Alexander Graham Bell once told his family that he would rather be remembered as a teacher of the deaf than as the inventor of the telephone. 查看更多



  In 1780 James Watt produced art efficient steam engine which powered 40 machines in a Glasgow factory. That date is normally taken as the beginning of the Industrial Age. Since then, industrial development has changed our way of life more and more. The revolution in communications, for example, has made the world seem much smaller. The invention of the telephones in 1876 by another Scotsman, Bell, and Marconi's first radio broadcast 19 years later were both important developments. But the Italian inventor’s early radios seem very primitive compared with modern portable radios. These were made possible by the invention of the transistor by W. B. Shockley in the USA in 1948. This device replaced the valve in radios.

  There have been many changes in transport, too, since the development of the wheel, 6, 000 years ago. Daimler and Benz, both Germans, built one of the first practical petrol-driven motor cars in 1885. Only 18 years later, the Wright brothers, from America, flew their first plane.

  Now, we have jets and, since the work of Christopher Cockerell in Britain in the 1950's, the hovercraft.

  In medicine, the most significant advance came in 1928, when Sir Alexander Fleming, also an Englishman, discovered penicillin, which has saved countless lives since.

1.Which of these was invented or discovered first? Put them in order.

A.the telephone B. penicillin   C. the transistor D. the steam engine

E. radio    F. the plane   G. the motor car H. the wheel

1_____ 2 ______ 3 ______ 4 _______ 5 _______ 6 _______ 7 _______ 8 _______

2.James Watt was _______

A.a Scottish engineer.   B. an English engineers Italian engineer.   D. a German engineer.

3.Our way of life has changed greatly ever since  

A.James Watt produced an efficient steam engine.

B.the revolution in communications.

C.the discovery of penicillin.

D.we have jets.

4.Choose the right words to complete the sentences.

A.Bell    the telephone in 1876.

B.Penicillin _____ _____ by Fleming in 1928.

C.Valves in radios have now been _____ by transistors.

D.One of the first practical petrol-driven motor cars _____ ______ by two German engineers.



In a remote period of Greek history, probably around 1200 BC, a war was fought between Greece and Troy. __71__ The war ended in the destruction of Troy. Greek culture reached a high point of development in the 5th century BC. This was marked by the establishment of democracy and the boom of science, philosophy, literature, art and historical writing in Athens. The century closed with civil war between Athens and Sparta.

  In the second half of the 4th century BC, all Greece was brought under the rule of Alexander, King of Macedon. __72__ At the same time, Greek culture was spread wherever they found themselves. In 146 BC the Romans conquered Greece. By that time Greek culture had firmly established itself in much of eastern and western Europe and northern Africa. There were more centers of Greek learning.

Athens was a democracy. Democracy means “exercise of power by the whole people”. But by “the whole people” the Greeks meant only the adult male citizens, and citizenship was a set of rights which a man inherited (继承) from his father. __73__

The economy of Athens rested on a huge amount of slave labour. __74__ There was harsh exploration in Greek society.

__75__ Once every four years, they had a big festival on Olympus Mount which included contests of sports. Thus began the Olympic Games. Revived in 1896, the Games have become the world's foremost amateur sports competition.

A.The Greeks loved sports.

B.The people of Troy were very brave.

C.His armies went out to conquer large areas of Europe, Asia and Africa.

D.Women, children, foreigners and slaves were not given the same rights.

E.Troy is a city on the Asiatic side of the Aegean.

F.Slaves worked on farms and in workshops and mines owned by their masters.

G.He built many wonderful palaces in his kingdom.



     Neighborhoods aren't like they used to be. Sometimes neighbors are complete strangers, even after years
of living yards away. Believe it or not, neighborhoods were once tight-knit communities full of supportive,
friendly and familiar faces. Can they be that way again? You don't have to be an experienced social director
to build bonds in your neighborhood. If you're not happy with the social dynamic in your community, start
making a change today.
     The term "social life" has taken on new meaning, especially for our kids. What was once defined as actual
interaction (e.g. face-to-face) now often refers to the number of Facebook friends or Twitter followers we
can collect. Our social lives have essentially turned inside out, with the focus now being on cyber-space rather
than on reality. "Children play indoors instead of out; most don't even take walks through their streets
anymore," says Jaymes Ian Woode, a relationship counselor. "Moat have grown accustomed to living without
meaningful friendships."
     Change has to start somewhere, and most neighborhoods don't have an official party planner. “To create
change in neighborhoods, it often only takes one person who is willing to reach out," says Woode. "One
person can knock on a neighbor's door and find those who also want to open up. As most salespeople know,
after enough knocks, you are bound to make a sale." Yes, it takes courage and you'll probably have to
overcome some skepticism (怀疑) towards your friendly attitude, but it will be worth it when you actually learn
the names of the people who live around you.
     Susanne Alexander, a relationship coach, recounts some of the ways she has successfully connected with
her neighbors in recent years. "I feel safer and less isolated knowing that I have at least some connection to the
people who live near me," she says. Perhaps her experience will inspire you:
     * Meet neighbors at civic (市民的) events or start an in-home spiritual group.
     * Connect over yard advice or repairs that need cooperation.
     * Exchange numbers with elderly neighbors in case of an emergency.
     * Bring the Sunday comics over to cheer up a neighbor going through a hard time.
1. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
A. neighborhoods today are better than before.
B. neighborhoods today are as good as before.
C. neighborhoods today are not better than before.
D. neighborhoods today will be worse.
2. According to the second paragraph, what is the new meaning of "social life"?
A. People focus on cyber-space rather than on reality.
B. People like Facebook friends or Twitter followers.
C. People seldom take exercise or have outdoors.
D. People accustom themselves to living with meaningful friendships.
3. What is the author's attitude of the neighborhoods today?
A. Indifferent.
B. Supportive.
C. Worried.
D. Satisfied.
4. Where can we most probably read this text?
A. In a local newspaper.
B. In a research paper.
C. In a travel magazine.
D. In a story book.


     1_____. "We have a difficult time controlling our shopping behavior," says Alexander Chemev, a associate
professor of Northwestern University in Evanston. "It's influenced by lots of forces we usually don't take into
account." "2_____"
     We should take account of some of them below.
     The five senses
     What you see; Retailers (零售商) work to present their merchandise (商品) in the best light. "They use
lighting to make something that looks good look even better," Underhill says, "3_____"
     What you hear: If you like the music a store plays, chances are that you'll like the products it sells-and vice
versa, 4_____ That's a because customers respond to the tempo(节奏) of a store's music, says Deborah
McInnis, professor of the USC Marshall School of Business. "Studies show that the slower the tempo, the
slower people walk through the store, so the more they put in their baskets and the more they end up buying.
If the tempo is faster, people walk faster too. They don't stop to look so much, and they don't buy as much."
     What you smell and taste: The sweet arose of roasting chestnuts. Free samples of Christmas cookies. Like
music, those are effective ways of inviting customers into a store and making them feel welcome.
     What you touch: Signs encouraging customers to touch the merchandise are far less common in stores
than signs imploring them not to. "Touching an object can make you willing to pay more for it. 5_____" says
Joann Peck, an associate professor of Wisconsin School of Business.
A. But the rule of thumb should probably be, "If you don't want it, don't touch it."
B. Stores' music, lighting, 'deals' and pricing ranges can all influence what you buy.
C. You may be willing to pay more for a cashmere sweater just because you like how it feels.
D. Retailers often identify potential"impulse buys" and put them close to the checkout stand.
E. Just as music can attract people into a store, it can help to keep them there, or hurry them out the door.
F. They try to engage you with all five senses.
G. Everything tends to look better in the store than it does when you get it home.


Question: Before graduation, I decided to be a useful man for our country. However, when I applied for some positions, I was turned down. Only then did I realize it was not easy to achieve my dream.     1     Now I even don’t have the courage to try a new position. How can I find the power to continue my dream?
Answer: I can understand the situation you are in. You feel your life lacks the power that you want and the motivation that you need.      2     
By training your thoughts to concentrate on the bright side of things, you are more likely to have the incentive (动机) to work towards on your goals.      3     
Your life can be improved, and your happiness enriched when you choose to change your views. Don’t leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mysteriously alone.     4     Begin to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than avoid them. Remember that power is not just about control over situations, but the ability to deal with whatever comes your way.
Always believe that good things are possible, and remember that mistakes can be lessons that lead to discoveries. Take your fear and transform it into trust.     5     Turn your “worry hours” into “productive hours”. You will see beautiful things happen when you allow yourself to experience the joys of life.

A. What you need is to change your goal.
B. The fact that the positions were not offered to me beat me.
C. Learn to rise above anxiety and doubt.
D. You are less likely to be held back by negative ideas that might limit your performance.
E. Unfortunately, many people haven’t realized it.
F. Actually all you have to do is change your points of view.
G. You must go in the direction of your hopes and ambitions.

