The abrupt corrupt man had the Xeroxed code corroded in the erosion episode. 突然的腐败的人让人在腐蚀插曲过程中腐蚀被影印的代码. 查看更多



He told me that in the following days there were other changes, even more _________.

   A. abrupt            B. changeable               C. suitable         D. typical




The area is_______in resources of wild animals.

A. abrupt                             B. absent

C. abstract                           D. abundant


He tried to run away from the police and was charged with ____ arrest.

   A. resisting     B. abrupt     C. hesitating   D. alternative


【小题1】To attain a high level of fluency in a foreign language, you need to be _______(环绕,围绕) by it.
【小题2】You should _______(通知,告知) a friend of your targets so they can motivate you.
【小题3】You would probably think that the father was ________(祝贺) his son on doing something well.
【小题4】They might move in an abrupt way ________(像,与…相似) a robot more than a human.
【小题5】Garments will be so strong that they will never get old and ________(磨损的).
【小题6】By the year 2050, people will live together in peace and _______(平等).
【小题7】Tiny, insect-like robots may be sent around the cells of our bodies to ______(评估) our health.
【小题8】Fleming remained modest about the amazing _______(后果,结果) of his discovery.
【小题9】Medical advances ranged from discovering the causes of diseases under microscopes to surgical procedures replacing diseased organs with _______(捐赠)ones.
【小题10】We started flying around the world and _______(同时), scientists figured out how to split the atom.


The writing was not _____, so we could not read it at all.

A.distinct           B.handy               D.abrupt


