B最佳 分析:A说B粗心.并且B承认自己是这样.故排除C.D项.然后该题考查考生对So did I与So I did的辨异.So did I表示别人做某事.我也做了.而So I did则进一步肯定“我确实这么做了 . 查看更多




第二节  根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项多余选项。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

A: Why do you look so sad?

B: Because I have a lot of trouble with my English. I can hardly pass the exam every time.   1 _    

A: Don’t worry.    2 _

B: No, I only read English before the exam.

A: Ah, that’s the problem. If you want to study it well, you must read it every day.

B: Every day?

A:   3   

B: OK. I’ll take your advice.    4   

A: All right. I’d like to. But in fact I still have some trouble with English, too.    5   


A. Will you help me with it?     

B. Let’s help each other.

C. I’ll try my best to learn it well.

D. Yes. Your English teacher must be happy to hear that.

E. I really don’t know what to do.

F. Sure, or you can never make it. 

G. Do you read English every day?



第三部分 阅读理解(共两节。满分30分)
On a recent morning in Clearwater, Florida, Maja Kazazic jumped down into water. From a distance, the dolphin seemed friendly enough. Still, Kazazic felt a little panic slide into her excitement. In spite of her fear, she felt strong wearing her new leg.
In second grade in Bosnia, Kazazic lost her cousin, Jasmina. Kazazic promised she would honor Jasmina by swimming with a dolphin, an animal that both girls loved. “Jasmina never got the chance to do it,” says Kazazic, “so I decided that someday I’d do it for her.”
However, in 1993, during the Bosnian civil war, Kazazic was badly injured. Her left leg was cut just below the knee and she received her first artificial(人工的) leg in the US. Because there was so little bone left, and with her right leg also damaged, walking was rather painful, but she managed to graduate from college. She was able to play golf or tennis.
Then one day a young dolphin, Winter, who had lost her tail, caught Kazazic’s eye. Trainers were fitting Winter with a high-tech tail. When they were done, Winter dashed off through the water.
Kazazic was excited. If she can do this, there’s no way I can’t, she thought. Within ten days, she had a new leg with the help of the inventor. Eight months later, Kazazic was ready to keep the promise. “After being in a war, this should be a piece of cake,” Kazazic said as she lowered herself into the tank. Then and there the two went on an hour-long swim around the pool.
When Kazazic climbed out, she quietly said, “I feel like I owed(欠) somebody something, and now I’ve paid my debt.” Out in the parking lot, she got into her car and cried till she lost her voice.
52. Which of the following might serve as the best title of the passage?
A. Kazazic’s Promise.              B. Jasmina’s Death.
C. Kazazic’s Debt.                           D. A Dolphin’s Tail.
53. What does the underlined word “panic” mean in the first paragraph?
A. Fear.          B. Surprise.        C. Excitement.    D. Satisfaction.
54. Which is the correct order of the following events?
a. Kazazic was treated and received a new leg in the US.
b. Kazazic made a promise to swim with a dolphin.
c. Jasmina died in Bosnia when Kazazic was in second grade.
d. Kazazic overcame difficulties and carried out her promise.
e. Kazazic was badly injured in her legs during the war.
A. b, c, e, a, d     B. b, e, c, d, a      C. c, b, e, a, d      D. c, e, b, d, a
55. Kazazic cried in her car after she swam with the dolphin because ______.
A. she was sad her cousin couldn’t do it with her.
B. she was excited her promise had come true.
C. she was afraid she would lose the other leg.
D. she was proud she didn’t owe money to anybody.


Fight against crime hots up
Forget about tanks, guns, and bombs - India’s latest weapon ___36___ in the garden. The bhut jolokia is the world’s ___37__ chili pepper(胡椒). Now the Indian Army has a plan to turn its seed into powder and use the ___38___ as a kind of natural teargas(催泪弹).
The army says the smoking hot powder - which some people claim can stop a charging(向前冲的) elephant – will help to break ___39___ riots and chase terrorists out of ___40___ spaces. Women might also be able to use the power to chase off (赶走)attackers.
___41___ to RB Srivastava, a director at New Delhi’s Defense Research and Development Organization: “This is ___42___ going to be an effective non-toxic(无毒的) weapon because its ___43___ can choke(使窒息)terrorists and ___44___ them out of their hideouts(藏身处). It would literally(确确实实地) choke them.”
On the other ___45___ of the world, in New York, police ___46___ to track(追踪) down a “vampire(吸血鬼) thief” who tried to steal a taxi driver’s ___47___. Police say that man got into the taxi and asked to ___48___ to a neighborhood in New York City. ___49___ they arrive, he pointed a gun ___50___ the taxi driver and told the driver to give him all his money.
When the taxi driver tried to fight ___51___ the gunman, the man bit(咬) him at least five times ___52___ the neck, arm, and back. After biting the driver, the man ran away ___53___ money.
If only the taxi driver ___54___ some bhut jolokia powder, he might have been able to save himself from ___55___ and to get his money back!
36. A. makes        B. grows       C. is made       D. is grown
37. A. most smelly  B. coldest    C. hottest       D. hardest
38. A. juice        B. taste       C. power         D. powder
39. A. up           B. down        C. through       D. in
40. A. hidden       B. hiding      C. open          D. broad
41. A. According    B. As          C. Based         D. Known
42. A. probably     B. definitely  C. possibly      D. hardly
43. A. smell        B. taste       C. flavor        D. energy
44. A. force        B. take        C. put           D. bring
45. A. way          B. side        C. corner        D. half
46. A. have tried   B. has tried   C. are trying    D. is trying
47. A. car          B. wallet      C. gasoline      D. money
48. A. be taken     B. take        C. be brought    D. bring
49. A. As          B. As soon as  C. Once          D. B and C
50. A. to           B. at          C. from          D. away from
51. A. for          B. back        C. off          D. out
52. A. on           B. from        C. in            D. around
53. A. with the     B. without the   C. with        D. without
54. A. had          B. has had       C. has         D. had had
55. A. biting       B. bitten        C. being bitten D. being biting


第二节  根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项多余选项。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

A: Why do you look so sad?

B: Because I have a lot of trouble with my English. I can hardly pass the exam every time.   1 _    

A: Don’t worry.    2 _

B: No, I only read English before the exam.

A: Ah, that’s the problem. If you want to study it well, you must read it every day.

B: Every day?

A:   3   

B: OK. I’ll take your advice.    4   

A: All right. I’d like to. But in fact I still have some trouble with English, too.    5   

A. Will you help me with it?     

B. Let’s help each other.

C. I’ll try my best to learn it well.

D. Yes. Your English teacher must be happy to hear that.

E. I really don’t know what to do.

F. Sure, or you can never make it. 

G. Do you read English every day?


第三部分 阅读理解(共两节。满分30分)



On a recent morning in Clearwater, Florida, Maja Kazazic jumped down into water. From a distance, the dolphin seemed friendly enough. Still, Kazazic felt a little panic slide into her excitement. In spite of her fear, she felt strong wearing her new leg.

In second grade in Bosnia, Kazazic lost her cousin, Jasmina. Kazazic promised she would honor Jasmina by swimming with a dolphin, an animal that both girls loved. “Jasmina never got the chance to do it,” says Kazazic, “so I decided that someday I’d do it for her.”

However, in 1993, during the Bosnian civil war, Kazazic was badly injured. Her left leg was cut just below the knee and she received her first artificial(人工的) leg in the US. Because there was so little bone left, and with her right leg also damaged, walking was rather painful, but she managed to graduate from college. She was able to play golf or tennis.

Then one day a young dolphin, Winter, who had lost her tail, caught Kazazic’s eye. Trainers were fitting Winter with a high-tech tail. When they were done, Winter dashed off through the water.

Kazazic was excited. If she can do this, there’s no way I can’t, she thought. Within ten days, she had a new leg with the help of the inventor. Eight months later, Kazazic was ready to keep the promise. “After being in a war, this should be a piece of cake,” Kazazic said as she lowered herself into the tank. Then and there the two went on an hour-long swim around the pool.

When Kazazic climbed out, she quietly said, “I feel like I owed(欠) somebody something, and now I’ve paid my debt.” Out in the parking lot, she got into her car and cried till she lost her voice.

52. Which of the following might serve as the best title of the passage?

A. Kazazic’s Promise.               B. Jasmina’s Death.

C. Kazazic’s Debt.                            D. A Dolphin’s Tail.

53. What does the underlined word “panic” mean in the first paragraph?

   A. Fear.          B. Surprise.        C. Excitement.    D. Satisfaction.

54. Which is the correct order of the following events?

   a. Kazazic was treated and received a new leg in the US.

   b. Kazazic made a promise to swim with a dolphin.

   c. Jasmina died in Bosnia when Kazazic was in second grade.

   d. Kazazic overcame difficulties and carried out her promise.

   e. Kazazic was badly injured in her legs during the war.

   A. b, c, e, a, d     B. b, e, c, d, a      C. c, b, e, a, d      D. c, e, b, d, a

55. Kazazic cried in her car after she swam with the dolphin because ______.

A. she was sad her cousin couldn’t do it with her.

B. she was excited her promise had come true.

C. she was afraid she would lose the other leg.

D. she was proud she didn’t owe money to anybody.

