I from him for several years. A. have heard B. didn’t hear C. don’t hear D. haven’t heard 查看更多



  It's 7 am Kyoto (东京), Japan, and the taxi company has just called a second time to say they can't find my house.  1  I tell him directions. even a blind person can  2  , look impatiently at my watch, and wait. Only two hours remain until my  3  leavesand it's an hour-and-a-half trip to Osaka airport.

  The telephone rings  4  .“Terribly sorry,”begins the clerk. Then I  5  what's happened: flooded with  6  , the company is too busy. I've heard this happens when the weather gets  7  . I shout into the  8  that I have a plane to catchI must be in Seoul  9  and I'll meet the  10  a few hundred meters away on a bridge over the Kamo River.

  Standing in the heavy  11  , I look up and down. No  12  From the other direction a white car comes up, then stops. A young man opens the door, signing to me to  13  . Shaking with cold and  14  , I climb inside.

  In the most  15  Japanese, the man explains to me that he is the person with whom I have spoken  16  this morning. He apologizes again and again, but does not explain why a taxi could  17  except to say they are“very, very busy”this morning.

  A few hours later, seated into my seat as the storm-delayed 727  18  , I open the  19  . My eyes wander to the headline (标题) of a short article:“Taxi Strike Begins this Morning in  20  .”


[  ]

A.For the first time
B.Once again
C.Several times
D.Many times


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]

C.a second time
D.no more


[  ]

A.am pleased with
B.am surprised at
D.am terrified at


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]

A.clerk's ear


[  ]

A.at noon
B.by noon
C.by afternoon
D.in the evening


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]

A.get on
B.get off
C.get out
D.get in


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]

A.three times
C.only once
D.four times


[  ]

A.push me aside
B.not pick me up
C.put away
D.put off


[  ]

D.takes off


[  ]



[  ]



The sound of the rain hitting the windows wakes me up and it sounds just exactly as it did 15 years ago, which reminded me of my girlhood.

It was my second day of  16 and it was raining heavily. I couldn’t  17 the habit I had at home, so I fell asleep right at my  18 . I woke up to find myself not in the classroom but carried on Dad’s back. We were  19 home. It was the last time I felt  20 to him.

After that, I realized that he never carried me or hugged me as other fathers did to their children. I was not bothered by this  21 . I was proud of it, for I felt  22 and “grown up”. However, there were times when I felt depressed by not having sought  23 from him.

One day, I was writing Chinese characters as homework. I hated doing this more than anything. Dad came and stood behind me for a moment,  24 me scratching (乱涂) the paper quickly. Then he said, “This kind of writing needs  25 . Your writing is not strong enough. Press harder.”

I followed his  26 for the next two weeks, but  27 I could see little improvement, I followed my own method—— the  28 way. His advice didn’t improve my writing but our  29 . As I grew older, I found out that he had finished his  30 in Grade 6, which was the highest grade in town then, so he was considered to be a  31 . People used to ask him to write something to put on the walls, but he never felt very useful.

He often said to me, “As you can see, this family is going to count on you. We are  32 to improve you anything for your future. You have to get  33 to change the life for yourself.”

As a result of his  34 , I have  35 it through high school and through college.

16. A. graduation      B. employment       C. college           D. school

17. A. form          B. resist            C. follow           D. break

18. A. dormitory      B. door             C. desk            D. bed

19. A. at            B. already           C. beyond           D. halfway

20. A. close         B. near             C. happy           D. relaxed

21. A. gap           B. thought          C. action           D. accident

22. A. lonely         B. depressed         C. independent       D. comfortable

23. A. comfort           B. help             C. support          D. explanation

24. A. helping        B. directing          C. watching         D. blaming

25. A. skill          B. patience          C. time             D. practice

26. A. introduction     B. manner           C. spirit            D. advice

27. A. even if        B. while            C. as              D. though

28. A. difficult        B. slow            C. efficient          D. fast

29. A. relationship     B. friendship         C. thought          D. life

30. A. schooling      B. life              C. hope            D. expectation

31. A. writer         B. scholar           C. scientist          D. specialist

32. A. tired          B. glad             C. useless           D. ready

33. A. an education    B. a rich boyfriend     C. a well-paid job     D. a good writing

34. A. help          B. expectations       C. examination       D. watch

35. A. succeeded      B. got              C. made            D. found


One cold evening, I was waiting outside for a taxi in New York City. Later, I was  26  by a man in his thirties. Obviously, he was angry, complaining how 27  New Yorkers were. I knew my  28 would only be about 10 minutes and a part of me wanted to keep 29  and just move on, but I also wanted to try and connect.

  I asked him why. He told me he had just come from JFK airport 30  a customer, which means $70 in lost fare(车费), a fairly big deal. I tried to share his 31  . Gradually, he calmed down. He mentioned he had read an article   32 that the happiest people are those who give.   33 , he hoped to have more chance to 34  in his life, I was starting to   35 being with him!

  Arriving at my destination, I paid him, giving a generous tip. I also pulled out an extra $20 and said, “Sir, I share the same  36 of giving with you. Here’s the extra money for you.   37 it, since you’ve already  38 $70 from JFK. But, if you want to experience the  39 of giving, give it to the next  40 .”

  For a moment I thought I was so  41 ! But the driver  42 me by saying, “Sir, I have a 43 idea. You give that $20 to a homeless person and I will serve the next rider for free.”

  It was an honor meeting the driver and learning the lesson of   44 everyone is able to give and surprise  45 with their generosity.

26.A.taken up    B.picked up   C.sent up   D.put up

27.A.serious         B.cruel     C.horrible        D.strict

28.A.ride        B.flight     C.way         D.distance

29.A.free        B.calm    C.busy        D.silent

30.A.with       B.without      C.for           D.to

31.A.delight         B.worry        C.unhappiness      D.surprise

32.A.saying     B.writing       C.telling     D.speaking

33.A.Otherwise    B.However    C.Besides       D.Therefore

34.A.give        B.share     C.take      D.forgive

35.A.mind       B.regret        C.enjoy      D.hate

36.A.idea        B.action        C.practice         D.story

37.A.Forget         B.Keep     C.Put           D.Pay

38.A.given     B.got           C.lost          D.gained

39.A.force       B.energy         C.strength        D.power

40.A.passenger    B.conductor   C.stranger      D.tourist

41.A.bad          B.cool           C.silly           D.simple

42.A.disappointed   B.satisfied         C.surprised   D.encouraged

43.A.better          B.further   C.worse        D.newer

44.A.what       B.when       C.which         D.how

45.A.one       B.another         C.other      D.some



My relationship with my father has an enormous impact on my life. Overall, I  36  a very great sense of love and well-being when I remember Dad. He was 37  to providing the best he could for us.

When  38 , I was a bit in awe of Dad. I loved him dearly but I was also a little afraid of him; I was afraid of 39  him because I knew he could get angry and shout and this 40  me.

Dad would scoop us up (抱起) and hug and 41  us. He was loud and larger, in happiness as well as when  42 . He had a great sense of humor. 43 he was not a great reader, I do remember him reading Tom Sharpe books and  44  raucously (嘶哑地) to himself in the process.

Dad was enormously 45  of his family. He praised us to anyone who would listen and 46  in front of us. “I can take my kids anywhere; they’re always well 47 .”

As an adult, I would turn to Dad 48  advice and support and he was always there. The main  49  I recall is that whatever age I was, there was always a strong, powerful hug and kiss  50  I saw him.

It is over seven years since Dad died. I still 51  his voice if I imagine certain things. But even without hearing his voice, the most 52  thing is that he is still with me every day of my life. I do no have identical (相同的) 53  to him, however, I know that from him, I learned strong values. Dad taught me to value and respect money, to be 54  with it and not to want too much or be too 55  for material things …

36. A. make         B. have         C. take         D. turn

37. A. eager         B. limited        C. addicted      D. devoted

38. A. young         B. old          C. sick         D. weak

39. A. meeting           B. speaking to    C. looking at     D. displeasing

40. A. impressed      B. excited       C. scared        D. surprised

41. A. tease         B. kiss          C. miss         D. catch

42. A. occupied       B. satisfied       C. annoyed      D. fresh

43. A. Although       B. Since        C. Because      D. Therefore

44. A. coughing      B. scolding      C. laughing      D. crying

45. A. disappointed    B. proud        C. ambitious     D. certain

46. A. also          B. never        C. still          D. secretly

47. A. dressed        B. tended        C. spoiled       D. behaved

48. A. for           B. with         C. to              D. about

49. A. reason        B. cause        C. thing         D. incident

50. A. however       B. whenever     C. whatever      D. whichever

51. A. recognize      B. realize        C. record        D. hear

52. A. amazing           B. strange       C. delicate       D. important

53. A. beliefs        B. habits        C. emotions      D. attempts

54. A. economical     B. careful           C. familiar       D. mixed

55. A. sure          B. ready        C. greedy           D. anxious


I had just finished high school when a disaster hit our family. It was October 1962, and   21  was out of the question. So I found a job. In 1971, my employer announced only graduates(大学毕业生) would get  22  . My job seemed at a dead end unless I   23  further. And to graduate, I had to pass the higher secondary examination first.

    I   24  an admission form(表格) and rode to the Human Resource(人力资源) Management office. On arriving there, I was   25  ---I couldn’t find the form. It was the last day to   26  the form, and no blank forms were  27  at the office. I was standing there, disappointed,   28  an elderly gentleman asked me why I looked so   29  . I told him what happened,   30  , “Now I’ll have to wait another year.”

    “Well,” he said, “if you’re really serious about studying further, come with me. I have a   31  blank form at home.”

    It was 12:30 pm. The counter(柜台) would   32  at 2 pm. His home was 10 km away and I had a slight  33 of going somewhere with a stranger. Anyway, this was my last chance. We reached his house on my bike. He advised me to remain   34  , and gave me a pen and the form. When it was   35  , he told me to rush back and   36  carefully. I reached the office at 1:58 pm. There were two people in line, waiting for their  37  . Just then, the counter official announced that no more forms would be   38  after mine. I breathed a sigh of   39  .

    I passed the exam and later got a bachelor’s degree. I also got the promotions. I   40  it all to the timely help from a true gentleman whose name I forgot to ask.

21. A. education      B. competition        C. college           D. employment

22. A. attention       B. promotions        C. prizes            D. approval

23. A. attempted      B. explained         C. studied           D. worked

24. A. filled in        B. stepped onto       C. put down         D. looked at

25. A. ashamed       B. frightened         C. embarrassed       D. shocked

26. A. review        B. submit          C. find             D. revise

27. A. appropriate     B. available        C. practical          D. helpful

28. A. when         B. before          C. unless           D. until

29. A. serious       B. angry          C. troubled          D. tired

30. A. agreeing       B. suggesting       C. responding        D. adding

31. A. special        B. similar          C. private              D. spare

32. A. close         B. move            C. change              D. reset

33. A. regret         B. fear             C. sadness          D. puzzle

34. A. quiet          B. slow            C. calm            D. polite

35. A. rewritten       B. done            C. corrected         D. read

36. A. follow         B. walk            C. drive            D. answer

37. A. form          B. role             C. luck             D. turn

38. A. accepted B. chosen C. recommended      D. recognized

39. A. relief          B. confidence        C. tension           D. anxiety

40. A. devote        B. apply            C. owe             D. connect

