A. rake B. get C. cause D. make 查看更多



There are many heroes in the world. My mom is a hero in my eyes. She has done so much for me and others. I am so glad she is in my 1ife.

  Night after night, day after day, I come home and go about doing things, never really 36 my surroundings. Sure I’ll 37 if the room is a different color, but sometimes I don’t see the little things:a 38 floor, clean bathroom; things like that. However, they do get done. My mom is usually the one doing them.

  Each day she does a great deal for my family and me, and yet 39 asks for anything in return. She works hard to keep the 40 in order and provide love and comfort to us all. There have been many 41 when I will go get a drink and find a cupboard full of clean dishes, 42 I will not stop and think who put them there and washed them.

  If ever I need help with homework, 43 a hard decision, my mom is by my 44 . Also, when there are times when I am sad and need someone to talk to, she is 45 for me. Her 46 of love towards us make her a hero.

  These actions she shows are not only towards me, 47 . Throughout my life I have seen her 48 many others. I can remember when we, as a family, 49 go out and 50 rake(用耙子耙)a neighbor’s lawn, or pull weeds. I, being a child, would always want to go up to the 51 and say, “Look what we did!” most likely looking for 52 , but we 53 did that. And in not doing that we felt good about it, more than we would have in telling them.

 There have also been many experiences when my family learned of another family who had very little for  54 . My hero would be putting a basket together of children’s toys and little knick-knacks for them. Secretly we would 55 it off on the doorstep and drive off.

36. A. recognizing B. finding       C. seeing        D. noticing

37. A. mark      B. spot        C. explore       D. stand

38. A. crowded    B. swept       C. destroyed     D. decorated

39. A. hardly     B. urgently      C. calmly        D. frequently

40. A. books      B. kitchen       C. house        D. clothes

41. A. events     B. occasions     C. opportunities   D. memories

42. A. and       B. so         C. but          D. or

43. A. making     B. working      C. doing            D. forming

44. A. part       B. aspect      C. side          D. edge

45. A. away      B. there       C. out          D. here

46. A. movement       B. acts        C. reactions      D. struggles

47. A. however    B. though       C. yet          D. while

48. A. support    B. challenge      C. serve         D. fight

49. A. could         B. should       C. would        D. must

50. A. secretly    B. violently      C. relaxingly      D. skillfully

51. A. door       B. street        C. roof         D. car

52. A. complaints   B. snacks       C. money        D. praise

53. A. always     B. gradually     C. seldom       D. never

54. A. Christmas    B. weddings      C. funerals       D. receptions

55. A. throw      B. drop        C. put          D. carry



Part 1

A newspaper reporter is speaking to a lady who escaped from the fire .

1.Listen to the whole tape. Write down the four questions that the newspaper reporter asks.

1)What ________

2)What ________

3)How ________


2.Listen to the tape again. Tick the sentences which are correct.

1)She was having lunch when the fire started.

2)Someone was making coffee.

3)Flames came out of the ceiling.

4)She was planning to go to the bank later that day.

5)The fire happened at a weekend.

6)She was planning to go away for the weekend.

7)She thought it wasn't going to be a big fire.

8)The fire started quickly.

9)The fire started far away.

3.How do you think the story ended? Give reasons for your answers.

[  ]

A.She had to walk home because she had no money.

B.She had to borrow some money and rake a taxi home.

C.She drove home in her own car.

D.She got home, but couldn't get into her house .

Part 2

Six friends are having a discussion about smoking.

1.Listen to the tape. Are the speakers “For” or “Against ”smoking? Tick the correct column for each speaker.

2.Listen to the tape again. What reason does each speaker give for being “For” or “Against” smoking? Write a reason in the space. You can use your own words.

3.Listen to the tape again. Choose the sentences which you hear on the tape.


A.It helps me study better.

B.It helps me to study better.


A.My grandma has smoked thirteen cigarettes a day.

B.My grandpa has smoked thirty cigarettes a day.


A.The rooms smell of smoke.

B.The room smells of smoke.


A.It's a simple pleasure.

B.It's simply pleasure.


A.People think it clever to smoke.

B.People think it's clever to smoke.


A.The doctors couldn't do anything to save her.

B.The doctors couldn't anything safer.

Part 3

Terry is from the USA and she is visiting England. In this dialogue, Did asks her how she find England. Terry talks about some of the difference between the USA and England .

1.Tick the things which Terry talks about.

(  )A.English language

(  )B.Touching

(  )C.Pronunciation

(  )D.Saying Hello and Goodbye

(  )E.Words

(  )F.Buses

(  )G.Spelling

(  )H.Driving

(  )I.Parties

(  )J.manners

2.Listen to these sentences from the dialogue. Write down the words in the spaces.

1)________'s ________ ________ living in England, Terry?

2)A woman said she would ________ me the next day .

3)What's ________ about that ?

4)Well, we say, “I'll________ you tomorrow. ”

5)Now that sounds ________ to me .

6)So I have to ________ not to touch people when I'm in________.



  Win a trip to the OREGON COAST-Dare to Explore the Pacific Ocean.Build the biggest sand castle on the beach.Search tide pools for sea life.Watch the bright orange sunset over the ocean.Whether you've been to the Pacific Ocean before or have only closed your eyes and imagined it, we want to know how you would explore the Oregon Coast if you had the chance to go this summer.


  1.Clear relationship between the Essay and the Drawing 40%

  2.Creativity and skill in design and form of the Drawing 40%

  3.Expression of the passion to draw and explore 10%

  4.Journalistic quality, tidy nature and overall quality of the Essay 10%


  By entering, you will have the chance to win an all expense paid trip to the ORECON COAST.Activities will include:kite flying, studying beautiful sea creatures, searching for sea life in a boat, science exploration at a science center and roasting over a beach campfire.

  Who may enter:The competition is 0pen to kids aged 6-14.

  TERM:Entries(参赛作品)must be postmarked no later than July 31, 2009.

  How to enter

  Surf travelogue.com/kids to download and print out an entry form.

  Be sure to mark whether you have or have not been to the Pacific Ocean in山e form.Create a drawing of the Pacific Ocean on a piece of paper using a pen or paints.

  Write an article of 100 words or less to explain why you want to go, what you think you would see and what you would explore if you have never been to the Pacific Ocean, or describe your favorite memories from your last visit.

  Send to Dare to Explore the Pacific Ocean.NG1145 14th street NW.Washington D.C.20036


What is the most important for the judging?

[  ]


Whether your article is written in a neat way.


The article and the drawing should be closely related.


Whether you show your passion to draw and explore.


The skill in your drawing the map of the Atlantic Ocean.


If you win the competition, you may ________

[  ]


search the beach for sea plants


fly a kite on the beach


roast the sea creatures over a beach campfire


win an all expense paid trip to Washington D.C.


What information can you get from the passage?

[  ]


Your article should be 8t least 100 words.


Every kid can rake part in the competition.


You must send the drawing before June 31, 2009.


Your entry form should be downloaded and printed out.


You can most probably read the passage in ________

[  ]


a textbook


a travel guide


a newspaper


a research book




  Many rural areas in the United States have no doctor.Some medical schools are trying different ways to treat the problem.One idea is to educate doctors in smaller communities and hope they stay.Dr.William Cathcart-Rake heads a new program at the University of Kansas in the Midwest.

  “We need more doctors.There's somewhere like a quarter of all of our physicians in Kansas who are sixty years of age or older.So we need to be replacing physicians, too.”Says Dr.William Cathcart.He also says medical students from rural areas now typically study in Wichita or Kansas City, two of the biggest cities in Kansas.They say, “You know, I really have every intention of coming back to rural Kansas,”but they meet a soul mate, they get married, their soul mate happens to be from a big city and we never see them again.They get captured in the big city.Hopefully, if we train them in smaller communities, they can meet the future spouses here , they can network here, and they have those connections which can hopefully be lifelong.

  The program is based in Kansas' tenth largest city , Salina, home to about fifty thousand people.Salina is about a three-hour drive from Kansas City, past fields of corn, soybeans and cattle.

  Student Claire Hinrichsen grew up in a town of about six hundred people.She attended the University of Kansas, or KU, as an undergraduate.One reason why the chose the Salina program is because of the size.There are only eight students-the smallest medical school in the country.Classes are taught by professors in Salina or on a video link from Kansas City or Wichita.

  Students who complete the four year program will then do their residency training in a small community in the surrounding area.One place a resident might work is the Clay Center Clinic, where Dr.Kerry Murphy is a family physician.

  Rural doctors generally serve older, poorer patients.Going into a specialty in a big city can mean better working hours and more money to pay off student loans.

  The Salina program will pay tuition for each year that students practice in a rural area in Kansas.


What does the underlined word “spouses”in Paragraph 2 mean?

[  ]


Wives husbands.








The reason why the medical students don't want to go back to rural areas is that________

[  ]


they don't like to live in the rural Kansas


there are not many girls in the rural Kansas


they found their soul mates in cities


the life in rural Kansas is so hard


From the text we learn that________

[  ]


Salina has a population of 500,000


a quarter of all physicians in Kansas are too old for the ideal doctors


William Cathcart-Rake heads a new program in rural Kansas


Educating more doctors in cities can settle the problem


Why did student Claire Hinrichsen choose the Salina program?

[  ]


Because she found her soul mate in rural Kanas.


Because she likes to work as a doctor.


Because she grew up in a town of 6,000 people.


Because she likes the size of the program.


What is the purpose of the passage?

[  ]


To make it known that it lacks doctors very much in rural Kansas.


To introduce a program handling the lack of doctors in rural Kansas.


To train students to become doctors for rural Kansas.


To meet the demands of doctors for many rural towns in Kansas.


I think it a great honor ___________ to visit your country.

A.to invite B.invitingC.having invited  D.to be invited

