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It turns out that being voted “Most likely to succeed” in high school might actually be a good predictor of one’s financial and educational success in the future.
According to a University of Illinois professor who studies the sociology of education, high school sophomores who were rated by their teachers as having good social skills and work habits, and who participated in extracurricular activities in high school, made more money and completed higher levels of education 10 years later than their classmates who had similar standardized test scores but were less socially adroit(熟练的)and participated in fewer extracurricular activities.
Christy Lleras, a professor of human and community development, says that “soft skills” such as sociability, punctuality, conscientiousness(负责任) and an ability to get along well with others, along with participation in extracurricular activities, are better predictors of earnings and higher educational achievement later in life than having good grades and high standardized test scores.
“That’s not tosay that academic achiecement in high school doesn’t matter—it does,”Lleras said. “But if we only look at standardized test scores, we’re only considering part of the equation for success as an adult in a global marketplace. Academic achievement is part of the story, but it’s not the whole story. You’ve got to have the social skills and work habits to back those achievements up.”
With the generational shift from a manufacturing-hased economy to a service-and-information-based one, employers value workers who can not only boast about their GPAs and SAT scores, but are also able to get along well with the public and co-workers, Lleras.
“I think we’ve known this intuitively for a long time that employers are looking for something beyond cognitive (认知的)skills” Lleras said. “Leadership now is not an individual thing , it’s how well you get along in a team and get people organized.”
【小题1】 Which of the following is NOT considered as a “soft skill”?
A.Being able to make others at ease in a group.
B Being able to get to an appointment on time.
CAlways ticking to one’s own opinion.
D Being willing to take responsibility.
【小题2】. Now employers would prfe to hire someone who ________?
A earned high scores in standardized test in high school
B can work independently
C has high cognitive skills
D can cooperat well with other teammates
【小题3】.Christy Lleras would agree that a high school student should____.
A spend more time in extracurricular activities
B omit classes to take part in extracurricular activities
C pay more attention to standardized test scores
D keep a good balance between learning and relaxation


In a new article, Zehr, a professor at the University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, describes his success in using the Caped Crusader (披篷骑士) to engage students in the study of physiology.
"Batman (蝙蝠侠) has such powerful influence on readers because he is a fictional human with superpowers that seem within reach if we only work at it," writes Zehr, in a new article published in Advances in Physiology Education, a journal of the American Physiological Society. Zehr believes that it is not Batman's vast wealth that allows him to protect the citizens of Gotham City (哥谭市) , but his dedication to developing a wide range of physical skills.
Zehr uses Batman to establish a framework, grounded in his fictional universe as well as our real one, in order to discuss the various components of exercise and physical training and illustrate how the body's physiological systems respond. His experiences in teaching undergraduate courses in physiology and neurophysiology made him realize that connecting science to popular culture helped students understand the lessons better.
He first presented a formal analysis of the personal and physical discipline that would be required to transform an ordinary person into a superhero in his book, Becoming Batman: The Possibility of a Superhero. The book drew on Zehr's understanding and work in human movement and the plasticity of nerves and muscles associated with exercise. By coincidence, the book was published in the wake of The Dark Knight, the blockbuster movie which recounts Batman and his arch-enemy, the Joker.
With the casting almost complete for the sequel(续集), The Dark Knight Rises, Dr. Zehr writes about his experiences connecting science to popular culture, which is captured in the Advances, article, "A Personal View: From Claude Bernard to the Batcave and Beyond: Using Batman as a hook for physiology education." 
【小题1】In Zehr's opinion, what makes Batman be able to defend his citizens?

A.his large amount of fortuneB.his devotion to developing varieties of physical skills
C.his habit of wearing a capeD.his developing so wide range of magic power
【小题2】 Which one of the following statements is TRUE according to the third paragraph?
A.Students of physiology and neurophysiology should have more physical training
B.To become a batman needs developing a wide range of physical skills
C.Only Batman can illustrate the respond of the body’s physiological system
D.combining science with popular culture can be beneficial to students’ study
【小题3】To help students study physiology well, Dr.Zehr uses Batman to do the following EXCEPT___
A.set up his theoretical principles of teaching physiology
B.discuss the different components of physical training
C.illustrate the ways of body’s physiology system responding
D.perform many physiology experiments on the body movement
【小题4】.According to the book Becoming Batman, what does the possibility of becoming a superhero mainly lie on?
A.Dr. Zehr’s formal analyses of the body's movement rules
B.the flexibility of nerves and muscles when being trained well
C.the physical training conducted by Dr. Zehr
D.the final influence of Batman on one person
【小题5】This passage is mainly about          .
A.Batman’seducation significance in physiologyB.introduction to Zehr’ s books on physiology
C.how to become a superhero like BatmanD.Batman’s powerful effects on the readers


Japan's 24-hour convenience stores, already struggling with lagging sales and growth, may soon face yet another threat - moves to limit business hours and close the stores late at night. The district of Saitama, which borders Tokyo, may follow in the footsteps of the western city of Kyoto and urge convenience stores to close during late night hours in an effort to limit carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)emissions, Japanese media reported.

 Kyoto, a former capital, wants to persuade convenience and other 24-hour stores to close late at night so as to improve evening views of the city and cut down on energy use. The Nikkei business daily said closures could last from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. The move is strongly opposed by the industry, which fears a bad impact on an already troubled sector also grappling with the specter of a higher tobacco tax, which could hit overall sales.

 "Even if we only operate the stores for 16 hours, we can't stop the refrigerators," said Toshiro Yamaguchi, the president of Seven-Eleven Japan Co, which is owned by Seven & I Holdings Co Ltd, at a news conference in Saitama on Tuesday. He said such cuts in operating hours would reduce each store's profit by 20 percent. "If this happens, our current business model will lose its foundation."

 Analysts said that while it is difficult to estimate the potential impact of the move without a concrete plan, their overall impression was that it was likely to be negative. "This could cut profits and lead to less efficient operations and the increased loss of opportunities," said Masafumi Shoda, an analyst at Nomura Securities. "But it depends on the store -- urban stores do better than others. There are some in the countryside that are inefficient."

 Some have suggested that if governments were sincere about reducing carbon emissions there were much more efficient methods, such as cutting back on the huge number of automatic vending machines(自动售货机)

Which of the followings was the first to try to limit convenience store hours?

 A. Saitama           B. Tokyo C. Kyoto D. Nomura Security

What's the main goal of the proposal?

  A. To give employees more free time.

  B. To limit carbon dioxide emissions.

  C. To sell more tobacco products.

  D. To reduce each store’s profit.

How's the convenience store sector doing in Japan?

 A. It is not mentioned.    B. It's doing great. Business is booming.

 C. Not very well.        D. It’s about to close.

According to the passage, which convenience stores are generally more successful?

 A. The ones in big cities.     B. The ones in the countryside.

 C. The ones in Tokyo.       D. The ones in Saitama.

According to the convenience store industry, what impact would closing for the night have on a typical store?

  A. It could cause a 10% increase in sales.

  B. Its effect would be maximal. It would close soon.

  C. Its effect would be minimal. People would simply shop earlier.

  D. It could cause a 20% decrease in profits.


It turns out that being voted “Most likely to succeed” in high school might actually be a good predictor of one’s financial and educational success in the future.

      According to a University of Illinois professor who studies the sociology of education, high school sophomores who were rated by their teachers as having good social skills and work habits, and who participated in extracurricular activities in high school, made more money and completed higher levels of education 10 years later than their classmates who had similar standardized test scores but were less socially adroit(熟练的)and participated in fewer extracurricular activities.

     Christy Lleras, a professor of human and community development, says that “soft skills” such as sociability, punctuality, conscientiousness(负责任) and an ability to get along well with others, along with participation in extracurricular activities, are better predictors of earnings and higher educational achievement later in life than having good grades and high standardized test scores.

       “That’s not tosay that academic achiecement in high school doesn’t matter—it does,”Lleras said. “But if we only look at standardized test scores, we’re only considering part of the equation for success as an adult in a global marketplace. Academic achievement is part of the story, but it’s not the whole story. You’ve got to have the social skills and work habits to back those achievements up.”


       With the generational shift from a manufacturing-hased economy to a service-and-information-based one, employers value workers who can not only boast about their GPAs and SAT scores, but are also able to get along well with the public and co-workers, Lleras.

      “I think we’ve known this intuitively for a long time that employers are looking for something beyond cognitive (认知的)skills” Lleras said. “Leadership now is not an individual thing , it’s how well you get along in a team and get people organized.”

1. Which of the following is NOT considered as a “soft skill”?

A.Being able to make others at ease in a group.

 B Being able to get to an appointment on time.

CAlways ticking to one’s own opinion.

D Being willing to take responsibility.

2.. Now employers would prfe to hire someone who ________?

A earned high scores in standardized test in high school

B can work independently

C has high cognitive skills

D can cooperat well with other teammates

3..Christy Lleras would agree that a high school student should____.

A spend more time in extracurricular activities

B omit classes to take part in extracurricular activities

C pay more attention to standardized test scores

D keep a good balance between learning and relaxation



In a new article, Zehr, a professor at the University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, describes his success in using the Caped Crusader (披篷骑士) to engage students in the study of physiology.

"Batman (蝙蝠侠) has such powerful influence on readers because he is a fictional human with superpowers that seem within reach if we only work at it," writes Zehr, in a new article published in Advances in Physiology Education, a journal of the American Physiological Society. Zehr believes that it is not Batman's vast wealth that allows him to protect the citizens of Gotham City (哥谭市) , but his dedication to developing a wide range of physical skills.

Zehr uses Batman to establish a framework, grounded in his fictional universe as well as our real one, in order to discuss the various components of exercise and physical training and illustrate how the body's physiological systems respond. His experiences in teaching undergraduate courses in physiology and neurophysiology made him realize that connecting science to popular culture helped students understand the lessons better.

He first presented a formal analysis of the personal and physical discipline that would be required to transform an ordinary person into a superhero in his book, Becoming Batman: The Possibility of a Superhero. The book drew on Zehr's understanding and work in human movement and the plasticity of nerves and muscles associated with exercise. By coincidence, the book was published in the wake of The Dark Knight, the blockbuster movie which recounts Batman and his arch-enemy, the Joker.

With the casting almost complete for the sequel(续集), The Dark Knight Rises, Dr. Zehr writes about his experiences connecting science to popular culture, which is captured in the Advances, article, "A Personal View: From Claude Bernard to the Batcave and Beyond: Using Batman as a hook for physiology education." 

1.In Zehr's opinion, what makes Batman be able to defend his citizens?

A.his large amount of fortune

B.his devotion to developing varieties of physical skills

C.his habit of wearing a cape

D.his developing so wide range of magic power

2. Which one of the following statements is TRUE according to the third paragraph?

A.Students of physiology and neurophysiology should have more physical training

B.To become a batman needs developing a wide range of physical skills

C.Only Batman can illustrate the respond of the body’s physiological system

D.combining science with popular culture can be beneficial to students’ study

3.To help students study physiology well, Dr.Zehr uses Batman to do the following EXCEPT___

A.set up his theoretical principles of teaching physiology

B.discuss the different components of physical training

C.illustrate the ways of body’s physiology system responding

D.perform many physiology experiments on the body movement

4..According to the book Becoming Batman, what does the possibility of becoming a superhero mainly lie on?

A.Dr. Zehr’s formal analyses of the body's movement rules

B.the flexibility of nerves and muscles when being trained well

C.the physical training conducted by Dr. Zehr

D.the final influence of Batman on one person

5.This passage is mainly about          .

A.Batman’seducation significance in physiology

B.introduction to Zehr’ s books on physiology

C.how to become a superhero like Batman

D.Batman’s powerful effects on the readers


