A boom that is worth at all is worthy of twice. A. reading; being read B. being read; reading C. reading; reading D. being read; being read 查看更多



Boom boom!( I’m here, come to me!)
Krak krak!( Watch out, a leopard (豹)!)
Hok hok hok!( Hey, crowned eagle!)
Very good — you’ve already mastered half the basic vocabulary of the Campbell’s monkey, which lives in the forests of the Tai National Park in Ivory Coast. The adult males have six types of call, each with a specific meaning, but they can mix two or more calls together into a message with a different meaning.
Having spent months recording the monkeys’ calls in response to both natural and artificial stimuli (刺激物), a group led by Klaus Zuberbuhler of the University of St. Andrews in Scotland argues that the Campbell’s monkeys have a certain form of syntax(句法).
This is likely to be controversial because despite great effort to teach chimpanzees(大猩猩) language, they showed little or no ability to combine the sounds they learned into a sentence with a larger meaning. Syntax, basic to the structure of language, uniquely belongs to humans.
“Krak” is a call that warns of leopards in the neighborhood. The monkeys give it in response to real leopards and to leopard shouting broadcast by the researchers. The monkeys can vary the call by adding “-oo”: “Krak-oo” seems to be a general word for hunter, but one given in a special context – when monkeys hear but don’t see a hunter, or when they hear the alarm calls of another species.
The “boom-boom” call invites other monkeys to come toward the male making the sound. Two booms can be combined with a series of “krak-oos”, with a meaning entirely different to that of either of its single parts. “Boom boom krak-oo krak-oo krak-oo” is the monkey’s version of “Timber!” – it warns of falling trees.
If Zuberbuhler is correct, the Campbell’s monkeys can both vary the meaning of specific calls by adding something and combine calls to make a different meaning.
【小题1】What is the passage mainly about?

A.A group of scientists.B.Calls of Campbell’s monkeys.
C.The lifestyle of monkeys.D.The importance of language.
【小题2】According to the passage, chimpanzees       .
A.don’t communicate by sounds
B.only understand simple sentences
C.fail to learn language from humans
D.are not related to the Campbell’s monkeys
【小题3】If the Campbell’s monkeys hear a lion’s shouting, they will call “  ”.
A.KrakB.BoomC.Boom boom krak-oo krak-oo krak-oo D.Krak-oo
【小题4】 According to the passage, it seems that        .
A.Zuberbuhler has spent years in the forests
B.the writer isn’t sure of Zuberbuhler’s opinions
C.the Campbell’s monkeys are cleverer than other animals
D.the Campbell’s monkeys can express six meanings by calls


Competition between international universities is heating up, as China grows as one of the largest exporters of students aiming to study abroad. “Lots of universities are becoming more and more aggressive to attract Chinese students. Every day I receive contacts from universities in the US expressing the desire to come to China to recruit students,” said Frank Joseph, a commercial officer from embassy of the United States.
One key reason why more Chinese students are able to study abroad is the economy: With China’s boom within the past decade, more families have the financial wherewithal (资金) to send their children to international universities. There will be a total of 200,000 family-funded Chinese students studying overseas in 2011, up 20 percent from last year, said Wu Zaofeng, deputy secretary general of China Education Association for International Exchange.
International institutions, Joseph said, are also facing increasingly tough financial situation with a shortage of domestic students and a drop in government subsidies (补贴). Students, especially in the US are paying high tuition fees and living expenses. Chinese students with money to spend, according to experts, can fill up the gap. Students on average spend 150,000 yuan to 200,000 yuan every year studying in US, according to statistics from the US Institute of International Education. During 2009-2010, there were approximately 81,000 Chinese students studying in the US, up 19.8 percent from 2008.
Representatives from approximately 60 universities from the United States are planning to arrive in Beijing this weekend to attract more Chinese students at this year’s fair. Besides the US, many other countries are also vying (竞争) to enroll Chinese students.
Post-study work visa put out by British government allows all international students completing a UK degree qualification to apply for a visa to stay on and look for work in UK for up to 2 years. Being the third most popular destination for international students next to the US and the UK, France has set up two types of scholarships and has handed out an increase of 26 percent in scholarship funds to Chinese students in recent years.
【小题1】The reason for heating up competition between international universities is __________.

A.that China has become one of the largest exporters of the students aiming to study abroad
B.China’s boom, the students’ desire and foreign universities’ commercial motive
C.that the students in China are becoming richer and richer
D.that the students in foreign countries do not want to go to universities
【小题2】 Why are more Chinese students able to study abroad?
A.Because their families have enough money to send them to international universities.
B.Because they can’t go to the best universities at home.
C.Because they want to win the scholarship of foreign universities
D.Because the Chinese students enjoy following others and they want to be independent.
【小题3】Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.In 2011 there will be 200,000 Chinese students studying in the US.
B.Chinese students are able to study abroad for their relatives overseas.
C.In 2011 there will be 200,000 state-funded Chinese students studying overseas.
D.There are fewer family-funded Chinese students studying abroad in 2010 than in 2011.
【小题4】 From the passage we can learn that __________.
A.the number of foreign students is becoming smaller and smaller
B.the international universities are short of money
C.there were approximately 81,000 foreign students studying in the US during 2009-2010
D.the Chinese students spend more money than the American students


It was a beautiful day at the beach—blue sky, gentle wind, calm sea.I knew these things because a man sitting five feet from me was shouting them into his mobile phone, like a play-by-play announcer (实况解说员).


Behind me, a woman, her mobile phone pressed to her ear was walking back and forth.

“She DIDN’T,” she was saying.“No.She DIDN’T.She DID? Really? Are you SERIOUS? She did NOT.She DID? No she…”

And so on.This woman had two children, who were playing in the sea.I found myself watching them, because the woman surely was not.A huge squid could have caught and snatched the children, and this woman would not have noticed.Or, if she had noticed, she’d have said, “Listen.I have to go, because a huge squid just……No! She didn’t ! She DID? No! She……”

And next to me, the play-by-play man would have said: “…AND A HUGE SQUID JUST ATE TWO CHILDREN, AND I’M GETTING A LITTLE SUNBURNED, AND …”

It used to be that the major trouble at the beach was the fellow who brought a boom box (便携式录音机) and turned it up so loud that the bass notes caused seagulls to explode.But at least you knew where these fellows were; you never know which beachgoers have mobile phones.You’ll settle next to what appears to be a sleeping sunbather, or even (you hope) a corpse , and you’ll lie happily on your towel, and you’ll get all the way to the second sentence of your 467-page book before you fall asleep to the hypnotic surge of the surf (催人入梦的潮声), and …

BREEP! BREEP! The corpse sits up, feels urgently for its mobile phone, and shouts “Hello! I’m at the beach! Yes! It’s nice! Very peaceful! What? She did? No, she didn’t! She DID? No, she…”

Loud mobile-phoners never seem to get urgent calls.Just once, I’d like to hear one of them say, “Hello? Yes, this is Dr.Johnson.Oh, Dr.Smith.You’ve opened the abdominal cavity (腹腔)? Good! Now the appendix should be right under the … What? No, that’s the liver.Don’t take THAT out, ha ha! Oh, you did? My God! OK, now listen carefully…”

1.From the passage we can know that the writer of the passage _____.

A.had a wonderful holiday at the beach

B.must have suffered a lot because of the terrible weather

C.is only interested in talks by doctors about operation

D.experienced an unhappy holiday at the beach

2.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A.The writer often spends his holidays at the beach.

B.A huge squid ate two children while their mother was not watching.

C.Some people used to play boom box while spending their holidays at the beach.

D.Some people often make loud mobile phone calls without caring for others.

3.The underlined word“ corpse”in this passage has the closest meaning to________.

A.a dead body

B.a loud mobile phone

C.a sound sleeper

D.a sleep lover

4.In the past the fellow who brought a boom box_________.

A.turned it up to make the seagulls happy

B.turned it up to cause the seagulls to explode

C.might cause less trouble than the beachgoers with mobile phones

D.might cause more trouble than the beachgoers with mobile phones

5.We can infer from the passage that _______.

A.the writer is interested in mobile phone.

B.the writer hates people using mobile phone

C.the writer hates to be disturbed while enjoying holidays on the beach.

D.the writer seldom finishes reading a book before going to sleep.



The huge Florida wetland known as the Everglades is a slow-moving river 80 kilometres wide but only a few centimeters deep. People call the Everglades a “river of grass” because sawgrass covers most of it. Sawgrass is not really grass. It is a plant that has leaves edged with tiny sharp teeth that can easily cut through clothes—and skin!
Travel in the Everglades is difficult. You cannot walk through shallow water because the sawgrass will cut you. The water is too shallow for regular boats. So, we use an airboat. An airboat is a flat, open boat. Like an airplane, it has a big propeller to move it. The propeller is fixed on the rear of the boat. It makes a tremendous noise, but it does the job. The boat skims along the water’s surface. Although we can still get lost in an airboat, at least we are above the alligators(短吻鳄).
While hundreds of different kinds of animals live in the Everglades, the most famous is surely the alligator. Once endangered, alligators are now protected within Everglades National Park. Visitors are likely to see them both on land and in water.
For a long time, dangers have threatened the Everglades. Around 1900, some people felt this precious wetland should be drained (排干). They said it was just a big swamp and not good for anything. In the 1920s, there was a land boom in Florida. People wanted to build homes everywhere, including in the Everglades. They built canals, levees (防洪堤) , and other water systems that stopped the rivers flowing into the Everglades. Factories were built near rivers that flowed into the wetland. These factories dumped poisonous waste that damaged the Everglades ecosystem.
? People are now working to preserve the Everglades National Park for the future. Right now, one big problem is the paperbark tree. This tree is an invader from Australia.
Paperbark trees soak up a lot of water. In the early 1900s, people brought them to Florida because they thought they would help drain the Everglades. However, the invaders adapted too well. Paperbark trees have taken over hundreds of thousands of acres of the Everglades and killed other trees. Scientists are cutting down these invaders or spraying them with herbicides (除草剂) to kill them. ?
【小题1】Which helps to explain why it is difficult to travel in Everglades?

A.Airboats may make a very big noise.
B.You may get lost when passing through.
C.Paperbark trees soak up too much water there.
D.Many different kinds of animals are to be protected.
【小题2】Why do people use airboats instead of normal boats?
A.They have big propellers to move them faster than alligators.
B.The propeller makes loud noise so as to scare alligators.
C.Their flat bottom can skim along the water surface.
D.They can watch alligators without hurting them. ?
【小题3】The following measures were taken to drain the Everglades except that people______. ?
A.built canals and levees to stop the rivers flowing into Everglades?
B.built factories near rivers that flowed into the wetland?
C.brought Paperbark to soak up water in Everglades?
D.are cutting down these Paperbark trees?
【小题4】The underlined word "invader" probably means something______. ?
A.that moves in from another placeB.that enters and takes control?
C.that has been brought in?D.that is in danger?


Competition between international universities is heating up, as China grows as one of the largest exporters of students aiming to study abroad. “Lots of universities are becoming more and more aggressive to attract Chinese students. Every day I receive contacts from universities in the US expressing the desire to come to China to recruit students,” said Frank Joseph, a commercial officer from embassy of the United States.

One key reason why more Chinese students are able to study abroad is the economy: With China’s boom within the past decade, more families have the financial wherewithal(资金) to send their children to international universities. There will be a total of 200,000 family-funded Chinese students studying overseas in 2009, up 20 percent from last year, said Wu Zaofeng, deputy secretary general of China Education Association for International Exchange.

International institutions, Joseph said, are also facing increasingly tough financial situation with a shortage of domestic students and a drop in government subsidies(补贴). Students, especially in the US are paying high tuition fees and living expenses. Chinese students with money to spend, according to experts, can fill up the gap. Students on average spend 150,000 yuan to 200,000 yuan every year studying in US, according to statistics from the US Institute of International Education. During 2007-2008, there were approximately 81,000 Chinese students studying in the US, up 19.8 percent from 2006.

Representatives from approximately 60 universities from the United States are planning to arrive in Beijing this weekend to attract more Chinese students at this year’s fair. Besides the US, many other countries are also vying(竞争) to enroll Chinese students.

Post-study work visa put out by British government allows all international students completing a UK degree qualification to apply for a visa to stay on and look for work in UK for up to 2 years. Being the third most popular destination for international students next to the US and the UK, France has set up two types of scholarships and has handed out an increase of 26 percent in scholarship funds to Chinese students in recent years.

1.The reason for heating up competition between international universities is ___.

A.that China has become one of the largest exporters of the students aiming to study abroad

B.that the students in China are becoming richer and richer

C.China’s boom, the students’ desire and foreign universities’ commercial motive

D.that the students in foreign countries do not want to go to universities

2.Why are more Chinese students able to study abroad?

A.Because they can’t go to the best universities at home.

B.Because their families have enough money to send them to international universities.

C.Because they want to win the scholarship of foreign universities

D.Because the Chinese students enjoy following others and they want to be independent.

3.Which of the following statements is true?

A.There are fewer family-funded Chinese students studying abroad in 2008 than in 2009.

B.Chinese students are able to study abroad for their relatives overseas.

C.In 2009 there will be 200,000 state-funded Chinese students studying overseas.

D.In 2009 there will be 200,000 Chinese students studying in the US.

4.From the passage we can learn that _____.

A.the number of foreign students is becoming smaller and smaller

B.there were approximately 81,000 foreign students studying in the US during 2007-2008

C.the international universities are short of money

D.the Chinese students are richer than the American students

5.What does the UK do to attract the international students?

A.Setting up two types of scholarships.

B.Handing out an increase of 26 percent in scholarship funds to Chinese students in recent years.

C.Allowing to look for work in their spare time in the UK for up to 2 years.

D.Permitting students to have a visa to stay on and look for work for 2 years after completing the degree.


