Buying a train ticket one day ahead of time will usually g you a good seat. 查看更多





Without more coal _____ (增添) to the fire, it would soon go out.

The doctor _____ (建议) my father not to smoke but failed.

It is not easy to educate _____ (青少年).

I saw little or nothing of him after ______ (毕业).

We were _____ (震惊) at the way our neighbor treats his son.

Boys enjoy _____ (骑自行车) to school.

Two thirds of the people died or were i_____ during the earthquake.

He went to the town with the p_____  of buying a new television.

She looked calm, but a_____ she was very nervous.

The sun r_____ in the east and sets in the west every day.


We need to make better use of our resources. In developing countries we have more than enough, if we are less wasteful in our ways. Fortunately, we can improve. The challenge lies not so much with ‘technical fixes’ but with our approach to our world around us. In the recent past we were in a “Wild West” economy, supposing that there would always be enough resources. Now we know there are no new Earth to explore and exploit; one image to illustrate this is to think of Earth as a spaceship, where most materials have to be recycled. For us, “moving on” will be a case of leaving behind the throwaway society and advancing to a conserver society.
To qualify as citizens of a conserver society, we must change traditional attitudes and thinking. We need to recognize that there is not very often such a thing as “waste”, rather, there are materials which sometimes end up in the wrong place. The change has already begun. The European steel industry reuses scrap(废弃的)metal, resulting in an energy saving of up to 50% . Recycling a glass container saves only 18%; but, in parts of the United States, a citizen buying a bottle of soda or beer now pays a deposit against return of the empty bottle.
If all drink containers in the USA were to be reused, the annual saving would be 0.5 million tons glass, plus about 50 million barrels of oil used in production processes. In Japan, OPEC promoted an increase in recycling of raw materials from 16% to 48% in just five years. In Norway, the price of a new car includes a disposal cost element of about 100 dollars, redeemable(可换成现款的)when the junked car is turned in at an approved receiving center.
Major new businesses are trying to exploit waste chemicals and oil. The Chinese claim to reuse 2.5 million tons of scrap iron and at least one million tons of waste paper each year. In the main, the conserver society depends on the commitment of individuals. But they can be encouraged by government incentive(鼓励) and punishment, which should apply at least as strongly to industry and other commercial interests.
73  Which of the following best expresses the meaning of “a conserver society” in the second paragraph?
A. A wasteful society.
B. A society which thinks of  ways of recycling waste materials.
C. A society which keeps everything.
D. A society which saves electricity.
74  In the last paragraph, the author suggests governments _______.
A. depends on individuals to find ways of conserving energy.
B. find ways of encouraging those industries and individuals who conserve energy and of punishing those who don’t.
C. depend on companies to find ways of saving energy and rewarding workers
D. help establish businesses that will exploit waste materials
75  In this passage the author _______.
A. explains that meaning of the “Wild West” economy
B. tells us what recycled materials are.
C. teaches us how to recycle materials.
D. recommend a change in our use of resources strongly


Shopping is not as simple as you may think! There are all sorts of tricks at play each time we reach out for that particular brand (品牌) of product on the shelf.

Colouring, for example, varies according to what the producers are trying to sell. Health foods are packaged (包装)in greens, yellows or browns because we think of these as healthy colours. Ice cream packets are often blue and expensive goods, like chocolates, are gold or silver.

When some kind of pain killer was brought out recently, researchers found that the colours turned the customers off because they made the product look weak and ineffective. Eventually, it came on the market in a dark blue and white package—blue because we think of it as safe, and white as calm.

The size of a product can attract a shopper. But quite often a bottle doesn’t contain as much as it appears to.

It is believed that the better-known companies spend, on average, 70 per cent of the total cost of the product itself on packaging!

The most successful producers know that it’s not enough to have a good product. The founder of Pears soap, who for 25 years has used pretty little girls to promote (推销) their goods, came to the conclusion: “Any fool can make soap, but it takes a genius (天才) to sell it.”

64. Which of the following may trick a shopper into buying a product according to the text?

A. The cost of its package.    B. The price of the product.

C. The colour of its package. D. The brand name of the product.

65. The underlined part “the colours turned the customers off”(in Para. 3 ) means that the colours _____.

A. attracted the customers strongly          B. had weak effects on the customers

C. tricked the customers into shopping       D. caused the customers to lose interest

66. Which of the following is the key to the success in product sales?

A. The way to promote goods.             B. The discovery of a genius.

C. The team to produce a good product.      D. The brand name used by successful producers.

67. Which of the following would be the best title for this text?

A. Choice of Good Products               B. Disadvantages of Products

C. Effect of Packaging on Shopping         D. Brand Names and Shopping Tricks



Green Christmas

A.A real tree

B.Eco-friendly Christmas

C.Green advice

D.Recycle or replant

Are you dreaming about a white or green Christmas?

Traditionally, most people hope for a white Christmas in the UK. However, more and more individuals are working towards making it a green one.

With environmental issues a high priority on the social and political agenda, Brits are keen to enjoy the festivities and, at the same time, be kind to the planet.


Statistics show that more waste is produced at Christmas by the food and drink we consume and the presents we exchange. With this in mind, the government and the public are making a conscious effort to make 2006 an eco-friendly Christmas.


For example, the Scottish Executive has dedicated a section of its website to advising the public on the different ways they can have a green Christmas.

Suggestions include re-using old Christmas cards and wrapping paper, using energy-saving Christmas lights, and saving product waste by buying “experience” gifts, like theatre tickets or a museum pass.


Another suggestion on the site was made by Duncan McLaren, from Friends of the Earth Scotland. He said: “If you really must have a Christmas tree, then make it a live one.” This idea is also recommended by local councils across England.

Suffolk Coastal District Council, for example, has encouraged local residents to buy a real Christmas tree which can be planted out or composted after the festive season.


Councillor Andrew Nunn, the Cabinet Member for the Environment, said: “Trees with roots can be replanted in the garden either for re-use next year or just left to grow to enhance the garden scene. People are often put off buying a real tree because of falling needles, but this is now a thing of the past with new varieties of trees being grown that hardly shed any. Needles that do fall can be swept up and put on the compost heap or in the brown garden waste bin for recycling.”



You're busy filling out the application form for a position you really need. Let's assume you once actually completed a couple of years of college work or even that you completed your degree. Isn't it appealing to lie just a little, to claim on the form that your diploma represents a Harvard degree? Or that you finished an extra couple of years back at State University? More and more people are turning to cheat like this to land their job or to move ahead in their careers, for personnel officers, like most Americans, value degrees from famous schools. A job applicant may have a good education anyway, but he or she assumes that chances of being hired are better with a diploma from a well-known university.
Registrars(登记员) at most well-known colleges say they deal with deceitful claims like these at the rate of about one per week. Personnel officers do check up on degrees listed on application forms, then. If it turns out that an applicant is lying, most colleges are unwilling to accuse the applicant directly. One Ivy League school calls them "cheats"; another refers to them as "special cases". One well-known West Coast school, in perhaps the most delicate phrase of all, says that these claims are made by "no such people". To avoid outright(彻底的) lies, some job-seekers claim that they "attending" means being dismissed after one semester. It may be that "being associated with" a college means that the job-seeker visited his younger brother for a football weekend. One school that keeps records of false claims says that the practice dates back at least to the turn of the century—that's when they began keeping records, anyhow. If you don't want to lie or even stretch the truth, there are companies that will sell you a false diploma.
  One company, with offices in New York and on the West Coast, will put your name on a diploma from any number of nonexistent colleges. The price begins at around twenty dollars for a diploma from "Smoot State University". The prices increase rapidly for a degree from the "University of Purdue". As there is no Smoot State and the real school in Indiana is properly called Purdue University, the prices seem rather high for one sheet of paper.
【小题1】The main idea of this passage is that ______.

A.employers are checking more closely on applicants now
B.lying about college degrees has become a widespread problem degrees can now be purchased easily
D.employers are no longer interested in college degrees
【小题2】According to the passage, "special cases" refers to cases that ______.
A.students attend a school only part-time
B.students never attended a school they listed on their application
C.students purchase false degrees from commercial firms
D.students attended a famous school
【小题3】We can infer from the passage that _______.
A.performance is a better judge of ability than a college degree
B.experience is the best teacher
C.past work histories influence personnel officers more than degrees do
D.a degree from a famous school enables an applicant to gain advantage over others in job competition
【小题4】This passage implies that ______.
A.buying a false degree is not moral
B.personnel officers only consider applicants from famous schools
C.most people lie on applications because they were dismissed from school
D.society should be greatly responsible for lying on applications

