答:C最佳 分析:in use是惯用法.在序数词前需用the. 查看更多






1.What Will the woman do next?

A.Describe her neighbor.

B.Have a physical examination.

C.Do some exercises.

2.What did the man do?

A.He criticized Jane.

B.He made the woman angry.

C.He had a fight with Jane.

3.Who is the woman?

A.A teacher.

B.A student.

C.A company employee.

4.What does the man say about the summer palace?

A.it is well-preserved.

B.it has been damaged.

C.it was the target of wars.

5.When does the conversation take place?

A.Just after a performance.

B.Before a performance.

C.During a performance.



6.Why does woman speak English so well?

A.She has many English friends.

B.She watches English programs on TV.

C.She listens to English programs every day.

7.How long has the woman probably studied English?

A.For three months.

B.For to years.

C.For three years.


8.What does Bob think of motorcycle racing after the accident?

A.It's still attractive.

B.It's too dangerous.

C.It's violent.

9.How long will it take Bob to fully recover?

A.About two weeks.

B.About three weeks.

C.About a years.

10.What did the woman give to the man?

A.Some chocolates.

B.Some flowers.

C.Some medicine.


11.Where is this conversation taking place?

A.On the phone.

B.At the woman's.

C.At the man's.

12.Who is the man?

A.A policeman.

B.A criminal.

C.A ticket seller.

13.What did the woman give to the man?

A.Take a flight.

B.Talk with the man.

C.Meet her daughter.


14.What's the relationship between the speakers?


B.Interviewer and interviewee.

C.Boss and secretary.

15.What is the man not good at?

A.Organizing things.

B.Learning new things.

C.Speaking in public.

16.What does the woman want to know at last?

A.If the man gets on well with others.

B.How the man deals with difficulties.

C.What certificates he has earned.


17.Where does the speaker's friend live?

A.In Atlanta.

B.In Chicago.

C.In San Francisco.

18.What is the speaker's job?

A.An artist.

B.A doctor.

C.An office manager.

19.How often do the two friends talk on the phone?

A.Twice a month.

B.Once a week.

C.Once a day.

20.In how many ways does the speaker keep in touch with her firend?








1.What's the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Servant and hostess.

B.Waiter and customer.

C.Shop assistant and old customer.

2.How much did the woman pay altogether?




3.What does the man think the woman should do?

A.She shouldn't buy the brown suit.

B.She should be careful about her money.

C.She should find another job to make more money.

4.What kind of event are they waiting to buy tickets for?

A.A concert.

B.A movie.

C.A baseball game.

5.What do we learn about the woman?

A.She wants to learn basketball.

B.She prefers to watch basketball games at the stadium.

C.She can't understand the game very well.




6.How many people are involved in this dialogue?




7.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.It's the woman's turn to clean the car.

B.The man will clean the car at once.

C.The man is lazy to do the cleaning.


8.What's the woman going to do?

A.She is leaving for New York.

B.She will be transferred to New York.

C.She is going to leave New York.

9.What does the man ask the woman to cancel?

A.The paper and the ladder.

B.The milk and the paper.

C.The milk and the ladder.

10.What does the man ask her neighbor to do?

A.To lend him a ladder.

B.To deliver the milk and papers to him.

C.To call him if anything suspicious happens.


11.Who is on a banana diet?

A.The man's sister.

B.The man's cousin.

C.The man's neighbor.

12.How does the man know too many eggs are bad for the heart?

A.He read that before.

B.He learned it on TV.

C.He was told by the woman.

13.What does the woman think of a steak diet?

A.It's bad for the teeth.

B.It's good for the heart.

C.It costs too much money.


14.When would the man get the laundry bag back?

A.Five in the afternoon.

B.Ten in the morning.

C.Nine in the evening.

15.Where did the conversation occur?

A.In the room 214.

B.On telephone.

C.In reception.

16.Which of the following isn't the customer's need?

A.Checking mail.

B.Delivering a copy newspaper.

C.Repairing the air-conditioner.


17.What is this passage about?

A.Good ideas.



18.Why do people have meetings?

A.Because they can have a better time.

B.Because they can form better ideas.

C.Because they can have better chairs.

19.Why do we have to control meetings?

A.Because we need to keep the people happy.

B.Because we need to keep the people noisy.

C.Because we need to keep the discussion in order.

20.Who can control meetings?

A.The guide man.

B.The chairman.

C.The manager.


第一部分 听力



1.What time does the woman start work today?

A.At 8∶30.

B.At 9∶00.

C.At 9∶30.

2.What does the woman suggest?

A.Getting another ticket at the door.

B.Exchanging the ticket for a better one.

C.Trying to sell the ticket.

3.What did the man think the woman ought to do?

A.Buy some new clothes.

B.Gain ten more pounds.

C.Be glad to gain weight.

4.How long does the man have to wait for the next train?

A.5 minutes.

B.45 minutes.

C.50 minutes.

5.What can be inferred from the conversation?

A.The woman knew the agenda much earlier.

B.The man is unhappy about the new agenda.

C.The man is unhappy about the woman.




6.What is this conversation mainly about?

A.How to change British travelers’cheques into American cash money.

B.How to make money from the rise and fall in the exchanges of different money.

C.How to check and sign one’s bank checks.

7.Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A.At a computer company.

B.At a bank.

C.At a gas station.

8.How much money will the woman get at last?

A.$ 190.

B.$ 200.

C.About $ 330.


9.Who is the woman talking to?

A.A clerk at the Lost and Found.

B.A workman in the airport.

C.A porter at the railway station.

10.Which city is the woman in at present?

A.New York.



11.When can the woman get her cases?

A.A little more than 45 minutes later.

B.Early tomorrow morning.

C.Later this evening.


12.What’s the most probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Teacher and student.

B.Boss and employee.


13.What do we know about the woman?

A.She is interested in literature.

B.She is interested in science.

C.She is interested in physics.

14.What does the man suggest the woman do?

A.Study literature in the future.

B.Study physics in the future.

C.Do what she likes to do.


15.What are they talking about?

A.Bringing up children.

B.No-child family.

C.Marriage in the USA.

16.What’s the reason why married couples have decided not to have any children?

A.Because they don’t like children.

B.Because they feel it hard to bring up children.

C.Because the pressure of modern work and life are heavy.

17.Which of the following is true?

A.Most old people agree to have no children.

B.Some people do not willingly have children.

C.Many men become parents after long preparation.


18.Why is complaining about faulty goods or bad service not easy?

A.Because people dislike making a fuss.

B.Because it is useless doing so.

C.Because people will ask a favor.

19.Why should a shopkeeper take the complaint seriously?

A.Because he thinks it is the shopper’s responsibility.

B.Because the buyer has entered an agreement with him.

C.Because he doesn’t know how to repair a faulty article.

20.What should one do when complaining in person?

A.One should write a letter of complaint.

B.One should see both the shop assistant and the owner.

C.One should speak directly to the person in charge.





1.When is it now?




2.What did the woman buy for her son?

A.A tie


C.A wallet.

3.What can we know about Mike?

A.He has finished his homework.

B.He is cleaning the park.

C.He is playing in his bedroom.

4.Why isn't the woman satisfied with the fish?

A.It's served too late.

B.It doesn't taste good.

C.It's too cold.

5.What does the woman want the man to do?

A.Complete a form.

B.Help her carry a bag.

C.Act in a film.




6.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At the booking office.

B.In the post office.

C.At the entrance to the cinema.

7.Why does the man accept the woman's request?

A.The dog is actually very clever.

B.The woman has a ticket for the dog.

C.There’re few people in the cinema.


8.What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Interviewer and interviewee.

B.Boss and secretary.

C.Doctor and nurse.

9.What was the woman a year ago?

A.A nurse.

B.A bank clerk.

C.A secretary.

10.When did the woman come to London?

A.Last December.

B.Last November.

C.Last September.


11.Where is the man asked to make a stop?

A.At the 16th street.

B.At Battery Park.

C.At Union Square.

12.Who is waiting for the woman?

A.The woman's husband.

B.The woman's friend.

C.The woman's mother.

13.What can we know about the man?

A.He turned left at the next corner.

B.He likes driving the taxi fast.

C.He got to the bookshop in ten minutes.


14.What was the purpose of the man's visit to the garden?

A.To learn more about plants.

B.To write an article on gardens.

C.To take some photos of flowers.

15.What do we know about Mrs.White?

A.She grows most of ter planst from seeds.

B.She gets most of her plants from her friends.

C.She buys most of her plants from a market.

16.When did Mrs.White become interested in gardening?

A.In 1985

B.In 1990

C.In 1995


17.Where did the story happen?

A.In America.

B.In England.

C.In Australia.

18.Why did Jack stop his car?

A.The road was too narrow for both cars to pass at the same time.

B.There was something wrong with his car.

C.He wanted to see who the driver was.

19.What did Jack do when he had read the newspaper again?

A.Drive to the City Bank.

B.Make a telephone call.

C.Hurry to the police station.

20.What do we know from the text?

A.Jack helped the police catch the wanted man.

B.The wanted man was still at large now.

C.The man in the red car looked much like the wanted one.





例:What is the man going to read?

A.A newspaper.

B.A magazine.

C.A book


1.What size does the woman want?

A.Size 8.

B.Size 10.

C.Size 12.

2.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a post office.

B.In a hotel.

C.In a bank.

3.Why is the man going to New York?

A.To live there.

B.To visit a friend.

C.To have a vacation.

4.What are they going to do?

A.Play tennis.

B.Go swimming.

C.Do some cleaning.

5.What is the man doing?

A.Making an announcement.

B.Making an appointment.

C.Making an invitation.




6.Who is this announcement for?

A.People on a train.

B.People on a plane.

C.People in a restaurant.

7.What time of the day is it?





8.Where are the speakers?

A.At a Lost and Found.

B.At a bus stop.

C.In a shop.

9.Which of the following is the woman’s coat?





10.What are the speakers doing?

A.Watching a movie.

B.Having dinner.

C.Making soup.

11.What makes the man unhappy?

A.The woman doesn’t cook very well.

B.The woman seldom talks to him at dinner.

C.The woman watchers too many commercials.


12.What does the man dislike about his job?

A.Working in a hotel.

B.Working in summer.

C.Traveling all the time.

13.Why doesn’t he want to take the news job/

A.He doesn’t get a good pay.

B.He dislikes working in a seaside town.

C.He hates playing the same piece again and again.

14.What does the woman think of the job the man was offered?





15.What are they discussing?

A.What to have for lunch.

B.Where to go for lunch.

C.When to have lunch.

16.What can we learn about the man?

A.He usually doesn’t eat fast food.

B.He often eats in a restaurant near his home.

C.He can’t afford an expensive lunch that day.

17.Where are they probably going right after this conversation?

A.A supermarket.

B.A Fast-food place.

C.A French restaurant.


18.Why didn’t the woman go to the man’s birthday party?

A.She forgot all about it.

B.She didn’t like the man.

C.She didn’t know about it.

19.Who is the woman?

A.The man’s friend.

B.The man’s mother.

C.The man’s secretary.

20.What does the woman want to do for the man’s birthday?

A.Buy him a nice present.

B.Have lunch with him.

C.Send him an email.

