some sort of illness or accident.

B.Accident and health insurance is available to everyone.

C.Cancelable insurance policies are better than non­cancelable one.

D.Insurance is a good protection against accidents and illness.

2.Every year in the United States there are________.

A.more people die in accidents than of illness

B.more people who are ill than those injured in accidents

C.more outdoor accidents than indoor accidents

D.more people injured in accidents than those who are constantly ill

3.The heaviest pain and suffering caused by accidents and illness are________.

A.colds and influenza             losses

C.loss of time                            D.invalidism

4.Accident and health insurance will protect people by________.

A.covering their medical expenditure

B.paying their wages

C.restoring their earning power

D.providing policyholders with the money they need to survive



Hong Kong, major commercial center for Asia, and with a population which has grown at an alarming rate to over 5 million, is a city highly dependent on mass (大量的, 大规模的) transit of all sorts, both local and long distance. An ordinary Hong Kong worker or businessman, going about his daily activities, simply must use transportation at one time or another.    

Because Hong Kong is in two parts, Kowloon, on the mainland side, and Hong Kong, the island, with Hong Kong's harbor in between Hong Kong's mass transit systems, in addition to going over land they must also cross water.    

Going from home to work, or going shopping from one side of the harbor to the other, the Hong Kong resident has three choices. One way is to take a bus which will cross the harbor through an under water traffic tunnel moving slowly through bumper- to-bumper (一辆接一辆) traffic.Another way is by ferry boat , a pleasant ride which crosses the harbor in from seven to fifteen  minutes.    

But by far the fastest way of crossing the harbor is the newly built underground electric railway, the Hong Kong Metro(地铁). If one gets on the train in the Central District,the commercial area of Hong Kong on the island side, he can speed across the harbor in an astonishing three minutes. On the other side of the harbor the railway continues, snaking back and forth through the outlying districts of Kowloon, allowing one to get off a short distance from his destination.    

       The story of the Metro is an encouraging one for supporters of mass transit. Although building the system was certainly a challenging task, the Japanese firm hired to construct it did so in record time. Construction got underway in 1979 and it was completed in 1980.    

       For the average commuter (一般持月票往返两地的乘客) the system has only one disadvantage; it is more expensive than by bus or ferry. One can ride the bus across the harbor for half as much or he can ride the ferry across for less than one-fifth as much.

Hong Kong public transportation extends ________.

     A.over hills and valleys             B.across land and water   

     C.through mountains               D.throughout the Kowloon area

Crossing the harbor by train is ________. far the most economical methods

B.the most pleasant method   

     C.the least pleasant method         

D.the fastest method

The business area on the island side of Hong Kong is referred to as ________.  

     A.Kowloon                          B.the Central District   

     C.the Hong Kong Metro       D.downtown Hong Kong

The underground railway ________.   

     A.winds through Kowloon              B.ends when it reaches Kowloon   

C.snakes across the harbor                D.circles Kowloon


Tom, Eric, Tess and Ann are talking about in what way they would like their schools improved. Read the following descriptions (A, B, C and D) and match them with the four opinions.

1.Tom: I’d like somewhere to sit and read and enjoy myself.

2.Eric: I hope our school can be more comfortable and convenient.

3.Tess: I really prefer to have a place to do some exercise after class.

4.Ann: I think our school should buy more equipment like computers.


What I’d most like to have is a little café, where we students can rest and do some reading. At the moment people have to stand in the passage, or even outside and there’s nowhere to buy a drink or something, or read the paper, so people don’t stay in school for long after the lessons finish. I think it would be completely different if they had somewhere to enjoy themselves.                  B

Our school is big with nice modern buildings and everything, but there is one thing I would really love ---- a gym. We’re right in the middle of a big city and the traffic is very busy, so I find it very difficult to get out to the gym at lunchtime. A gym would be good for the school. If more people went to the gym and did some exercise, they’d probably work better.


Our school is just uncomfortable in every way. For example, the chairs are really uncomfortable, so the next thing I’d like to do is get some comfortable chairs of good quality. Oh, and the worst thing is that we’re on the fifth and sixth floors of our building, so I’d love to have some lifts put in. Just one little lift would make our lives so much easier.                  D

Our school has a nice building, and is in a nice part of the city. Unfortunately we haven’t got much equipment, so I’d really like to have a computer room with the Internet available. I think students can learn a lot this way. And I’d like to have VCD sub every classroom instead of tapes. VCDs are so much more interesting for learning a language, I think.




Nothing says love like a dozen long – stemmed roses on Valentine’s Day. More than a million roses will be sold during this festival for lovers, the biggest day of the year for the nation’s rose industry. It’s going to remain the most popular flower because love never goes out of style.

Yes, a rose is a rose is a rose. But selling them is no longer a beautiful experience for traditional flower shops. Supermarkets now offer convenience to the busy and discount rose shops help those hopelessly in love save money. Roses only is a good example of a discount rose retailer that was transformed from a traditional shop to answer the challenge in the’ 90s.

Inside this store on Sixth Avenue near 40 th Street, contemporary white furniture and wall – to – wall mirrors give it an expensive look. Customers move about freely among the counters, looking eagerly at the roses in more than 50 colors from shelf to shelf. Some customers say it’s the high quality of the roses that attracts them there. “I spent $ 20 but the flowers looked like I paid 60 or 70 dollars,” says one customer.

Studies show more people are buying roses in ones, two and threes these days. In fact, more than half of all roses are sold in bunches of fewer than a dozen. But Roses Only's low prices encourage people to spend. Even on Valentine's Day, when the price of a dozen roses and delivery can soar as high as $150, 12 of Roses Only's most expensive flowers sell for just $35. The company's key to success is to hold prices down by controlling every link in the rose chain. It grows its own roses in the sunshine of the Andes Mountains. In addition, the company also sells other items such as ballons and stuffed animals.    

       While discount rose retailers are witnessing their business bloom, U.S. rose growers aren’t able to compete with the fierce foreign competition. More than 57% of roses sold in the USA are grown in other countries. The biggest foreign producers are Colombia and Ecuador, which accounted for almost 90% of the total imported last year. The trend has hurt domestic rose growers such as Johnson Flowers of California, considered to be this country's leading producer.

Now, instead of fighting overseas rivals, the Johnsons are trying to work with them. "We have a few big fighting overseas rivals, the Johnsons are trying to work with them. “We may also widen our business to include the service area and be a representative for overseas flower producers.”

       As a result of severe competition, those in the rose business long for the good old days, whereas ordinary people benefit from the low price.

60.What is the central theme of this text?

A.The US rose business is going from bad to worse in spite of the efforts made.

B.The rose will remain the most popular flower as love never goes out of date.

C.The rose business is trying to meet the challenges in the market to succeed.

D.The rose industry plays an important role in American economy.

61.How does Roses Only obtain success in the discount rose retailing field?

       A.By setting up more chain stores across the country.

B.By selling roses in supermarkets.

C.By selling high quality roses at a low price.

D.By selling roses by the dozen.


It won’t be a very long time _________ he is in business for himself.

A.until             B.when             C.before            D.that


