nobody was very interested in it, they decided to cancel the trip. A. Seen that B. Seeing that C. They see D. To see 查看更多




A long time ago, in Egypt,there lived a famous person named Zun-Nun.A young man came to _36_him and asked, “I don't _37_why people like you always dress simply.” Zun-Nun smiled and _38_his ring from one of his fingers and said, “I will answer your _39_but first take this ring and go to the _40_across this street. Can you sell this for one chip of gold?”  Looking at the dirty ring,the young man became_41_, “One chip of gold? I’m not sure if it could be _42_at that price.”

The young man went to the market quickly. He _43_the ring to the vegetable ,meat and fish traders,and the others. But nobody was willing to _44_a chip of gold. He went back and reported, “Nobody was _45_enough to offer more than one chip of silver.” With a smile Zun-Nun said, “Now go to the gold shop in this street and show this to the _46_ trader. Don’t give your _47_,just see how much he will pay for it.”

The young man went to the shop _48_and returned with a(n)_49_expression on his face. He reported, “The trader offered one thousand  chips of gold for this ring,and the  50  of it was one thousand times higher than what the traders in the market offered.” Zun-Nun just smiled and _51_softly, “That was the answer to your question, my friend. A person cannot be valued only by his _52_. The gold and diamond inside someone could_53_be seen and valued if you could look at the _54_soul. It requires heart to see,and it involves(涉及) a _55_. We cannot see it from the words or attitude. Many a time what we think is brass(黄铜)is gold.”

1.A.beg            B.visit               D.question

2.A.agree          B.suppose         C.understand        D.think

3.A.held           B.put            C.took               D.placed

4.A.question        B.telephone       C.alarm             D.description

5.A.playground        C.stage    

6.A.careful         B.doubtful        C.hopeful            D.helpful

7.A.sorted         B.checked         C.exported           D.sold

8.A.offered        B.added           C.provided           D.led  


10.A.outspoken      B.brave          C.just               D.confident

11.A.coal           B.steel           C.cotton    

12.A.price          B.attitude         C.advice             D.explanation

13.A.repaired        B.mentioned      C.damaged           D.painted

14.A.angry          B.pitiful          C.cold              D.different  

15.A.color          B.weight          C.value             D.size

16.A.spoke          B.felt            C.touched           D.played

17.A.language       B.accent          C.kindness          D.dress

18.A.also           B.only            C.still              D.always

19.A.outer             C.inner            D.lost

20.A.process        B.location         C.luck   



Gay marriage, and especially gay parenting, has been in the cross hairs in recent days.

On Jan.6, Rick Santorum told a New Hampshire audience that children are better off with a father in prison than being raised in a home with lesbian parents and no father at all. And last Monday(Jan.9), Pope Benedict called gay marriage a threat “to the future of humanity itself”, citing the need for children to have heterosexual homes.

But research on families headed by gays and lesbians doesn’t back up these above views. In fact, in some ways, gay parents may bring talents to the table that straight parents don’t.

Gay parents “tend to be more motivated, more committed than heterosexual parents on average, because they chose to be parents.” Said Abbie Goldberg, a psychologist at Clark University who researches gay and lesbian parenting. Gays and lesbians rarely become parents by accident, compared with an almost 50 percent accidental pregnancy rate among heterosexuals, Goldberg said. “That translates to greater commitment on average and more involvement”.

And while research indicates that kids of gay parents show few differences in achievement, mental health, social functioning and other measures, these kids may have the advantage of open-mindedness, tolerance and role models for equal relationships, according to some research. Not only that, but gays and lesbians are likely to provide homes for difficult-to-place children in the foster system, studies show.

Children of gay parents also show less care about gender difference. That’s likely because gays and lesbians tend to have more equal relationships than straight couples, Goldberg said.

“Men and women felt like they were free to pursue a wide range of interests,” Goldberg said. “Nobody was telling them, ‘Oh, you can’t do that, that’s a boy thing,’ or That’s a girl thing.”

61.The underlined phrase “in the cross hairs”(in Paragraph 1) probably means.

A.a great concern         B.a big threat      C.a political ban      D.a role model

62.It can be learned from the passage that Rick Santorum___.

   A.opposes the need for children to have heterosexual homes

   B.thinks children are better off with a father in prison

   C.believes children are better off in heterosexual homes in favor of children being raised by lesbian parents

63.From Abbie Goldberg’s words, we can learn that____.

 A.Most heterosexual parents have children by accident

 B.Gays and lesbians consider carefully before becoming parents

C.Heterosexual parents are not committed in the marriage

D.There’s no gender difference in gay and lesbian parenting

64.From the passage, we can infer that___.

   A.Children of gay parents are more talented

   B.Gay parents like adopting poor children

   C.Children of gay parents may enjoy more freedom

   D.Gay parents show no difference in social functioning

65.Which of the following is the advantage of kids of gay parents?

   A.Tolerance .        B.More talents.   C. Achievement.      D.Mental health.


Today, when a man steps on to the moon, or something new and important happens, the world learns about it immediately. What did the newspapers say about that first flight in 1903? Strangely enough, they said hardly anything about it at all. There are only a few reports about it in the papers. These reports said very little. Some of the things they said were not even correct.

In 1904 the Wrights built a second machine. They called it “Flyer No. Two”. They invited some reporters to a field near Dayton to watch them fly. Unfortunately, there was some mechanical(机械的) trouble with the plane and it did not fly at all that day. The newspapermen went away. They were disappointed and did not come back. The Wrights went on with their work. In 1905, they built an even better machine, “Flyer No Three”. They were able to stay upon the air for half an hour and more in the machine. Farmers and travelers on the road around the Dayton often saw them flying, but when three people told newspapermen about it, they refused to believe them.

The Wrights offered “Flyer No. Three” to the United States government. The government was not interested. They seemed to think the Wrights wanted money in order to build a plane. They did not understand the Wrights had already done this, and flown it as well. Experts were still saying that mechanical flight was impossible. At the end of 1905, the two brothers took their planes to pieces. The parts were put into a huge wooden box. It seemed nobody was interested.

1.The reporters were disappointed in 1904 because________.

A.the Wrights did not invite them

B.the plane could not stay long in the air

C.the plane did not fly at all that day

D.they had wanted to see a better machine

2.The U.S. government could not understand that________.

A.the Wrights had already built a machine that could fly

B.experts still thought flight was impossible

C.the Wrights wanted more money to build an airplane

D.“Flyer No. Three” was now in a wooden case

3.The Wrights took their plane to pieces because________.

A.they planned to go to Europe

B.nobody was interested

C.the government didn't give them any money

D.the newspapermen didn't report their flights

4.What does the underlined word “Flyer” mean?

A.Pilot.             B.Drive.            C.Plane.            D.Kite.

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Today, people are very interested in new things.

B.People in the past talked little about new things.

C.Reporters are now as interested in new happening as in the past.

D.People in the past even told each other wrong things.




1.The progress of the work will depend on how modern the e____________ (设备) is.

2.We e____________ (交换) addresses and phone numbers at the party held on Sunday.

3.Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. S____________ (类似地), our minds are developed by learning.

4.There is nothing like a holiday to make us feel r____________ (放松的). 

5.Radio-paging systems (无线寻呼系统) enable us to c____________ (联络) each other even though we do not have a telephone within easy reach.

6.He will make a speech on behalf of (代表) all the graduates at the graduation c ____________ next Monday.

7. Parts of trees and bushes came falling down around us, but it was f____________ that nobody was hurt.

8.According to the timetable, the airplane will cover the d____________ from Beijing to Shanghai in an hour and a half.

9.After the written test and interview, Jackson came to the c____________ that Mr. Li was not fit for the position.

10.Our math teacher is very s____________ not only with all of us, but in all her own work.



The heaviest snow in a hundred years hit the south of China. It snowed __36___for half a month. Many people were __37___in railway stations, bus stations and airports. People did everything they could to fight the __38___; nobody was killed from cold and _39____. Gradually ,the trapped people all went back home_40___. While fighting the snow, people ___41__their animal friends until a moving story of a swallow(燕子) couple appeared on the Internet.
The couple hadn’t eaten anything for several days __42___the snow. They tried to fly into people’s home to warm themselves, but every house was ___43___tightly(紧紧地). They got to a side of a balcony ( 阳台 ) where wind couldn’t reach. They jumped and flapped (拍打) their wings(翅膀) to _44___the attention of the people inside the house, who were __45____their own things. The wife’s body was __46___. She couldn’t move any longer. The husband came near and __47__her with his wings. The husband lost his heat soon because of his opened wings.
The next morning, the housemaster went to the balcony to __48__ his flowers and saw a dead swallow outside. __49__ it, he found they were two embracing(拥抱) together. Thinking of the __50___the snow had brought to people, he was moved to tears . He took them in for giving them some _51___they couldn’t feel any longer. He found a small box, __52__it with some hay (干草)and lay the couple in . He _53__them in the garden of the community(社区).
In my hometown in the countryside, a swallow family live in the roof of my house . They __54__every spring to have babies. Then in autumn, when babies have __55___, they fly to the south, I wonder if they will come back this spring as they did.

A.because case spite ofD.instead of
A.controlledB.fixedC., stretchedD.closed
A.busy withB.born withC.good forD.famous for
A.put awayB.come awayD.hold back
A.dropped outB.died outC.grown upD.stood up

