1-5: BABCB 6-10: DCDBA 11-15: BADBC 16-20: DCADA 21-25: ABABD 26-30: BBBCD 31-35: DACBC 36-40: BDBDC 41-45: ADADA 46-50: CCCDC II.代词 1-5: DBCCC 6-10: DABAC 11-15: ABDCB 16-20: BABCB 21-25: ABDCC 26-30: CCCDB 31-35: CCCAD 36-41: CDAABC 查看更多




  Our little boy came up to his mother in the kitchen one evening while she was preparing supper, and handed her a piece of paper that he had been writing on.After his mom dried her hands on her apron(围裙), she read it, and this is what was said:

  For going to the store for you $2.

  For cutting the grass in the garden $3.

  For cleaning up the yard this week $2.5.

  For cleaning up my room this week $2.

  For setting the table for meals this week $1.

  For baby-sitting my kid brother while you went shopping $1.5.

  For getting a good school report $5.

  Total owed:$17.

  His mother looked at him, who was standing there with expectation.Memories flashed through her mind.Then she picked up a pen, turned over the paper he had written on, and wrote:

  For the nine months I carried you while you were growing inside me, No Charge(收费).

  For all the nights that I've sat up with you and taken care of you, No Charge.

  For all the problems and troubles that you've caused through the years, there is No Charge.

  When you add it all up, the cost of my love is No Charge.

  For all the nights that were filled with fear and for the worries I knew were ahead, No Charge.For the toys, food, clothes, and even wiping up your nose? There is No Charge.And when you add it all up, the full cost of real love is, No Charge, Son.

  Well, friends, when our son finished reading what his mother had written, there were big tears in his eyes, and he looked straight up at his mother and said, “Mom, I sure do love you..” And then he took the pen and in great letters he wrote, “ PAID IN FULL.”


What might the mother be doing when the boy came into the kitchen?

[  ]


Getting the dishes ready.


Repairing the cooker.


Washing dirty dishes.


Laying the table for dinner.


According to the boy's bill, his mom owed him _________ for his helping with the house work.

[  ]










This story tries to tell us that _________.

[  ]


real love is priceless


housework is endless


the mother is wise


the boy is selfish




  News magazine of science devoted to the wonders and stories of modern science, written for the educated general reader.Published by Disney Magazine Publishing Co.Discover tells many of the same stories professionals read in Scientific American.A truly delightful family science magazine, each issue(每期)brings to light new and newsworthy topics to make dinnertime and water-cooler conversations interesting.

  Cover Price:$59.88


  You Save:$39.93(67%)

  Issues:12 issues/12 months


  Published by Conde Nast Publications Inc., Self is a handbook devoted to women’s overall physical and mental health.Every issue contains usable articles such as “Style Lab”, in which wearable clothes are mixed and matched on non-models and the “Eat-right Road Map”, with tips on how to eat properly.

  Cover Price:$35.86


  You Save:$20.86(58%)

  Issues:10 issues/12 months


  Instyle is a guide to the lives and lifestyles of the world’s famous people.The magazine covers the choices people make about their homes, their clothes and their free time activities.With photos and articles, it opens the door to these people’s homes, families, parties and weddings, offering ideas about beauty, fitness and in general, lifestyles.

  Publisher:The Time Inc.Magazine Company

  Cover Price:$47.88


  You Save:$24.00(50%)

  Issues:10 issues/12 months


  This magazine is designed for leaders in the field of information engineering including top managers and professionals in the computer, business, design and education industries.Published by Conde Nast Publications Inc.Wired often carries articles on how technology changes people’s lives.

  Cover Price:$59.40


  You Save:$49.40(83%)

  Issues:10 issues/12 months


Which of the following magazines is published monthly?

[  ]










Which magazine offers the biggest price cut?

[  ]










The “Style Lab” in Self provides readers with articles which ________.

[  ]


offer advice to ordinary women on clothes


show how a woman can become famous


introduce places with the best food


discuss ways of training models


Those who are interested in management and the use of high technology would probably choose ________.

[  ]










Giant leap for China

    A few days ago, he was just Colonel (上校) Yang; Few people knew his name or recognized his face. But last Thursday, when he came back to the earth after a 21-hour trip to space, Yang Liwe's smile was seen across the world above the magic words:China’s first spaceman.

    The 38-year-old astronaut was sent into space at 9 a. m. last Wednesday by China’s Shenzhou V spacecraft, which orbited the earth 14 times. He landed safely at 6: 23 a. m. the next day, making China the third country to successfully send a person into space, after the former Soviet Union and the US.

    Yang was satisfied with his job. “I have seen many landing scenes before on video, and I think ours was one of the most successful,” he said on a special plane to Beijing after landing.

    Born into an ordinary family in Liaoning Province, he became a pilot in the Chinese Air Force in 1987, spending 1, 350 hours in the air. He joined the Chinese space programmer 11 years later.

    While in space, Yang recorded everything he saw as well as showing China’s national flag and the United Nations’ flag to the people watching on TV at home. He also ate a meal of diced chicken and fried rice, before taking a 3-hour nap. The whole project went according to plan, but space exploration is not as easy as it seems.

    Anyone who saw the destruction of the US space shuttle Columbia in February this year will know that Yang took a great risk.

    He experienced extremely high temperatures, while the gravitational forces (重力) on takeoff and landing were strong enough to force tears from his eyes.

    He has spent five years training to become a spaceman.

    "I eat all of my meals at the space programmer’s dinning room and have never been able to take my son to kindergarten," he said. "I’ve never met his teachers."

    But becoming China’s first spaceman has made all the effort worthwhile.

    When I boarded the spacecraft for the first time, I couldn’t help feeling excited,he said.I decided that I had to fly it.

    To Chinese people, Yang is now a hero. One visitor to a Xinhua news agency online forum (网上论坛) said:Yang’s trip is a giant leap forward for China.

    Officials say the next Shenzhou will be launched by 2005. China also plans to develop space walking and a space lab.

1. What is the main idea of the story?

    A. China’s first manned space flight.

    B. A hero with great courage

    C. The first Chinese man in space

    D. How Yang Liwei became China’s first spaceman

2. How long did each of Yang’s orbits take on average?

    A. 1 hour.        B. 1. 5 hours.     C. 6 hours.        D. The story didn’t mention.

3. Why did the writer mention the gravitational forces on takeoff and landing?

    A. To stress the hardship and the spaceman had to experience.

    B. Because it was a very special experience for any spacemen.

    C. To stress how much training he had to do to prepare for the flight

    D. To show that Yang is lucky.

4. Why did the writer usegiant leapin the title?

    A. Because the space flight marked China’s great progress in the field of space exploration.

    B. Because Neil Armstrong said it was a "giant leap" for mankind when he first set foot on the moon.

    C. Because the space flight was a huge success.

    D. Both A and B.



Things You Need to Know about Studying There Study Style

  Since the 1950s, the Netherlands has had courses in English especially for foreign students. Students are expected to be critical of what they read and hear, and to be able of working independently. Foreign students will soon notice that at Dutch institutions for higher learning, people are expected to do a lot of talking. The most common form of teaching is the seminar (研讨会) or working group, where a small group of students work under a teacher's supervision (监督,管理) to analyze (分析) a certain problem. On exams, they have to show that they know the material, and that they have formed well-founded opinions on the subject.

Accommodations (住宿)

  If you are in an exchange programme or an international course, it is quite possible that a room will be arranged for you. Accept it immediately, or you will regret it later. That's because finding a place to live in a country as crowded as the Netherlands is not easy.

  Before you leave China, ask your host institution whether or not housing will indeed be arranged in advance. If you are in the Netherlands and still looking for a place, ask the international relations office or the student dean for advice.


  Tuition (学费)

  Bachelor's degree: about 2 500 euros a year

  Master's degree: 5 000~12 000 euros a year

  Living expenses:

  Experience has shown that a year in the Netherlands costs a Chinese student about 450~750 euros a month.

  Here is a breakdown of average prices of supermarket goods:

  Litre of milk:    0.5~0.8 euro

  Kilo of apples:   1.5 euros

  Shampoo, 400m1:  4 euros

  Tube of toothpaste: 1 euro

  Bed sheet:     20 euros

  Other expenses:

  Haircut: 15 euros

  Air ticket to China: 600~800 euros

  Mobile phone call (one minute): 0.1~0.3 euro

Phone call to China (with IP card): 7 euros (one minute)

  Postage stamp in the Netherlands: 0.39 euro

  Stamp for China: 0.78 euro

  (1 euro=about 10 yuan)


  Trains, buses and trams (有轨电车) run throughout the country.

  If you really want to sample Dutch life, and get around quickly and easily, buy yourself a bicycle. Most students buy second-hand bicycles. A reasonable one will cost you 70~120 euros. You can find them at second-hand bicycle shops or at the bicycle parking facilities near railway stations.

(1) Teachers expect foreign students to do much talking and analyzing in order to make them ________.

[  ]

A.get higher marks

B.pass exams easier

C.be able to work independently

D.get in close touch with each other

(2) The passage implies that ________.

[  ]

A.it is easier to find a room in Netherlands

B.it is difficult to find a room in Netherlands

C.your host institution will surely find a room for you

D.the international relations office can find a room for you

(3) It costs at least ________ a year for a master's degree.

[  ]

A.104 000 yuan
B.104 000 euros
C.174 000 yuan
D.34 000 euros

(4) Most students ride second-hand bicycles mainly because ________.

[  ]

A.they can ride them fast and easily

B.bicycles are safe and comfortable for riding

C.bicycles are convenient and easy to park

D.bicycles are convenient and cheap


Giant leap for China

    A few days ago, he was just Colonel (上校) Yang; Few people knew his name or recognized his face. But last Thursday, when he came back to the earth after a 21-hour trip to space, Yang Liwe's smile was seen across the world above the magic words:China’s first spaceman.

    The 38-year-old astronaut was sent into space at 9 a. m. last Wednesday by China’s Shenzhou V spacecraft, which orbited the earth 14 times. He landed safely at 6: 23 a. m. the next day, making China the third country to successfully send a person into space, after the former Soviet Union and the US.

    Yang was satisfied with his job. “I have seen many landing scenes before on video, and I think ours was one of the most successful,” he said on a special plane to Beijing after landing.

    Born into an ordinary family in Liaoning Province, he became a pilot in the Chinese Air Force in 1987, spending 1, 350 hours in the air. He joined the Chinese space programmer 11 years later.

    While in space, Yang recorded everything he saw as well as showing China’s national flag and the United Nations’ flag to the people watching on TV at home. He also ate a meal of diced chicken and fried rice, before taking a 3-hour nap. The whole project went according to plan, but space exploration is not as easy as it seems.

    Anyone who saw the destruction of the US space shuttle Columbia in February this year will know that Yang took a great risk.

    He experienced extremely high temperatures, while the gravitational forces (重力) on takeoff and landing were strong enough to force tears from his eyes.

    He has spent five years training to become a spaceman.

    "I eat all of my meals at the space programmer’s dinning room and have never been able to take my son to kindergarten," he said. "I’ve never met his teachers."

    But becoming China’s first spaceman has made all the effort worthwhile.

    When I boarded the spacecraft for the first time, I couldn’t help feeling excited,he said.I decided that I had to fly it.

    To Chinese people, Yang is now a hero. One visitor to a Xinhua news agency online forum (网上论坛) said:Yang’s trip is a giant leap forward for China.

    Officials say the next Shenzhou will be launched by 2005. China also plans to develop space walking and a space lab.

1. What is the main idea of the story?

    A. China’s first manned space flight.

    B. A hero with great courage

    C. The first Chinese man in space

    D. How Yang Liwei became China’s first spaceman

2. How long did each of Yang’s orbits take on average?

    A. 1 hour.        B. 1. 5 hours.     C. 6 hours.        D. The story didn’t mention.

3. Why did the writer mention the gravitational forces on takeoff and landing?

    A. To stress the hardship and the spaceman had to experience.

    B. Because it was a very special experience for any spacemen.

    C. To stress how much training he had to do to prepare for the flight

    D. To show that Yang is lucky.

4. Why did the writer usegiant leapin the title?

    A. Because the space flight marked China’s great progress in the field of space exploration.

    B. Because Neil Armstrong said it was a "giant leap" for mankind when he first set foot on the moon.

    C. Because the space flight was a huge success.

    D. Both A and B.


