The bird nests only in northeast, northwest, southeast and southwest lest it be found. 此鸟只在东北.西北.东南和西南筑巢,以免被发现. 查看更多





A. One of the biggest science stories last year was the research on stem cells announced by South Korean scientist Hwang Woo-suk. But now it appears that the research was false. In June, Mr. Hwang reported that he and his team at Seoul National University had created eleven new stem cell lines.

B. Another major science story last year came from the United States. On December twentieth, a federal judge ruled that teaching “intelligent design” in public schools is a violation of the United States Constitution.

C. There was also news last year about the American space program. The American space shuttle(航天飞机) returned to the skies in July. Discovery and its seven-member crew made the first shuttle flight in two and one-half years. NASA had suspended shuttle flights following the deadly explosion of the shuttle Columbia in 2003.

D. Avian influenza(禽流感) was also a major science story last year. The H5N1 virus appeared in birds in Europe for the first time. Yet the only known human cases of the disease have been in East Asia. There have been about one hundred forty confirmed cases of bird flu since 2003. About half the people have died.

E. The World Health Organization advises patients to take a combination of four drugs to treat tuberculosis(肺结核). These four antibiotics must be taken for about six months to cure the disease. Some people, however, take the drugs only until they feel better. Discontinuing treatment is a mistake.

F. The researchers began the study in January, 2002. They called it SMART---Strategies for Management of Anti-retroviral Therapy. The scientists reached more than ninety percent of the target before they halted(停止) new enrollments last month. The researchers tested all the people for the level of CD-four cells in their blood. The researchers divided the patients into two groups.


1.Card 1: One group stayed on continuous anti-retroviral therapy. They took their medicines every day. The other took them periodically. They took the drugs only when their CD-four count fell below two hundred fifty cells per cubic millimeter of blood.

2.Card 2 : Judge John Jones said that intelligent design is not science. He said it is a version of Christianity. So to teach it in public schools violates the law that requires the separation of church and state. Supporters of intelligent design criticize the science of evolution.

3.Card 3: Stem cells have the ability to grow into other cells. Science magazine published the report. The new lines were made from the eggs of eighteen women and skin cells from eleven other people.

4.Card 4: Many of the victims had touched or been around infected farm birds. But health experts around the world began warning that the bird flu virus could change into a form that is passed from person to person.

5.Card 5 : That explosion was the result of damage done to Columbia during its launch. A piece of lightweight protective material fell off the shuttle’s external fuel container. The object hit the shuttle at a high rate of speed and made a hole in one of the wings. This permitted extremely hot gases to enter the shuttle and destroy the spacecraft as it returned to the earth.



A great French writer said that we should help everyone as much as possible because we often need help ourselves. The small even can help the great. To this effect, he tells a simple story. 
An ant was drinking at a small river and fell in. She tried hard to reach the side, but made no progress at all. The poor ant, almost tired out, was still bravely doing her best when a bird saw her. Moved with pity, the bird threw her a blade (叶片) of grass, which supported her like a boat, and thus she reached the bank again. While she was resting and drying herself in the grass she heard a man coming near. He was walking along barefooted and carrying a gun in his hand. As he saw the bird he wished to kill her, and he would certainly have done so, but the ant bit him in the foot just before he raised his gun to fire. He stopped to see what had bit him, and the bird immediately flew away. It was an animal much weaker and smaller than herself that had saved her life. 
【小题1】 According to the French writer, we often need help from others, therefore we should________. 

A.not help others those who may be helpful to us
C.get as much help as others as much as we can
【小题2】The ant finally got on the bank _______.  
A.when the water pushed herB.with the help of a piece of wood
C.with the help of a blade of grass D.when the bird reached out a leg for her
【小题3】The French writer tells the story in order to show _______. an ant saved a bird brave the ant is clever the bird isD.even the small can help the great


XI'AN - China's conservation work for the endangered crested ibis(朱鹮)is facing new challenges, including an increasing mortality rate due to inbreeding, and the conflict between the need to expand natural habitats and local communities' economic interests, bird experts have warned.

The crested ibis, once widespread in Japan, China, Russia and the Korean Peninsula, almost became extinct in the first half of the 20th century.

Before 1981, when seven crested ibis were accidentally found in Yangxian county, in Northwest China's Shaanxi province, academics thought the species had been extinct in China for almost 17 years.

Due to the huge effort put into species protection since 1981, the number of crested ibis in China has risen to an estimated 1,617, including 997 in the wild, the State Forestry Administration said at a meeting on crested ibis protection in Xi'an on Monday.

However, although the ibis population exceeds 1,000, the birds are still not free from the threat of extinction, said Fang Shengguo, director of the State Conservation Center for Gene Resources of Endangered Wildlife at Zhejiang University.

“Ornithologists used inbreeding in the early stages of protection so that numbers of the precious birds could increase quickly, but that method had consequences,” Fang said.

"Studies have proved that as a result of inbreeding, crested ibis have the lowest genetic diversity of all endangered birds," Fang said.

"It means a high mortality rate and more physical defects for hatched chicks."

“The government should collect genetic information from all crested ibis and establish a genetic database as soon as possible, then design a scientific mating plan for the species,” Fang said.

So far, about 90 percent of crested ibis live in Shaanxi province, and fewer than 140 ibis live in three zoos in other parts of the country, including Beijing Zoo, according to Liu Dongping, an assistant researcher at the National Bird Banding Center of China, which is affiliated to the Chinese Academy of Forestry.

The bird has lost the ability to migrate, he said, adding that if an unexpected natural disaster occurred in Shaanxi province or an infectious disease spread through the area, the ibis population could be greatly reduced.

Experts also warned that the increased population of ibis, whether in the wild or in captivity, requires a larger and more varied natural habitat.

Rampant hunting, the massive loss of habitat caused by deforestation and the overuse of pesticides, which killed aquatic insects on which the ibis feed, are believed to be the main reasons for the sharp reduction in the ibis population before 1981.

So, in 1983, a State-level natural reserve was set up in Shaanxi province to protect the bird. But the struggle for living space between human and animal has never stopped, said Lu Baozhong, deputy director of the Shaanxi Crested Ibis Conservation Station.

"For example, ibis often look for loaches in farmers' rice fields. Sometimes their claws trample the rice seedlings. In another case, villagers discovered some land with abundant mineral resources which happened to be a habitat for ibis," said Lu, who has devoted 30 years to ibis protection.

A long-term win-win solution for ibis and local communities needs to be developed, one that would provide ecological compensation for local residents, Lu said.

1..    What’s the best title for the passage?

  A. The Rare Bird in China             B. New Problems for the Crested Ibis

  C. The Way to Save the Crested Ibis     D. The Reason for the Crested Ibis’s Extinction

2. Which of the following statement is TRUE ?

A. The crested ibis is a native of China.

  B. Before 1981, the crested ibis was extinct in China.

  C. The crested ibis is now free from the threat of extinction.

  D. Most of the crested ibis are in Shaanxi province.

3.. Why did the experts adopt the way of inbreeding to protect the crested ibis?

  A. To increase the mortality rate.

  B. To increase the number of the crested ibis.

  C. To get more physical defects for hatched chicks

  D. To have the lowest diversity of the endangered bird.

4.. What may be the reason for the reduction in the population of the crested ibis before 1981?

  A. inbreeding                  B. economic development

  C. over hunting                D. sandstorm

5.. What can we learn from the passage?

  A. Due to our great efforts, the crested ibis lives in the wild well.

  B. Scientists will choose a better habitat for the crested ibis.

  C. The problems of the crested ibis have not been solved now.

  D. The government has established a genetic database of the crested ibis.



Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN 25 WORDS.

As skies fill with millions of migrating birds, European scientists say the seasonal miracle appears to depend on a seeming contradiction: The fatter the bird, the more efficiently it flies. The results of their study contradict a central theory of aerodynamics(空气动力学), which predicts that the power needed to fly increases with weight.

For birds, apparently, the cost of flying with heavy fuel loads is considerably smaller than previously thought. Researchers found that red knot wading birds double their normal body weight of 100 grams before making their twice-a-year, nonstop commute between the British Isles and the Russian Arctic. Distance: 5,000 kilometres.

Another study in the journal Nature measured the benefits of flying in an aerodynamic V formation, which allows birds to save energy by gliding in the lead bird’s air stream.

Flying in formation, their heart rates were as much as 14.5 per cent lower than flying solo, according to Henri Wimerskirch, a French scientist. The findings help explain how birds complete difficult migrations. Researchers had assumed that thinner, more athletic birds would have the best chance of survival.

The first study suggests that building up fat deposits to be burned as fuel during the migration is worth more than the energy it takes to carry the additional weight. Heavier birds apparently use their muscles more efficiently.

In the study, researchers said their team studied the birds flown at different body masses during 28 simulated flights. They were injected with a small amount of water containing a radioactive element that enabled the team to measure the amount of energy burned.

85. How much will a red knot wading bird probably weigh before making its nonstop migrating flight?

86. The additional weight gained before the flight won’t increase the powered needed to fly; on the contrary, it works as _____________________.

87. How did scientists successfully conduct the first study?

88. We can infer from the studies on fat deposits and V formation flying that both factors _____________________________.



Star hurdler Liu Xiang returned home last night after spending about three months in the United States for foot operation and recovery.
Liu and coach Sun Haiping were followed away by officials after arriving at Shanghai Pudong airport at around 6 : 30 p. m. , and said nothing to the waiting media.
Liu went straight to the Xinzhuang training base in Shanghai, where he will start on the comeback (恢复) through rehabilitation (复职) and training.
Feng Shuyong, vice-director of China's Athletics Administrative Center, said a group of experts is on standby at the training base to help with Liu's recovery.
"The experts will give Liu a full check-up tomorrow or the day after and advise regularly on rehabilitation in the coming months," Feng was quoted by qq. com as saying.
The foot injury forced defending champion Liu to quit from the 2008 Beijing Olympics last August after "he limped out of the Bird's Nest in the first round of the men's 110m hurdles, bitterly disappointing adoring home fans.
The 25-year-old Athens Olympic and world champion had successful foot surgery in December at the Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center in Houston, and had four calcium deposits (钙物质) removed from his right Achilles tendon (跟腱).
He spent the next three months in Houston for rehabilitation and basic training under the guidance of doctors there.
"His recovery is better than we expected. Doctors believe that after three months' rehabilitation and training, he has actually achieved the level of recovery that generally needs four months," Feng said.
Liu will, however, be absent from the ongoing annual Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) meeting due to the recovery process. Feng said Liu is paying close attention to the meeting through the Internet, and closely following issues such as athletes' education and life after retirement.
It is the second time Liu has asked for leave from the annual session after being elected to the CPPCC: He did not attend last year's meeting because he was at a key competition in Spain.
【小题1】The best title for the passage is _______.

A.Fate and ChallengeB.Liu Xiang Returns after Operation Success
C.No Desire to Be a Representative of CPPCC
D.Happiness and Hardships behind Success
【小题2】Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A.The experts will give Liu a full check-up and advise regularly on recovery in the coming months.
B.Liu and his coach were followed away by officials after arriving at Pudong airport at around 6:30.
C.Liu paid close attention to the meeting through the Internet, caring graduate's further education.
D.His foot operation was successful and four calcium deposits were removed from his right Achilles tendon.
【小题3】The underlined word "limped" most probably means _______.
A.walked nervouslyB.walked quicklyC.walked bitterlyD.walked lamely
【小题4】 Liu Xiang was absent from CPPCC in the first time because of _______.
A.recovery processB.accepting the trainingC.lecture abroadD.a key competition

