When you are learning new things, it is important to make use of p knowledge. 查看更多




1. She has great p       and will surely become very successful if

she is given the opportunity.                                  ___________

2.Some dogs are trained to help people who are v      impaired.      ___________

3. When we are learning new things, it is important to make use of

   p       knowledge.                                         ___________

4. There is no quick way of finding a cure for any disease; it is always

   a process of trial and e     .                                    ___________

5.It will take us an hour to get to the airport, a      for traffic delays.   ___________

6. If you try to look up every word you come across in a reading passage,

   you will soon get s      and it will slow down your reading.         ___________

7. Do as you are told to, o      you will be in real trouble.            ___________

8. He worked hard for a while, but e      he got tired of trying so hard.   __________

9. The food in this restaurant is delicious and the prices are r      .      __________

10. Parents should face the fact that most children are of a      intelligence. __________



【小题1】 She has great p      and will surely become very successful if
she is given the opportunity.                                  ___________
【小题2】Some dogs are trained to help people who are v     impaired.      ___________
【小题3】 When we are learning new things, it is important to make use of
p      knowledge.                                         ___________
【小题4】 There is no quick way of finding a cure for any disease; it is always
a process of trial and e    .                                   ___________
【小题5】It will take us an hour to get to the airport, a     for traffic delays.   ___________
【小题6】 If you try to look up every word you come across in a reading passage,
you will soon get s     and it will slow down your reading.        ___________
【小题7】 Do as you are told to, o     you will be in real trouble.            ___________
【小题8】 He worked hard for a while, but e     he got tired of trying so hard.   __________
【小题9】 The food in this restaurant is delicious and the prices are r     .      __________
【小题10】 Parents should face the fact that most children are of a     intelligence. __________

