A. even if B. so that C. because D. though 查看更多



It is hard to predict(预言)how science is going to turn out, and whether it is really good science, it is impossible to predict.If the things to be found are actually new, they must be unknown in advance.You cannot make choices on this matter.You either have science or you don’t and if you have it you have to accept the surprising and disturbing pieces of information, along with the neat and useful bits.
The only solid piece of scientific truth about which I feel totally confident is that we don’t know enough about nature.Indeed, I regard this as the major discovery of the past hundred years of biology.It is, in its way, a clear piece of news.It would have amazed the brightest minds of the 18th century to be told by any of us how little we know and how strange the way ahead seems.In earlier times, they either pretended to understand how things worked or simply made up stories to give answers.Now that we have begun exploring seriously, we are catching sight of how huge the questions are, and how far from being answered.Because of this, we are sorry.It is not so bad being ignorant(无知的)if you are totally ignorant; the hard thing is knowing in some details the reality of ignorance, the worst spots and here and there the not so bad spots, but no true light at the end of the tunnel nor even any tunnels that can yet be trusted.
But we are making a beginning, and there ought to be some satisfaction.There are probably no questions we can think up that can’t be answered, sooner or later.Within our limits, we should be able to work our way through to all our answers, if we keep at it long enough, and pay attention.
51.Acoording to the writer, really good science________.
A.would surprise the brightest minds of the 18th  century.
B.will help people to make the right choice in advance
C.will produce results which cannot be predicted
D.will bring about disturbing results
52.It can be inferred from the passage that scientists of the 18th century________.
A.thought that they knew a great deal and could deal with most problems of science.
B.knew that they were ignorant and wanted to know more about nature
C.were afraid of facing up to the realities of scientific research
D.did more harm than good in man’s understanding of nature
53.Which of the following is NOT mentioned about scientists in earlier times?
A.They falsely declared to know all about nature.
B.They did not believe in results from scientific observation.
C.They paid little attention to the problems they didn’t understand.
D.They invented false rules to explain things they didn’t understand.
54.What is the writer’s attitude towards science?
A.He is sorry because of the ignorance of scientists.
B.He is delighted because of the latest scientific findings.
C.He is doubtful because of the great difficulties in scientific research.
D.He is confident though he knows well the great difficulties in scientific research.
55.The writer believes that sooner or later________.
A.man can’t deal with all the problems he can find because of the limits of human knowledge.
B.man can find solutions to whatever questions concerning nature he can think up
C.questions concerning nature are outsiede the field of scientific research
D.man can think up all the questions and answer them all.


A regular drop in the sun’s radiation(辐射) can cause unusually cold winters in parts of North America and Europe, scientists say, a finding that could improve long-range forecasts and help countries prepare for snowstorms.

Scientists have known for a long time that the sun has an 11-year cycle during which radiation measured by sunspots on the surface reaches a peak then falls. But explaining a clear connection to weather is harder.

“Our research confirms the observed connection between solar change and regional winter climate,” lead author Sarah Ineson of the UK Met Office told the reporters in an email. The study was published in the magazine Nature Geoscience on Monday.

The researchers found that the reducing of ultraviolet(UV,紫外线) radiation from the sun can affect high-altitude wind patterns in the Northern Hemisphere(半球), causing cold winters.

“While UV levels won’t tell us what the day-to-day weather will do, they show us the bright future of improved forecasts for winter conditions for months and even years ahead. These forecasts play an important role in long-term possibility planning,” Ineson, a climate scientist, said.

Ineson and colleagues from Imperial College London and the University of Oxford used satellite data that more accurately(精确的) measures UV radiation from the sun and found a much greater change than previously thought.

They found that in years of low activity, unusually cold air forms high in the atmosphere over the tropics. This causes a redistribution(重新分配) of heat in the atmosphere, making easterly winds that bring freezing weather and snowstorms to northern Europe and the United States and milder weather to Canada and the Mediterranean.

When solar UV radiation is stronger, the opposite occurs.

More study was needed, though. A key uncertainty in the experiment lay in the satellite data used, because it covers only a few years. “So questions remain concerning both accuracy(精确) and also applicability to other solar cycles,” she said.

1.The new finding claims cold winters in the North Hemisphere can be caused by ______.

A. a sharp rise in the amount of sunspots

B. a drop in the sun’s UV radiation

C. a complex computer model simulation

D. a clear link between the sun and the earth

2. It has long been known by scientists that ______.

A. UV radiation can affect high-altitude wind patterns

B. there’s a clear connection between the sun’s activity and weather

C. the sun’s radiation reaches a peak every eleven years

D. they can predict day-to-day weather conditions from UV levels

3. What will happen if the sun turns into years of high activity according to the finding?

A. Canada and the Mediterranean will have milder weather.

B. The whole Northern Hemisphere will suffer from extreme winter days.

C. Freezing cold weather will appear in northern Europe.

D. Burning hot weather will appear in the United States.

4. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.

A. researchers have analyzed the data collected in eleven years

B. long-term weather conditions can be accurately predicted depending on UV levels

C. the research doesn’t seem correct and true enough due to limited satellite data used

D. climate scientists have just begun their research in severe weather forecast




House chores are often on the bottom of everyone’s to-do list, so when a disabled family member or friend needs assistance, we often prefer. To let someone else help out with the housework since we usually have enough of our own, but cleaning, washing and sweeping need not be heavy tasks. In fact, you probably get a lot done in a short amount of time if you work efficiently.

If you are visiting a disabled person on a regular hasis, ask which day would be best for you to come, probably for no more than an hour or so. Then find out what type of supplies or equipment you will need to carry out a few clean-up chores. Make a list and take those things with you so you will be ready to get into action when the time comes. Don’t plan to do too much or you will end up spending too much time on chores and perhaps make your host feel guilty. Don’t leave cleaning supplies or equipment in places where your disabled friend might trip over them later. Be cheerful and enjoy your visit either before or after your housework..

Even though you have a better way of handling things, remember that this is your host’s house, and things should be done according to his or her wishes. Of course, if the person’s preferences are vastly different from yours or if you are unable to do things as he or she wishes, let that task go to someone else to do.

Helping someone by assisting with housework is a great way to show friendliness and support. Set reasonable limitations on your time and effort and be flexible about doing whatever your host most wants to be done. Both of you can then benefit from this interactive experience.

67.People usually would rather others help out with a disabled person’s housework probably because _________ .

A.doing house chores is an important task for everyone

B.they have a lot of house work of their own at home

C.they don’t want to spend too much time on unimportant things

D.doing house chores can be a really time-consuming task

68.If you want to help a disabled person with his or her housework, the first thing you should do it to _________ .

A.get all kinds of supplies and equipment ready

B.list the things that can’t be tonched in advance

C.ask him or her which day would be best

D.invite some of your friends to do it with you

69.If you are not able to do what your friend wishes, you’d better_________ .

A.do some practice before

B.ask your parents or someboby else tor advice

C.let someone else deal with it

D.do it under an expert’s instruction

70.According to the passage, doing too many house chores for a disabled person may ________ .

A.have a great effect on your own life

B.affect the disabled person’s life

C.cause some misunderstandings

D.make the disabled person feel guilty



A person may have an idea about himself that will prevent him from doing good work. He may have the belief that he is not capable of it. A child may think he is  1 because he doesn’t understand how to make the  2 of his mental faculties (才能). Older people may be mistaken that they are incapable of learning things new because of their  3   .

A person who believes that he is incapable will not make a real   4 because he feels that it would be useless. He won’t go at a job with the confidence necessary for   5 , and he won’t work his hardest way, even though he may think he is doing so. He is   6  likely to fail, and the failure will   7  his belief in his incompetence (无能).

Alfred Alder, a famous doctor, had   8   like this . When he was a small boy, he had a poor  9  in maths. His teacher told his parents he had no ability in maths in order that they would not  10  too much of him. In his way, they two   11  the idea. He accepted  12 mistaken thinking of his ability, felt that it was useless   13  and was very poor at maths,  14  as they expected.

One day he worked at a problem which 15 of the other students had been able to solve.

Alder  16 in solving the problem. This gave him confidence. He now  17 with interest, determination and purpose, and he soon became especially good at maths. He not only 18 that he could learn maths well, but luckily he learnt   19 in his life from his own experience that if a person goes at a job with determination and purpose, he may  20 himself as well as others by his ability.

1.         A. clever       B. shy      C. useless    D. stupid

2.         A. biggest    B. most       C. highest    D. deepest

3.         A. ability      B. age      C. brain       D. knowledge

4.         A. decision     B. success    C. effort       D. trouble

5.         A. work       B. study       C. improvement    D. success

6.         A. truly       B. really      C. however    D. therefore

7.         A. lead to      B. strengthen     C. increase     D. add to

8.         A. an experience   B. an example    C. a thought     D. a story

9.         A. state       B. mind       C. start        D. ending

10.     A. blame       B. expect       C. get      D. win

11.     A. developed     B. organized     C. discovered    D. found

12.     A. his      B. her      C. its      D. their

13.     A. managing     B. succeeding    C. trying       D. acting

14.     A. only       B. almost      C. just        D. then

15.     A. none        B. no       C. no one       D. nobody

16.     A. gave       B. succeeded     C. failed       D. believed

17.     A. lived       B. worked     C. played       D. graduated

18.     A. made       B. took       C. expected      D. proved

19.     A. early       B. deeply      C. late        D. simple

20.     A. encourage     B. love       C. astonish      D. disappoint



“If you live each day as if it were your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.” It was the quote that  36 me deeply when I was 17, and since then, for the past 34 years, I have looked  37 the mirror every morning and asked myself: “ If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” And whenever the answer has been “ 38 ” for too many days in a  39 , I know I need to change something.

Remembering that I’ll be  40 soon is the most important thing I’ve ever known to help me to make a  41 in life because almost everything falls away in the face of death, 42 only what is truly important.

About a year ago the doctor  43 my illness as cancer and he even advised me to go home and get my affairs in  44 . I lived with that diagnosis all day.  45 , at last an  46 test showed that it was a very rare cancer which was  47 with surgery. After the surgery I feel and look fine now.

Death is the destination we all  48 . no one has ever escaped it, though. And that is __49__ it should be because death is very like the single best invention of life. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will __50__ become the old and be  51 away.

Your time is  52 , so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don't be  53 by dogma(教条), otherwise that means  54 with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner  55 . And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart.

36. A. impressed    B. worried    C. discouraged     D. disappointed

37. A. out       B. into      C. after        D. over

38. A. Yes       B. No       C. Right        D. Wrong

39. A. hurry       B. moment     C. line        D. row

40. A. successful     B. right      C. missing      D. dead

41. A. will       B. fortune     C. promise      D. choice

42. A. proving      B. leaving     C. gaining      D. abandoning

43. A. diagnosed    B. confirmed   C. doubted       D. suspected

44. A. charge      B. ruins      C. order       D. control

45. A. However     B. But       C. So        D. Therefore

46. A. elementary   B. advanced    C. experienced    D. experimental

47. A. incurable     B. curable     C. fatal        D. changeable

48. A. want      B. avoid      C. share       D. hate

49. A. whoever     B. who      C. as         D. so

50. A. practically     B. actually    C. gradually      D. eventually

51. A. cleared      B. put       C. died        D. washed

52. A. limited      B. limiting     C. lacking       D. rare

53. A. followed     B. cheated     C. excited       D. trapped

54. A. fighting     B. living     C. dealing       D. playing

55. A. voice       B. sound     C. love        D. direction

