The school gave a banquet Mr. Palmer who English for more than 40 years and retired last year. A. in honour of ; had taught B. in the honour of ; has taught C. in this honour; has been taught D. in honour of; had been teaching 查看更多




  The kids at Shute Country Primary School in Devon are surprisingly quiet when it's time to go home in the afternoon. Instead of the usual shouting and running you can hear them asking each other,“Are the lights all off?”“Shall we check the taps in case they are dripping?”“How many paper towels did we use today?”

  But it's not unusual here. The kids have declared a war on waste.

  “We've never made the children do anything.”explained Liz Templar, the school's head teacher.“They came up with all the ideas themselves. They're doing this because they want to.”

  If you take a look around the school you won't see anything thrown away unnecessarily. Everything is collected and reused, or sent to be recycled.

  Shute School started its green revolution two years ago. They looked carefully at every part of school life--from the teaching to the cleaning. They looked at the stationery(文具) that was used--especially photocopying, the way cleaning was carried out, and how food was used--and wasted!

  Even parents were looked at: how many children came in each car? Did they use unleaded petrol? Could they bring more children in fewer cars?

  High on the list was the waste of paper. Next came unfriendly cleaning products. Paper towels were replaced with recycled paper, but the hardest thing for the kids was when they found out how much rubbish was created by the chocolate, crisps and other snacks(小吃) eaten at lunch time. Of their own accord(自愿地), the children gave them up. Now they bring apples and home-made snacks.

  The school has its own garden where they grow vegetables and flowers so that they can learn about the environment. They also use this area for their recycling store--large containers to collect aluminium, bottles, paper and fabric(织物).

  Even the school's play area is made from recycled things.

  Since the children started, the school's heating and lighting bills have fallen obviously and the number of rubbish bags has gone down from seven a week to two or three.

  Everywhere in Shute School there are bright posters asking everyone to take their rubbish home, to save energy and paper and to keep the green flag flying.

1.Which of the following is the major information we get from the passage?

[  ]

A.The pupils at Shute School are fighting against air pollution.

B.The pupils at Shute School are learning to save things.

C.The pupils at Shute School have declared a war on waste.

D.The pupils at Shute School have found a way to recycle waste things.

2.Children at Shute Country Primary School bring apples and home-made snacks to school in order to _____.

A.create less rubbish money

C.obey the school's rules

D.keep their promise

3.We can infer from the text that“green revolution” means _____.

[  ]

A.beautifying schoolyard

B.activity against waste

C.planting green plants

D.throwing away waste

4.What do the children think creates the most waste?

[  ]

A.Paper towels.

B.Cleaning products.



5.We learn from the text that the children's behavior _____.

[  ]

A.has brought arguments

B.has saved the school's cost

C.worried their parents

D.was forced by their head teacher


  Hillside Secondary School year is divided into two 18-week semesters. Semester one runs from September to the end of January. Semester two runs from February to late June.

  The school day runs from 8∶45 a. m. to 3∶15 p.m. and is made up of five 78-minute periods. Students take four classes and have one period for lunch.

  In February, 2000, the school introduced a new system of computerized attendance in order to provide accurate(准确的)records of student late and absences and to enable communication with parents. Student evaluation(评价)is a continual process based upon class performance, tests, homework and reports, as well as special projects or formal examinations held at the end of the semester. There will be at least three reports to parents during each semester. After five weeks of class, students carry Early-bird Report home. The semester one Parent/Teacher interview date appears on this report. Mid-term Report is at the ninth week. Marks are then calculated Mid-term Reports are prepared and mailed in Mid-November and late April. Students with marks under 60% after 11 weeks of class will receive an In-Danger Report to remind them that more effort is required as well as careful preparation for final exams. Those notices are mailed home. Final Reports are mailed home in February and July.

  The Newsletter is an excellent way for the school to communicate with parents. In addition to providing a profile of our many activities, it contains key dates and information/upcoming events such as parent interviews or exams, changes being considered at the school, messages from school office... Parents regularly tell us they value and appreciate learning about what is happening in their children's school. Parents receive four Newsletters each year. Keep it on the refrigerator!

(1) Each semester, the parents may get at least ________ from the school.

[  ] Early-bird Report, a Mid-term Report and the Newsletters Early-bird Report, a Mid-term Report and the Final Report

C.a Mid-term Report, an In-Danger Report and a Final Report

D.a Mid-term Report, a Final Report and the Newsletters

(2) We can infer from the passage that ________.

[  ]

A.parents get little information about their children's performance at school

B.a student has to spend more than 5 periods learning lessons at school

C.both school and parents think highly of the Newsletters

D.students with a mark above 95% might fail the exams

(3) The purpose in writing this passage is ________.

[  ] tell about the contents in different report cards to parents tell about the duration of a school year and a school day introduce a new method to record student attendance give some general information of the school



56.  The school is so large and there are so many new students, so it is hard for me to remember all the faces and names.

The school is so large and there are so many new students, so it is a _______________ for me to remember all the faces and names. 

57.  When I came to this school, all my teachers encouraged me a lot and now I have made much progress.

When I came to this school, all my teachers gave me ______________ _______________ and now I have made much progress.

58.  Tom, our monitor, quarrelled with our headteacher, and it made all of us surprised.

Tom, our monitor, quarrelled with our headteacher, which _______________ us all. 

59.  I found that the homework was a bit of challenge for me at the beginning. 

I found the homework a bit _______________ for me _________ _________. 

60.  Cooking was very interesting as I learnt how to buy, prepare and cook food, and I am glad that all my classmates liked the cake I made. 

Cooking was _________ _________ as I learnt how to buy, prepare and cook food, and I am glad that all my classmates _________ _________ _________ the cake I made.

61.  It is difficult to improve your cooking skills in such a short time, but you should still keep practising.

_______________ it is difficult to improve your cooking skills in such a short time, you should still keep practising.

62.  As soon as my brother arrived at the airport, he called me up at once. 

_________ ____________ at the airport, my brother called me up at once. 

63.  We require that students should inform the parents of events such as outings and school plays.

We require students _________ _________ the parents of events such as outings and school plays.

64.  Daniel, where is the money for dog food? How did you deal with the cash we left? 

Daniel, where is the money for dog food? What did you _________ _________ the cash we left? 

65.  We thought you were an adult, a person who would make good decisions.

We thought you were an adult, _________ would make good decisions.


Japanese high school students do not drive cars. Many of them either walk 36 ride bicycles if the distance is not too great. In other 37 , a lot of students have to 38  public buses and trains, often changing lines several times in order to reach their 39 . It is common for some students to 40 two or more hours each day on 41 transportation. After junior high school, students attend schools based 42 standardized high school entrance examination scores. As a result, some students travel a great distance to 43  the school. The school day begins at 8:30, so students may leave home 44 6:30. While some students sleep or study during their long travel, public transportation also 45 a chance for socializing with peers (同龄人). Students 46 to school are regulated by school policies. These policies may prohibit 47 activities in public — chewing gum, consuming snacks, 48 books while walking — anything that might reflect 49 on the reputation of the school. Each school has a unique 50 that makes its students easily identifiable to 51 . School policies often require students to 52  on buses and trains, 53 seats open for other passengers in order to show thoughtfulness towards others. In practice, 54 , students tend to relax 55 they move farther away from school.

36.A. but      B. or       C. and     D. nor

37.A. cases     B. schools    C. areas     D. countries

38.A. go      B. have     C. take     D. get

39.A. homes     B. destinations   C. companies   D. classrooms

40.A. take      B. cost      C. spend     D. have

41.A. public     B. private     C. school    D. government

42.A. in      B. at       C. on      D. to

43.A. go      B. leave     C. attend     D. pass

44.A. as early as    B. as late as    C. as hurry as   D. as long as

45.A. gives     B. offers     C. sends     D. takes

46.A. on the way   B. in the way   C. by the way   D. at the way

47.A. sure      B. certain    C. special    D. probable

48.A. carrying    B. taking    C. holding    D. reading

49.A. worse     B. well     C. badly     D. truly

50.A. uniform    B. hairstyle    C. schoolbag   D. playground

51.A. the teachers   B. the students  C. the public   D. the adults

52.A. silence     B. sit      C. seat     D. stand

53.A. having     B. getting     C. putting    D. leaving

54.A. however    B. but      C. even     D. still

55.A. which     B. as       C. that     D. so


Called “The School of the Future” and created with help from software giant Microsoft,a recently opened public school in Philadelphia,US,is believed to be the first in the world to combine innovation teaching methods with the latest technology.At this school,students work on wireless laptops,teachers eschew traditional subjects for real world topics and parents can track their children’s work on the Internet.

  The school,which costs the school district $ 63 million to build,is free and has no entrance exams.The 170 ninth grade students were selected at random from 1,500 applicants.

  Philadelphia School District Chief Executive Paul Vallas told students they would be observed by other schools around the world.“You have become instant role models,” Vallas said.“People are going to be watching you.”

  Students still sit in classrooms,but lessons rely heavily on information found on the Internet and on interactive software.Students will be allowed to learn at their own pace.Homework is done on computer and sent to the teacher for grading and parents can access the school’s network to read the teacher feedback on their children’s progress.

  Traditional education fails to teach students the skills of problem?solving,critical

thinking and effective communication,which they need to succeed in the 21st century,Principal Shirley Grover said in an interview.“It’s not about memorizing certain algebraic equations (代数方程式) and then presenting them in a test,” Grover said.“It’s about thinking how maths might be used to solve a quality?of?water problem or how it might be used to determine whether or not we are safe in Philadelphia from the bird flu.”

  David Terry,14,said he was hoping to“turn over a new leaf” after discipline problems in his previous school left him with an “average to really bad” academic record.“This is a great opportunity for me,” he said.“In other schools,I would not     .”

76.What’s the best title of this passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)


77.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

  Although the students have their lessons in classrooms,they mainly learn through the Internet

  and on some software.


78.Please fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the

  sentence.(Please answer within 10 words.)


79.Do you think this kind of school good? Why? (Please answer within 30 words.)


80.Please translate the underlined sentence in the fifth paragraph into Chinese.


