Henceforth, the north wind is worthless to the northerners. 从今以后.北风对北方人没有益处. 查看更多



Qian Xuesen is one of the pioneers of China's space science. As a world-famous expert on aerospace rockets and aerodynamics, he obtained great achievements in the areas of applied mechanics, engineering cybernetics and system engineering and made distinguished contributions to the foundation and development of Chinese aerospace undertaking(事业).
He graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University in 1934, and Qian Xuesen went to the United States to study in MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, one year later. After receiving master's degree in MIT, he went to study in California Institute of Technology and received PhD degrees in both aerospace and mathematics.
In 1955, six years after the founding of People's Republic of China, Qian Xuesen returned to his motherland. His return brought China the hope of developing space science and its own missiles. In 1956, Qian Xuesen put forward “Proposal on the Development of China's Aviation Industry for National Defense”. With the support from Zhou Enlai, the premier, and marshal Nie Rongzheng, Qian Xuesen began to prepare for the establishment of China's first missile and rocket research and development structure, the Fifth Research Institute of State Ministry of Defense. Henceforth(从此以后), he has long been in charge of the chief technological research and development of China's missile, rocket and spacecraft.
Due to research and development led by Qian Xuesen, China successfully exploded its first atom bomb in 1964. Later, China launched its first man-made satellite, Dong Fang Hong I, to the earth orbit on April 24, 1970, becoming the fifth country in the world to independently launch satellite following the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the USA, France and Japan. The satellite floated around the earth, blaring(高声播放)the song Dong Fang Hong, which has the same name as the satellite.
As a forerunner leading the development of China's aerospace science and technology, Qian Xuesen also provided chances for young scientists. Wang Yongzhi, former chief designer of China's manned-space project, has benefited a lot from Qian Xuesen. “He suggested that rocket of the second generation should be developed by our second generation scientists. This suggestion gave us chances to be general designers.” Recalling the experience working with Qian Xuesen, Sun Jiadong, general designer of China's lunar orbiter project, is very grateful. “He put great expectation on us and trusted us a lot. Whenever we made mistakes, he seldom blamed us, but helped us to find out the reason so we could avoid it in the future.”
Honored as Father of China's Missile and King of Rockets, Qian Xuesen never stopped his work on scientific research after he retired. He said he had no time to review the past, but looked forward to the future.
【小题1】When did Qian xuesen begin to study in Massachusetts Institute of Technology?

A.In 1955.B.In 1935. C.In 1936. D.In 1934.
【小题2】Which of the following is about the five countries that launched man-made satellite independently before 1970?
A.The former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the UK, France, China and Japan.
B.The former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the USA, Japan, Canada and China.
C.America, France, Japan, China and Australia.
D.The former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, America, France, Japan and China.
【小题3】 What does the underlined word “forerunner”(Paragraph 5) probably mean?                                 
A.A leader.
B.A competitor. C.A pioneer.
D.A successful scientist.
【小题4】According to the passage, which of the following about Qian Xuesen is NOT true?
A.In 1956, he made good preparations for the Fifth Research Institute of State Ministry of Defence.
B.He made outstanding contributions to the establishment and development of Chinese aerospace
C.He returned to China, bringing China the hope of developing space science and its own missiles.
D.He devoted all his life to China’s space science.
【小题5】It can be inferred from Paragraph 5 that _________.
A.Qian Xuesen is very concerned about the development of young scientists
B.The help of Qian Xuesen is beneficial to young scientists
C.Qian Xuesen gives many opportunities to general designers
D.When the chief designers do something wrong, Qian Xuesen helps them find out the cause


 Qian Xuesen is one of the pioneers of China's space science. As a world-famous expert on aerospace rockets and aerodynamics, he obtained great achievements in the areas of applied mechanics, engineering cybernetics and system engineering and made distinguished contributions to the foundation and development of Chinese aerospace undertaking(事业).

He graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University in 1934, and Qian Xuesen went to the United States to study in MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, one year later. After receiving master's degree in MIT, he went to study in California Institute of Technology and received PhD degrees in both aerospace and mathematics.

In 1955, six years after the founding of People's Republic of China, Qian Xuesen returned to his motherland. His return brought China the hope of developing space science and its own missiles. In 1956, Qian Xuesen put forward “Proposal on the Development of China's Aviation Industry for National Defense”. With the support from Zhou Enlai, the premier, and marshal Nie Rongzheng, Qian Xuesen began to prepare for the establishment of China's first missile and rocket research and development structure, the Fifth Research Institute of State Ministry of Defense. Henceforth(从此以后), he has long been in charge of the chief technological research and development of China's missile, rocket and spacecraft.

Due to research and development led by Qian Xuesen, China successfully exploded its first atom bomb in 1964. Later, China launched its first man-made satellite, Dong Fang Hong I, to the earth orbit on April 24, 1970, becoming the fifth country in the world to independently launch satellite following the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the USA, France and Japan. The satellite floated around the earth, blaring(高声播放)the song Dong Fang Hong, which has the same name as the satellite.

As a forerunner leading the development of China's aerospace science and technology, Qian Xuesen also provided chances for young scientists. Wang Yongzhi, former chief designer of China's manned-space project, has benefited a lot from Qian Xuesen. “He suggested that rocket of the second generation should be developed by our second generation scientists. This suggestion gave us chances to be general designers.” Recalling the experience working with Qian Xuesen, Sun Jiadong, general designer of China's lunar orbiter project, is very grateful. “He put great expectation on us and trusted us a lot. Whenever we made mistakes, he seldom blamed us, but helped us to find out the reason so we could avoid it in the future.”

Honored as Father of China's Missile and King of Rockets, Qian Xuesen never stopped his work on scientific research after he retired. He said he had no time to review the past, but looked forward to the future.

1.When did Qian xuesen begin to study in Massachusetts Institute of Technology?

A.In 1955.

B.In 1935.

C.In 1936.

D.In 1934.

2.Which of the following is about the five countries that launched man-made satellite independently before 1970?

A.The former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the UK, France, China and Japan.

B.The former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the USA, Japan, Canada and China.

C.America, France, Japan, China and Australia.

D.The former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, America, France, Japan and China.

3. What does the underlined word “forerunner”(Paragraph 5) probably mean?                                 

A.A leader.


B.A competitor.

C.A pioneer.

D.A successful scientist.

4.According to the passage, which of the following about Qian Xuesen is NOT true?

A.In 1956, he made good preparations for the Fifth Research Institute of State Ministry of Defence.

B.He made outstanding contributions to the establishment and development of Chinese aerospace


C.He returned to China, bringing China the hope of developing space science and its own missiles.

D.He devoted all his life to China’s space science.

5.It can be inferred from Paragraph 5 that _________.

A.Qian Xuesen is very concerned about the development of young scientists

B.The help of Qian Xuesen is beneficial to young scientists

C.Qian Xuesen gives many opportunities to general designers

D.When the chief designers do something wrong, Qian Xuesen helps them find out the cause







Qian Xuesen is one of the pioneers of China's space science. As a world-famous expert on aerospace rockets and aerodynamics, he obtained great achievements in the areas of applied mechanics, engineering cybernetics and system engineering and made distinguished contributions to the foundation and development of Chinese aerospace undertaking(事业).

Graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University in 1934, Qian Xuesen went to the United States to study in MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, one year later. After receiving master's degree in MIT, he went to study in California Institute of Technology and received PhD degrees in both aerospace and mathematics.

In 1955, six years after the founding of People's Republic of China, Qian Xuesen returned to his motherland. His return brought China the hope of developing space science and its own missiles.

In 1956, Qian Xuesen put forward “Proposal on the Development of China's Aviation Industry for National Defense”. With the support from Zhou Enlai, the premier, and marshal Nie Rongzheng, Qian Xuesen began to prepare for the establishment of China's first missile and rocket research and development structure, the Fifth Research Institute of State Ministry of Defense. Henceforth(从此以后), he has long been in charge of the chief technological research and development of China's missile, rocket and spacecraft.

Due to research and development led by Qian Xuesen, China successfully exploded its first atom bomb in 1964. Later, China launched its first man-made satellite, Dong Fang Hong I, to the earth orbit on April 24, 1970, becoming the fifth country in the world to independently launch satellite following the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the USA, France and Japan. The satellite floated around the earth, blaring(高声播放) the song Dong Fang Hong, which has the same name as the satellite.

As a forerunner leading the development of China's aerospace science and technology, Qian Xuesen also provided chances for young scientists. Wang Yongzhi, former chief designer of China's manned-space project, has benefited a lot from Qian Xuesen. “He suggested that rocket of the second generation should be developed by our second generation scientists. This suggestion gave us chances to be general designers.” Recalling the experience working with Qian Xuesen, Sun Jiadong, general designer of China's lunar orbiter project, is very grateful. “He put great expectation on us and trusted us a lot. Whenever we made mistakes, he seldom blamed us, but helped us to find out the reason so we could avoid it in the future.”

Honored as Father of China's Missile and King of Rockets, Qian Xuesen never stopped his work on scientific research after he retired. He said he had no time to review the past, but looked forward to the future.

41. When did Qian xuesen begin to study in Massachusetts Institute of Technology?________

A. In 1955.      B. In 1935.         C. In 1936.        D. In 1934.

42. Which of the following is about the five countries that launched man-made satellite independently before 1970?                           

A. The former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the UK, France, China and Japan.

B. The former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the USA, Japan, Canada and China.

C. America, France, Japan, China and Australia.

D. The former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, America, France, Japan and China.

43. What does the underlined word “forerunner”(Paragraph 6) probably mean?                    

A. A leader.     B. A pioneer.    C. A competitor.      D. A successful scientist.

44. According to the passage, which of the following about Qian Xuesen is NOT true?               

A. In 1956, he made good preparations for the Fifth Research Institute of State Ministry of Defense.

B. He made outstanding contributions to the establishment and development of Chinese aerospace undertaking.

C. He returned to China, bringing China the hope of developing space science and its own missiles.

D. He devoted all his life to China’s space science.

45. It can be inferred from Paragraph 6 that ______.

A. Qian Xuesen is very concerned about the development of young scientists.

B. The help of Qian Xuesen is beneficial to young scientists.

C. Qian Xuesen gives many opportunities to general designers.

D. When the chief designers do something wrong, Qian Xuesen helps them find out the cause.



“Sending thank-you notes is becoming a lost art,” mourns May Mitchell, a syndicated columnist known as “Ms Demeanor” and author of six etiquette(礼节) books. In her view, each generation, compared with the one before, is losing a sense of consideration for other people. “Without respect,” she says, “you have conflict.”

       Ms. Demeanor would be proud of me: I have figured out a way to ensure that my children always send thank-you notes. And such a gesture is important, says Ms. Demeanor, because “a grateful attitude is a tremendous life skill, an efficient and inexpensive way to set ourselves apart in the work force and in our adult lives. Teach your children that the habit of manners comes from inside---it’s an attitude based on respecting other people.”

       A few years ago, as my children descended like piranhas (一种南美淡水鱼,喜吞食或攻击) on their presents under the Christmas tree, the only attitude I could see was greed. Where was the appreciation of time and effort?

       A thank-you note should contain three things: an acknowledgement of the gift (Love the tie with the picture of a hose on it); a recognition of the time and effort spent to select it (You must have shopped all over the state find such a unique item!); a prediction of how you will use your gift or the way it has enhanced your life (I’ll be sure to wear it to the next Mr. Ed convention!).

       So, five years ago, in one of my rare flashes of parental insight, I decided that the most appropriate time to teach this basic courtesy is while the tinsel (装饰用光亮金属) is hot. To the horror of my children, I announced that henceforth every gift received will be an occasion for a thank-you note written immediately, on the spot.

       I have reluctantly given my kids the green light to send e-mail thank-you notes; though hand-lettered ones (at least to me) still seem friendlier. But pretty much any thank-you makes the gift giver feel special—just as, we hope, the recipient feels. It’s a gesture that perfectly captures the spirit of the holidays.

41. in Ms. Demeanor’s point of view, children born in the ______ is probably the least respectful generation.

       A. 1960s        B. 1970s         C. 1980s         D. 1990s

42. The phrase “set oneself apart” (Para. 2) means _______.

       A. to reserve to a particular use            B. to put to one side

       C. to make noticeable or outstanding    D. to determine to purse

43. According to the passage, a thank-you note may contain the following information EXCEPT “_______”.

       A. I love the pearl necklace you bought me for my birthday

       B. it must have taken you a long time to find just the right thing for me

       C. is it very expensive         D. I promise I will wear it on my wedding day

44. How did the author feel when she saw her children searching under the Christmas tree for their presents?

       A. Greedy.      B. Cheerful.           C. Laughable.        D. Disheartened.

45. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the author?

       A. She feels hand-written letters are friendlier than word-processed ones.

       B. She does not allow her children to sent email thank-you note.

       C. She thinks the best time to teach her children the basic etiquette of  

appreciation is to strike while the iron is still not.

       D. She thinks a thank-you note can make the gift giver feel special just as the   

recipient does.


The world’s astronomers came to their senses yesterday and approved a new definition of the word “planet” that would drop tiny Pluto from the club and relegate it instead to a lesser realm of “dwarf planets.” It was a welcome step away from a proposal that would have kept Pluto as a planet but meantime opened the door for dozens of small, icy bodies on the fringes of the solar system.

The important vote came after fierce debate at a meeting of the International Astronomical Union, which had been considering a proposal to define a planet as any object that orbits a star and is large enough for its own gravity to pull it into a spherical (球形的) shape. That definition was scientifically precise but led to results that offended common sense. An asteroid, a small moon, and another icy ball like Pluto would suddenly have risen to planet-hood, swelling the number of planets to 12, with many more icy rocks likely to qualify as more was learned about them.

Fortunately, the astronomers have now added another requirement to the definition. Planets must not only be large enough to be round, they must also have cleared out the neighborhood around their orbits. Pluto would not qualify — it orbits in a belt of icy debris on the edge of the solar system. Neither would an icy rock nicknamed Xena, which orbits in that same zone, nor Ceres, a big asteroid that marches in the company of other asteroids. Pluto’s moon, Charon, which had qualified under the first proposal, is also out of the running.

Pluto, with its small size and oddball orbit, should never have been deemed a planet in the first place. Henceforth there will be eight planets, at least three dwarf planets, and tens of thousands of “smaller solar system bodies,” like comets and asteroids. Our only regret is that the astronomers chose the name “dwarf planets” for Pluto’s new category instead of abandoning the word entirely when discussing these less-than-planetary bodies.

46. We can know from the passage that the new definition of planet __________.

A. has been welcomed by all walks of life

B. will kick the Pluto out of the planet group in the solar system

C. still makes the Pluto as a planet

D. will enlarge the number of planets in our solar system into permanently 12

47. After the new definition of “planet” was put forward, all of the following are regarded as planet except________.

A. Venus        B. Ceres                C. Mars          D. Jupiter

48. The writer’s attitudes towards the new definition of “planet” is________.

   A. welcome             B. indifferent                C. hostile               D. neutral

49 If the original definition of “planet” had not been changed, there would be the following consequences except that ________.

   A. thousands of icy rocks in space will be classified as planets

   B. some asteroids big enough to pull itself into a spherical shape will be regarded as planets.

   C. the Pluto will be relegated to “dwarf planet”

   D. there will be at least twelve or even more planets in the solar system.

50. We can infer from the article that the decision to apply new definition to “planet”________.

   A. has won universal support from scientists.

   B. has been severely criticized by many astronomers

   C. has not been made inconsiderately.

   D. has been banned by the International Astronomical Union

