More than 30 people in traffic accidents over the past few months. A. were killed B. have been killed C. are killed D. killed 查看更多



More than 30 people __________in the traffic accidents over the past few months.

  1. A.
    were killed
  2. B.
    have been killed
  3. C.
  4. D.


Phoenix people awoke on Wednesday to a thick cover of dust on their cars , streets and just about everything else outside after a big sandstorm.

The storm on Tuesday evening grounded airplanes and led to traffic tie-ups . At the height of the storm , visibility(能见度)was reduced to zero . Sandstorms are not uncommon in Arizona and other desert areas , but the size of this one and the dust it raised were highly unusual. “The greatness of this event was really exceptional, ” said Ken Waters , a meteorologist (气象学家) of the Na-tional Weather Service in Phoenix.“People who have been living in Arizona for 30-35 years say this is the biggest one they’ve ever seen.”

“The storm was driven by 60-mile-an –hour winds that collected the sand into a rolling brown cloud and sent it moving across the city , briefly damaging the lights of downtown Phoenix as it passed through . The sandstorm ran about 150 miles before dissipating, and at its peak(最高点) might have grown to as large as 100 miles wide and more than one mile high . The more dust it picks up , the higher the cloud goes, ” Mr. Waters said.

Arizona’s continuing drought –some areas have had no rain for four months – only made conditions worse . The drought in southern Arizona is the fifth-most extreme in the past 50 years . “The sandstorm closed Phoenix International Airport for about 45 minutes starting around 8 p.m , when visibility was reduced to one –eighth of a mile.” said Julie Rodriguez , an airport spokeswoman . “ Two flight were canceled and sand was also blown into some buildings.”

“Several thousand homes lost power in the area after the winds blew down power lines . The winds turned over a truck on Interstate 8 near Casa Grande , but caused no serious injuries,” officials said.

61. What happened in Arizona on Tuesday evening?

A. People living there covered their houses with dust.

B. Many traffic accidents happened that night.

C. An unusual sandstorm hit Phoenix City.

D. Some airplanes fell down to the ground at night.

62. We can learn from the second paragraph that    .

A. there are few sandstorms in most part of Arizona State

B. people in Arizona haven’t seen sandstorms for 35 years

C. it is uncommon for desert areas to see sandstorms

D. the sandstorm on Tuesday affected people’s normal life

63. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “dissipating ” in Paragraph 3 ?

A. Happening.    B. Moving .     C. Lessening .   D. Strengthening.

64. The big sandstorm caused the following EXCEPT   .

A. some areas in Arizona have had no rain for four months

B. Phoenix International Airport closed about 45 minutes.

C. homes got power off because power lines were blown down.

D. a truck was turned over by the winds with no one killed.

65. You can probably read this text in a(n)   .

A. tour handbook     B. business magazine  

C. newspaper report    D. advertisement board

