The boy’s mother always that they not accept invitations from strangers. A. says B. thinks C. warns D. insists 查看更多



Robert Moody, 52, is an experienced police officer. Much of his work involves dealing with  41 —an gang (团伙)problems in the schools of his community. Knowing that many kids often   42  trouble, he decided to do something about it. So in 1991 he began to invite small groups of kids to go fishing with him on his day   43   .
Those fun trips had a(n) 44 impact. A chance encounter(偶遇) in 2000 proved that. One day,  45 working security at a school basketball game, Moody noticed two young guys   46  .He sensed trouble between them.  47  one of them headed toward Moody and gave him a hug.” I  48  you. You took me    49  when I was in fifth grade. That was one of the  50  days of my life .”
Deeply touched by the boy’s word, Moody decided to create a foundation(基金会)that  51 teenagers to the basics of fishing in camping programs. “As a policeman, I saw  52 there was violence, drugs were always behind it. They have a damaging  53 on the kids,” says Moody.
By turning kids on to fishing, he  54 to present an alternative way of life, “When you’re sitting there waiting for a  55 ,”he says, “you can’t help but talk to each other, and such  56 can be pretty deep.”
“Talking about drugs helped prepare me for the peer(同龄人)pressures in high school,” says Michelle, 17 who  57 the first program. “And I was able to help my little brother  58 drugs.”
Moody faces   59  in three years, when he hopes to run the foundation full-time.” I’m living a happy life and I have a responsibility to my   60  to give back,” Moody says.” If I teach a kid to fish today, he can teach his brother to fish tomorrow.”

A.ran overC.left behindD.looked into
A.participated inB.worked outC.approved ofD.made up


         After finishing my shopping, I headed for the checkout
counter but was blocked in the narrow passage by a young
man that appeared to be about sixteen years old. I wasn’t in a
hurry, so I patiently waited for the boy to realize that I was
After a little while, he waved his hands excitedly, in the air and shouted in a loud voice, "Mommy, I'm here.Mommy, I'm here." It was obvious now, he was mentally challenged.Suddenly, he turned and saw me standing so close to him.His eyes widened and watched me surprisingly.He turned and saw me standing so close to him. His eyes widened and watched me surprisingly. I stepped back and asked, " Hey, buddy, what’s your name? " " My name is Denny and I'm shopping with my mother," he responded proudly."Wow," I said, "that's a cool name.I wish my name was Denny, but my name is Hal." "Hal like Halloween?" he asked."Yes," I answered."How old are you, Denny?" "How old am I now.Mommy?" he asked his mother as she came over from the next passage."You' re fifteen years old, Denny; now be a good boy and let the lady pass by." I continued to talk to Denny for several more minutes about summer vacation, bicycles and school.I watched his brown eyes dance with excitement.
As we were talking, he suddenly ran toward the toy section.
Denny's mom thanked me for taking the time to talk with her son.She told me that most people wouldn' t even look at him, much less talk to him…I told her that it was my pleasure and then I said, " Denny is a blue rose and if I didn' t stop and smell that rose with my heart, I would miss a blessing from God."
She looked more puzzled.I told her that there are plenty of red, yellow and pink roses in God's garden, however, blue roses are very rare and should be appreciated for their beauty and distinctiveness (特殊之处).Denny is such a "blue rose" in God's garden.     
46.The story may happen      . a school         B.during the summer vacation a super market the toy section
47.The boy's brown eyes dance with excitement because       .
A.he was the center of someone's attention  
B.Denny is a cool name
C.he is shopping with his mother           
D.he likes summer vacation
48.We can infer from the passage that Danny ______.
A.was mentally challenged 15 years old 
C.was often very lonely and neglected a ‘blue rose1’ in God's garden
49.From the passage we can learn that _______.
A.there are plenty of red, yellow and pink roses in God’s garden roses'are very rare and should be appreciated                                    
C.most people wouldn’t even look at Denny
D.every person should be appreciated in our life


It was Saturday. As always, it was a busy one, for “Six days shall you labor and all your work” was taken seriously back then. Outside, Father and Mr. Patrick next door were busy chopping firewood. Inside their own houses, Mother and Mrs. Patrick were engaged in spring cleaning.
Somehow the boys had slipped away to the back lot with their kites. Now, even at the risk of having brother caught to beat carpets, they had sent him to the kitchen for more string(线). It seemed there was  no limit to the heights to which kites would fly today.
My mother looked at the sitting room, its furniture disordered for a thorough sweeping. Again she
cast a look toward the window. “Come on, girls! Let’s take string to the boys and watch them fly the kites a minute.”
On the way we met Mrs. Patric, laughing guiltily as if she were doing something wrong, together with her girls. There never was such a day for flying kites! We played all our fresh string into the boys’ kites and they went up higher and higher. We could hardly distinguish the orange-colored spots of the kites. Now and then we slowly pulled one kite back, watching it dancing up and down in the wind, and finally bringing it down to earth, just for the joy of sending it up again.
Even our fathers dropped their tools and joined us. Our mothers took their turn, laughing like schoolgirls. I think we were all beside ourselves. Parents forgot their duty and their dignity; children forgot their everyday fights and little jealousies. “Perhaps it’s like this in the kingdom of heaven,” I thought confusedly.
It was growing dark before we all walked sleepily back to the housed. I suppose we had some sort of supper. I suppose there must have been surface tidying-up, for the house on Sunday looked clean and orderly enough. The strange thing was, we didn’t mention that day afterward. I felt a little embarrassed. Surely none of the others had been as excited as I. I locked the memory up in that deepest part of me where we keep “the things that cannot be and yet they are.”
The years went on, then one day I was hurrying about my kitchen in a city apartment, trying to get some work out of the way while my three-year-old insistently cried her desire to “go park, see duck.” “I can’t go!” I said. “I have this and this to do, and when I’m through I’ll be too tired to walk that far.”
My mother, who was visiting us, looked up from the peas she was shelling. “It’s a wonderful day,” she offered, “really warm, yet there’s a fine breeze. Do you remember that day we flew kites?”
I stopped in my dash between stove and sink. The locked door flew open and with it a rush of memories. “Come on,” I told my little girl. “You’re right, it’s too good a day to miss.”
Another decade passed. We were in the aftermath(余波) of a great war. All evening we had been asking our returned soldier, the youngest Patrick Boy, about his experiences as a prisoner of war. He had talked freely, but now for a long time he had been silent. What was he thinking of --- what dark and horrible things?
“Say!” A smile sipped out from his lips. “Do you remember --- no, of course you wouldn’t. It probably didn’t make the impression on you as it did on me.”
I hardly dared speak. “Remember what?”
“I used to think of that day a lot in POW camp (战俘营), when things weren’t too good. Do you remember the day we flew the kites?”
【小题1】Mrs. Patrick was laughing guiltily because she thought________.

A.she was too old to fly kites
B.her husband would make fun of her
C.she should have been doing her housework
D.her girls weren’t supposed to the boy’s games
【小题2】 By “we were all beside ourselves writer means that they all ________.
A.felt confused B.went wild with joy
C.looked on D.forgot their fights
【小题3】 What did the author think after the kite-flying?
A.The boys must have had more fun than the girls.
B.They should have finished their work before playing.
C.Her parents should spend more time with them.
D.All the others must have forgotten that day.
【小题4】Why did the writer finally agree to take her little girl for an outing?
A.She suddenly remembered her duty as a mother.
B.She was reminded of the day they flew kites.
C.She had finished her work in the kitchen.
D.She thought it was a great day to play outside.
【小题5】 The youngest Patrick boy is mentioned to show that ______.
A.the writer was not alone in treasuring her fond memories
B.his experience in POW camp threw a shadow over his life
C.childhood friendship means so much to the writer
D.people like him really changed a lot after the war


A Little Hero
A group of Italian soldiers led by a captain were advancing slowly toward the position of the enemy. They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of which sat a small boy, cutting a branch of a tree with his knife.
"What are you doing here?" asked the captain. "Why didn’t you leave with your family?"
  "I don’t have any family," said the boy. "I’m an orphan. I used to work for the family that lived here. They’ve gone, but I stayed in order to see the fighting."
  "Have you seen any Austrians pass by here?"
  "Not within the last three days."
  "Do you think you could climb that tree and tell me whether you see anything of the Austrians in the distance?"
  In a few minutes the boy was at the top of the tree.
  "Look straight ahead," cried the captain, "and tell me what you see."
  "Two men on horseback - nothing else."
  "How far away?"
  "About a mile and a half. They’re standing still." ….
  "They’re shooting at me," said the boy. "but don’t worry. Let me tell you what’s to the left. Well, there’s a church and I think I see..."
   A third bullet passed, and the boy was seen to fall suddenly from the tree, dead.
  "Poor boy!" said the captain, covering the boy’s body with a national flag and saying, "He died like a soldier and we must bury him like a soldier."
Soon it was covered with flowers. He gave his life to his country.
学校最近组织了一次中美学生交流活动,你参加其中的“童年生活”讨论。听完Joe讲的故事“A Little Hero” 之后,你准备写一份发言稿,题目是“After Listening to ‘A Little Hero’ ”,内容要点包括:
1. 以约30个词概括你听完A Little Hero的故事;
2. 然后以约120个词谈谈你的童年生活,内容包括:
(1) 对自己童年生活的感受;
(2) 你的童年以及现在的生活和故事中那位小英雄的童年生活有什么不同?
(3) 作为一位高中学生,你未来的理想是什么?
1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。


“Linda, if beating yourself up were an Olympic sport, you’d win a gold medal!”

Annabel, my close friend, stunned me with that frank observation after I told her how I had mishandled a situation with a student in a third-grade class where I was substituting. “I should never have let him go to the boy’s room without a pass! It was my fault he got into trouble with the hall monitor! I’m so stupid!”

My friend burst out laughing, and then made her “Olympic” comment. After a brief period of reflection I had to admit that she was right. I did put myself down an awful lot. Why, just during the previous day I had called myself “a slob” for having some papers spread out on my desk, “ugly” when I left the house without makeup and “an idiot” when I left the house for an emergency substitute job without my emergency lesson plan.

In a more reflective tone, Annabel said, “I once took a workshop at church where the woman in charge had us list all the mean things we say about ourselves.”

“How many did you have on your list?” I asked.

“Fifteen,” she confessed. “But then the teacher said, ‘Now turn to the person next to you and say all the items on your list as if you were speaking to that person!’ ”

My jaw dropped. “What did you do?”

“Nothing. Nobody did. We all just sat there, until I said, ‘I could never say these things to anyone else!’ ”

“And our teacher replied, ‘Well, if you can’t say them to anyone else, then don’t ever say them to yourself!’ ”

My friend had a point. I would never insult a child of God---and I’m God’s child, too!

God, today let me be as kind to myself as I would be to another of Your children.

1. What does Annabel mean by the first sentence of the passage?

  A. The writer is a good athlete.      B. The writer scolds herself too much.

  C. She is encouraging the writer.      D. A gold medal is not a big deal.

2. What does the writer intends to tell us through the second and third paragraphs?

  A. She has low self-esteem over some small things.

  B. She often makes serious mistakes in daily life.

  C. She is a third-grade teacher.

  D. She cares too much about her appearance.

3. We can infer that the underlined word “slob” might be _____.

  A. something untidy         B. someone dangerous

  C. something dirty           D. someone lazy

4. What does the writer mean by the last sentence of the passage?

  A. She is ready to turn to God for help.

  B. She will be kind to all children.

  C. She won’t insult herself as well as others.

  D. She is willing to be a child of God.



