I’m doing nothing all day long. A. tired of b. tired from C. tiring of D. tired out 查看更多




W:Hello, Bob. Long time(1)n        see. How are you getting along with your (2)p        for the entrance exam?

M:Well, I really can’t tell. (3)A        I’m doing my best, working night and day.

W:So am I. Sometimes, I feel very tired, both (4)p        and mentally.

M:I feel the same, I often (5)s        from headaches and general weakness. Not enough time for sleeping. I don’t know what will become (6)o        me if it goes on like this for long.

W:And no time for sports, even music, not to (7)m        films and TV programs. All we can see is exercises, exam papers and this sort of things.

M:It seems that to go to college is the only future we have.

W:Certainly not. Even if we can’t go to college, we can take up many other jobs and do our bits for (8)s        as well.

M:Quite right. But we’ll get more

(9)k        after studying several years of college. That means we can work better for our country and people after graduation. In addition, our parents lay great hope on us, we shouldn’t let them feel(10)d       





















Many adults see teens as energetic. Many of us see ourselves as proud. This thinking   1   many adults and us, too, to have the idea that if we can’t handle school or  2  life well, we’re just not trying.

But in my opinion that may not be  3 .

Earlier this school year, I was leaving my class one Friday,  4   suddenly it felt like I had pulled a muscle in my back. I knew I was ill.

After a few days I stopped eating. This meant I lost  5  ; the clothes that I bought two weeks earlier began   6   loose. This time my parents got scared.   7  , I started sleeping less. My eyelids(眼皮)were constantly   8  .

I refused to   9   that I was ill. I kept my job working 25 hours a week in a shop; I didn’t   10   any classes. When I was hurting, I didn’t mind and kept on going.   11   it kills you, it makes you stronger, right?

But now I find myself thinking. Is it   12   it? I’m taking the classes and writing for the newspaper because it looks good   13   college applications. And I’m working 25 hours a week so that, once I get into my dream school, I can   14   it.

Here I am, already sick from the   15   of work I’m doing in and out of school. So, what good is a(n) 16   application if I’m badly ill? What is the  17  of doing this work if I can’t enjoy the results?

In fact, by writing my   18   I’m telling all the people who   19   much about the future and worry about it now. This is my warning: Don’t climb the   20   dive if you don’t like the deep end.

1.A.makes                   B.forces                   C.causes                  D.intends

2.A.still c                     B.even                     C.just                      D.yet

3.A.true                       B.reasonable             C.useful                   D.valuable

4.A.before                   B.after                     C.until                     D.when

5.A.relief y                  B.hope                     C.weight                  D.direction

6.A.hanging                 B.holding                 C.changing               D.dressing

7.A.In fact                   B.In addition             C.In disorder            D.In general

8.A.weak                     B.shut                      C.loose                    D.heavy

9.A.insist                     B.recognize              C.accept                  D.consider

10.A.lose                     B.drop                     C.give                      D.take

11.A.Unless                 B.If                         C.Though                D.Before

12.A.paid                     B.similar to               C.equal to                D.worth

13.A.at                        B.to                         C.on                        D.with

14.A.control                B.manage                 C.support                 D.afford

15.A.amount                B.set                        C.kind                     D.crowd

16.A.suitable                B.impressive             C.believable              D.unusual

17.A.effect                  B.idea                      C.point                    D.tip

18.A.time                    B.effort                    C.feeling                  D.story

19.A.wonder                B.care                      C.miss                     D.realize

20.A.high                    B.deep                     C.hard                     D.far


     Many adults see teens as energetic. Many of us see ourselves as proud. This thinking   1   many adults
and us to have the idea that if we can't handle school or   2   life well, we are just not trying hard.
     But in my opinion that may not be   3  .
     Earlier this school year, I was leaving my class one Friday   4   suddenly it   5   like I had pulled a muscle
in my back. I knew I was ill.
     After a few days I stopped eating. This meant I lost   6  ; the clothes that I bought two weeks earlier
began   7   loose. This time my parents got scared.
       8  , I started sleeping less. My eyelids (眼皮) were constantly   9  .
     I refused to 45 that I was ill. I kept my job working  10  hours a week in a shop; I didn't  11  any classes.
When I was hurting, I didn't mind and kept on going.  12  it kills you, it makes you stronger, right?
     But now I find myself thinking. Is it  13  it? I'm taking the classes and working for the newspaper because
it does good  14  college applications. And I'm working 25 hours a week so that, once I get into my dream
school, I can  15  it.
     Here I am, already sick from the  16  of work I'm doing in and out of school. So, what good is a(n)  17 
 application if I'm badly ill? What is the  18  of doing this work if I can't enjoy the results?
     In fact, by writing my  19  I'm telling all the people who  20  much about the future to worry about it now.
(     )1. A. makes    
(     )2. A. still    
(     )3. A. true     
(     )4. A. while    
(     )5. A. looked   
(     )6. A. face     
(     )7. A. hanging  
(     )8. A. In fact  
(     )9. A. light    
(     )10. A. insist  
(     )11. A. lose    
(     )12. A. Unless  
(     )13. A. paid    
(     )14. A. at      
(     )15. A. control 
(     )16. A. amount  
(     )17. A. suitable
(     )18. A. reason  
(     )19. A. time    
(     )20. A. think   
B. forces      
B. even        
B. real        
B. when        
B. sounded      
B. hope        
B. holding      
B. In addition  
B. shut        
B. determine    
B. drop        
B. If          
B. similar to  
B. to          
B. manage      
B. set          
B. impressive 
B. idea        
B. work        
B. care      
C. causes      
C. just        
C. wrong      
C. then        
C. appeared    
C. weight      
C. changing    
C. In disorder 
C. open        
C. accept      
C. give        
C. Though      
C. equal to    
C. on          
C. support     
C. kind        
C. believable  
C. point      
C. newspaper  
C. miss       
D. intends     
D. yet         
D. false       
D. how         
D. felt        
D. direction               
D. dressing    
D. In general  
D. heavy       
D. consider    
D. take        
D. Before      
D. worth       
D. with        
D. afford      
D. number      
D. usual       
D. tip         
D. story       
D. realize     



  If Shayne Ward didn't join the British singing talent show X-Factor in 2005, he might still be working in the local clothing shop. However, life often  36 those who have the  37 to try, and the nation voted him the winner.

  Recently, Ward came to China to promote (促销) his second album, Breathless, which was __38 on January 10.

  "Shayne has got a(n) 39 voice, and his songs are rhythmic and soothing (舒心的) to listen to," said Feng Yu, a Senior 2 student from Beijing No. 101 School, who came to  40__ him.

  However, the 23-year-old Ward doesn't  41  have an extraordinary voice and beautiful looks, lie also has a passion for performing on  42 and a determination to  43 his dream.

Life has been  44 for the Manchester boy. He's the youngest of a large family three brothers and three sisters, and money was  45__

  To help his family, Ward left school as soon as he  46 . He worked in factories  47__ everything from chocolate to clothes to cardboard boxes. But he never forgot that his  48 love was music.

  At age 16, Ward  49 a band called Destiny and spent his weekends singing karaoke. A year later, Ward wanted to try alone. "I couldn't believe I kept getting through," he said. "I didn't want my family to be the ones going  50 looking sad."

  However, Ward doesn't want to be  51  as a talent show winner. He has  52 his worth with a No. 1 single and two best-selling albums.  53 trying to predict the  54 , Ward only wants to enjoy his life right now.

  "I just carry on doing what I'm doing. That's  55 ," he said firmly. "I don't want to look too far ahead."

36.A.meets         B.favors         C.raises         D.creates    

37.A.chance        B.way          C.space         D.courage   

38.A.released        B.published       C.sent          D.delivered  

39.A.attentive       B.average        C.attractive       D.adventurous

40.A.watch         B.enjoy          C.cheer         D.support   

41.A.yet           B.just           C.ever          D.once     

42.A.stage          B.time          C.display        D.end      

43.A.go for         B.go to          C.go after      D.go through    

44.A.heavy         B.serious        C.unfair        D.hard     

45.A.few          B.little          C.loose          D.tight     

46.A.could         B.did           C.should         D.would    

47.A.doing         B.making        C.getting        D.trying    

48.A.deep          B.strong         C.true          D.only      

49.A.took          B.joined         C.developed      D.formed   

50.A.away         B.up            C.down         D.over     

51.A.worked        B.chosen        C.treated        D.understood 

52.A.accepted       B.started         C.improved       D.proved    

53.A.In case of      B.In time of      C.In place of      D.In honor of   

54.A.future         B.music         C.fortune        D.life      

55.A.right          B.all            C.everything      D.certain    


     Many adults see teens as energetic.Many of us see ourselves as proud.This thinking __1__ many adults and us to have the idea that if we can't handle school or __2__ life well, we are just
not trying hard.
     But in my opinion that may not be __3__.
     Earlier this school year, I was leaving my class one Friday __4__ suddenly it __5__ like I had pulled a muscle in my back.I knew I was ill.
     After a few days I stopped eating.This meant I lost __6__; the clothes that I bought two
weeks earlier began __7__ loose.This time my parents got scared.
     __8__, I started sleeping less.My eyelids (眼皮) were constantly __9__.
     I refused to __10__ that I was ill.I kept my job working 25 hours a week in a shop; I didn't
__11__ any classes.When I was hurting, I didn't mind and kept on going.__12__ it kills you, it
makes you stronger, right?
     But now I find myself thinking.Is it __13__ it? I'm taking the classes and working for the newspaper because it does good __14__ college applications.And I'm working 25 hours a week so
that, once I get into my dream school, I can __15__ it.
     Here I am, already sick from the __16__ of work I'm doing in and out of school.So, what good is a(n) __17__ application if I'm badly ill? What is the __18__ of doing this work if I can't enjoy
the results?
     In fact, by writing my __19__ I'm telling all the people who __20__ much about the future to
worry about it now.
(     )1. A. makes    
(     )2. A. still    
(     )3. A. true    
(     )4. A. while    
(     )5. A. looked  
(     )6. A. face    
(     )7. A. hanging  
(     )8. A. In fact  
(     )9. A. light    
(     )10. A. insist  
(     )11. A. lose    
(     )12. A. Unless  
(     )13. A. paid    
(     )14. A. at      
(     )15. A. control  
(     )16. A. amount  
(     )17. A. suitable
(     )18. A. reason  
(     )19. A. time    
(     )20. A. think  
B. forces      
B. even        
B. real        
B. when        
B. sounded    
B. hope        
B. holding    
B. In addition
B. shut        
B. determine  
B. drop        
B. If          
B. similar to  
B. to          
B. manage      
B. set        
B. impressive  
B. idea        
B. work        
B. care        
C. causes      
C. just        
C. wrong      
C. then        
C. appeared    
C. weight      
C. changing    
C. In disorder  
C. open        
C. accept      
C. give        
C. Though      
C. equal to    
C. on          
C. support    
C. kind        
C. believable  
C. point      
C. newspaper  
C. miss        
D. intends    
D. yet        
D. false      
D. how        
D. felt      
D. direction  
D. dressing  
D. In general
D. heavy      
D. consider  
D. take      
D. Before    
D. worth      
D. with      
D. afford    
D. number    
D. usual      
D. tip        
D. story      
D. realize    

