Why should you stress achievements at a job interview? A. To show your enthusiasm. B. To let the interviewer know your good points. C. To show off D. The passage does not tell us.. 查看更多



Do plan to arrive on time or a few minutes early.Late arrival for a job interview is never excusable.

If presented with an application, do fill it out neatly and completely.Don’t rely on your application or resume to do the selling for you.Interviewers will want you to speak for yourself.

Do greet the interviewer by last name if you are sure of the pronunciation. If not, ask the employer to repeat it. Give the appearance of energy as you walk. Smile! Shake hands firmly. Be heartedly glad to meet the interviewer.

Do wait until you are offered a chair before sitting.Sit upright, look alert and interested at all times.Be a good listener as well as a good communicator.

Do look at the employer in the eye while speaking.

Do follow the interviewer’s leads, but try to get the interviewer to describe the position and the duties to you early in the interview so that you can apply your background, skills and accomplishments to the position.

Do make sure that your good points come across to the interviewer in a factual, sincere manner.Stress achievements. For example: sales records, processes developed, savings achieved, systems installed, etc.

Do always conduct yourself as if you are determined to get the job you are discussing.Never close the door on opportunity.

Do show enthusiasm.If you are interested in the opportunity,

enthusiastic feedback can enhance your chances of being further considered.

1.Why should you stress achievements at a job interview?

A.To show your enthusiasm.

B.To let the interviewer know your good points.

C.To show off.

D.The passage does not tell us.

2.When you face the interviewer, you should _______

A.shake hands firmly.

B.wait until you are offered a chair before sitting.

C.follow the interviewer’s leads 

D.all of above

3.The underlined word “enhance” most probably means “_________”.

A.increase               B.ruin                     C.worsen                D.ensure

4.Which of the following statement is NOT true?

A.Do not tell a lie

B.You should listen to the interviewer carefully

C.Let the interviewer know you are a great man

D.Show as many good points as possible

