This is the most interesting film I have ever seen this year. A. it B. which C. of that D. that 查看更多





  Becoming a teacher is one of the best ways to make a difference in the life of a child and even older students.Here are some great scholarships and grant opportunities to get the ball rolling on your dreams of becoming a teacher.

  Straightforward Teacher Program

  This is one of the most popular and unique scholarships available for students working towards becoming teachers.The foundation offers their scholarships every three months as opposed to each year.During each payment, four students receive a $500 scholarship.

  Prezell Robinson Scholarship Program

  While this scholarship is available only to students in the state of North Carolina, it is so incredibly helpful that many students choose to study in the state for the only purpose of receiving it.It is offered to college students who come from low-income high schools or families that are interested in pursuing a long term career in education at any level.

  New York State Scholarship Program

  Officials in the state of New York founded this program to award students who want to give back to their community through their ability to teach.The catch for this scholarship is that the students must be pursuing a teaching career in mathematics or science at the secondary level.

  Also, because the program was designed to improve the education system in New York, the candidates must sign a service contract agreeing to work full time within the state for at least five years after graduation.

  Coca-Cola Scholarships

  You may have many opportunities for grants and scholarships through The Coca Cola Foundation.There is the Coca Cola Teaching Foundation that will provide free money for students pursuing an education in the teaching field.This is the most obvious for teachers, but do not be afraid to check out their other offers.

  Funds For Teachers

  Not all scholarships or grants are for students entering or already in college.The Funds for Teachers scholarships are for graduates who are already working in the field, but want to improve their possibilities, skills and education in an effort to increase their ability to teach the students that cross their path more effectively.Teachers in PreK through 12 th grade are applicable no matter where they teach or what subject they specialize in.


How many students get their scholarships each year according to the Straightforward Teacher Program ?

[  ]










The reason why many students choose to study in the state of North Carolina is that ________.

[  ]


They can pursue a long term career in education


There are some good universities in North Carolina


They can receive Prezell Robinson Scholarship


They can go to college easily.


Which scholarship goes to the student who must be a science or math teacher after graduation?

[  ]


Coca-Cola Scholarships


New York State Scholarship


Prezell Robinson Scholarship


Straightforward Scholarship


Who will get the Funds For Teachers scholarship?

[  ]


All the students


The students who are working as a teacher


All the science teachers


The college graduates teaching in PreK


What is the best title of the passage?

[  ]


Dreams of Becoming a Teacher


Teaching Scholarships and Grants


Five Scholarships for Teachers


Five Scholarships for Students


  Central Pack

  Outside among the trees, watch the wildlife - both the human and animal varieties. Call(212) 360 3465 or(212) 360 2726 for events and tours. Central Pack stretches from 59th to 110th Sts. , and from 5th Ave. to Central Pack West.

  Empire State Building

  This is among the most striking buildings in the city, the nation, even the world. The observation deck(瞭望台) on the 86th floor is open to general public, offering a wonderful view of the second floor you'll find the New York Skyride, a simulated(模拟的) helicopter ride Over Manhattan 5th Ave. at 34th st. , Midtown/

  (212) 7363100.

  Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum

  Five blocks west of Time Square, this museum has hundreds of air, deep sea and space exhibits. Walk the fight deck of the 900-foot long aircraft carrier Intrepid, see dozens of old and modern aircraft and ride the Intrepid Navy Flight Simulator. Pier 86, W. 46 th st. and 12 th Ave. /(212)245 0072.

  Madison Square Garden

  If it's big, it probably happens at the Garden. Check out sporting events, concerts and much more. Tours are available. 7th Ave, btwn. 31th and 33th Sts. Midtown/ (212) 465-6741.

1.The New York Skyride is for ________.

[  ]

B.fight training
C.model plane-sports transportation

2.If a visitor is interested in music, he will probably go to ________.

[  ]

A.Central Pack

B.Empire State Building

C.Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum

D.Madison Square Garden

3.What is the purpose of these texts?

[  ]

A.To provide information of living in New York.

B.To provide directions of city traffic in New York.

C.To give visitors a guide to New York.

D.To give a brief introduction to the history of New York.



  Central Park

  Ou…tside among the trees,watch the wildlife — both the human and animal varieties.Call(212)360 — 3465 or(212)360 — 2726 for daily events and tours.Central Park stretches from 59 th to 110 th Sts.,and from 5th Central ParkWest.

  Empire State Building

  This is among the most striking buildings in the city,the nation,even the world.The observation deck(瞭望台)on the 86th floor is open to the general public,offering a wonderful view of the city.On the second floor you'll find the New York Skyride,a simulated(摸拟的)helicopter ride over Manhattan.5th 34 th St.* Midtown/(212)736 — 3100.

  Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum

  Five blocks west of Time Square,this museum has hundreds of air,deep-sea and space exhibits.Walk the flight deck of the 900-foot-long aircraft carrier Intrepid,see dozens of old and modern aircraft and ride the Intrepid Navy Flight Simulator.Pier 86,W.46 th St.and 12th Ave./(212)245 — 0072.

Madison Square Garden

  If it's big,it probably happens at the Garden.Check out sporting events,concerts and much more.Tours are available.7 th Ave.,btwn.31rd and 33rd Sts.,Midtown/(212)465 — 6741.


The New York Skyride is for ________

[  ]




flight training


model plane sports


city transportation


If a visitor is interested in music,he will probably go to ________

[  ]


Central Park


Empire State Building


Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum


Madison Square Garden


What is the purpose of these texts?

[  ]


To provide information of living in New York.


To provide directions of city traffic in New York.


To give visitors a guide to New York.


To give a brief introduction to the history of New York.



  Dr Wiseman started“the laugh lab”project in September 2001.It is the largest study of humour.Participants are invited to log on to the laugh lab website, give a few personal details , tell their favorite jokes and judge the jokes told by other people.

  The project will last for a year, and the organizers hope to finally discover the world’s funniest joke.But there is also a serious purpose, the researches want to know what people from different nations and cultures find funny.And they want to find out the differences between the male and female sense of humor.The idea is that if we want to understand each other, we have to find out what makes us laugh.

  This is a subject that has long interested psychologists and philosophers.Most of the time, people are not completely honest.We do things that society expects us to and say things that help us get what we want.But laughing cannot be controlled.When we laugh, we tell the truth about ourselves.

  By December 2001 over 10,000 jokes had been submitted(提交).This gave the scientists enough evidence to make early conclusions.It seems that men and women do have different senses of humor, for instance.

  “Our findings show the major differences in the ways in which males and females use humor,”said Dr Wiseman.“Males use humor to appear superior(优越的)to others, while women are more skilled in languages and prefer word play.”

  Researchers also found that there really is such a thing as a national sense of humor.The British enjoy what is usually called“toilet humor”.But the French like their jokes short and sharp:“You’re a high priced lawyer.Will you answer two questions for $500?”“Yes.What’s the second question?”

  The Germans are famous for not having a sense of humor.But the survey found that German participants were more likely to find submitted jokes funny than any other nationality.Perhaps that proves the point.Is this joke funny?I don’t know, but let’s say yes, just to be safe.

  Dr Wiseman and his workmates also submitted jokes created by computer.But none of those who took part in the survey found any of them amusing.Perhaps this is relief.Computers already seem like they can do everything.At least they should leave the funny stuff to us.


Scientist started“the laugh lab”project ________

[  ]


to find the funniest joke in European countries


to know what funny people are from different nations and cultures


to find out the differences between the male and female sense of humor


to get more personal details about participants


What is the main idea of the 4 th and 5 th paragraph?

[  ]


Man and woman have different senses of humour.


Male and female have similar senses of humour.


About 10,000 jokes have been submitted from September 2001 to December 2001.


Scientists have collected enough evidence to make conclusions.


The writer gave the examples of the British, the French and the Germans ________.

[  ]


to show that French people have a better sense of humour


to prove the British people have a sense of“toilet humour”


to show people from different nations have different senses of humour


to prove that the Germans have no sense of humour


Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?

[  ]


The jokes by computer are less funny than those by humans


The Germans cannot find the submitted jokes amusing


Males are better at word play compared with women


Females like to use humor to show that they are superior



  COURSE:History 101 Introduction to American History

  INSTRUCTOR:Dr Jane Klammer

  OFFICE:305 Marshall Hall

  OFFICE HOURS:11∶15~12∶30 MWF(Monday Wednesday Friday)

  CLASS:363 Marshall Hall 3∶35~5∶00 T Th(Tuesday Thursday); 10∶10~11∶00 MWF

  Other time by appointment

  TELEPHONE:255 4786

  TEXTBOOK, Green, Robeot.P, The American Tradition:A History of the United States,(Charles E.Merrill Publishing CO.Columbus, Ohio 1984), which is bought at the College bookstore.


  Mid-term exam:October 10,20% of the final grade

  Final exam:December 10,40% of the final grade

  Term paper due:December 10,40% of the final grade

  Term paper due:December 15,40% of the final grade

  Attendance is not required, but you are responsible for all the information given in the class lectures.In the lectures I will talk about the chapters in the textbook and other materials that I choose to add to the course.The exams will cover all this information.Therefore, I advise you to come to the class as much as possible.

  Is you have to miss a class, be sure to get the class notes from another student.

  Your homework assignments are listed on the next page.You are supposed to read the chapter about which I will be lecturing before you come to class.

  This is to make sure that you understand as much as possible while taking notes in my lectures.Be prepared when you come to class.If there are any changes in the assigned homework reading, I will announce them in class.

  The term paper is 40% of your final grade.It should not be more than fifteen pages.(Another thinking of majoring in history may write twenty-five pages.)Before the midterm exam you will choose the topic for your paper.


If a student wants to know what the homework assignments are, ________.

[  ]


Prof.Klammer announces them in class


he/she reads the list on the next page


Pro.Klammer gives a list every week in class


he/she goes to the professor’s office


If a student cannot see Prof.Klammer during her office hours, he ________.

[  ]


sees her after class


calls her at home


makes an appointment with her


asks another student


According to the passage, which of the following is probably TRUE?

[  ]


The textbook is written by Dr Klammer.


If you have to miss a class, be sure to say sorry to Prof.Klammer.


The students can buy “Introduction to American History” at the College Bookstore.


Prof.Klammer encourages his students to take notes in her class.


It can be inferred that ________.

[  ]


before the final exam, you must hand in your term paper


the students who will take the course had better attend the lectures as much as possible.


your term paper should be more than fifteen pages


you will have a class at 11∶15~12∶30 on Sunday

