A. took B. pointed C. sent D. showed 查看更多



The hotel was in a 31 street and seemed to agree with one who 32 a good sleep after a tiring trip. The woman manager 33 me to my room. When I asked her about dinner, she said it was 34 at six and I had 35 it." 36 , I'm not very hungry." I said in a friendly voice. " I'll just have a 37 and then go to a restaurant."   "What!" she said, raising her eyebrows (眉毛). "This is a respectable (体面的) hotel, young man. If you want, 38 go somewhere else. " She spoke as if a glass of beer were a 39 liquid. I felt my 40 back through the dark streets after dining outside. I knocked loudly on the door but nobody 41 . It was a long time 42 the lady opened the door. "What's going on?" she said 43 ." Guests are to be back by ten. The rule is for everyone."   I went to my room and tried to sleep. The bed was 44 and the sheets and blankets were damp. 45 of all, the whole hotel trembled when the church clock 46 every quarter of an hour. Just before dawn, I finally went to sleep.   "Did you sleep well last night, young man?" asked the old lady the next morning. " 47 speaking, I don't think I could 48 another night here." I replied. "I 49 slept at all." "That's because you were 50 all night drinking!" She said disapprovingly.

1.A. modern B. dark C. crowded  D. quiet

2.A. needed B. took C. slept    D. tried

3.A. called B. showed   C. pointed  D. sent

4.A. eaten  B. prepared C. cooked   D. served

5.A. forgotten  B. taken    C. missed   D. ordered

6.A. Thank you  B. Never mind   C. I'm sorry    D. Too bad 

7.A. sleep      B. cake C. drink    D. rest

8.A. have to    B. must C. rather   D. better

9.A. dangerous  B. ugly C. cruel    D. strange

10.A. direction B. feet C. path D. way

11.A. answered  B. heard    C. opened   D. went

12.A. before    B. when C. after    D. until

13.A. in surprise   B. kindly   C. coldly   D. cruelly

14.A. hard  B. easy C. comfortable  D. difficult

15.A. Above B. Last C. Worst    D. First

16.A. struck    B. broke    C. beat D. hit

17.A. Correctly B. Generally    C. Really   D. Truly

18.A. need  B. spend    C. afford   D. manage

19.A. never B.hardly    C. seldom   D. haven't

20.A. dreaming  B. awake    C. up   D. down



Just as you imagine, studying in new environment is difficult. Though I had___36___ a preparation for my study in the United Kingdom, I___37____met many difficulties when I arrived in Britain. These difficulties ___38____ almost every side of your life, including language, daily ___39___, feelings and study.

____40___ the fact that I have studied English for quite a long time, I was well ____41___ to learn that the British people speak seemingly ___42____ English from what I have learned at home. When I picked up my luggage in the airport, I ___43____a long crack on my suitcase. Anxious and a little bit angry, I rushed to a man in uniform and told him my suitcase was ____44____. With a smile on his face, he seemed to be explaining something to me. But I was totally puzzled by what he was saying. ____45____, the suitcase was still OK to use. I managed to pull it to the train station.

   To my surprise, after more than two hours, there was still not a ___46____train coming into the station. Finally, I was told that all trains had been cancelled that day due to the ____47____of the railway workers who were demanding a pay rise.

   After a good deal of bother, I finally reached Liverpool. ____48____, I found it even harder to understand the local English. I even ___49____whether the local people were really speaking English. ____50____, they could hardly understand what I was saying though I had tried my best to pronounce right. I could never really ___51____ how to be the place I supposed to go____52____ they told me the way. However, the good thing is that most British people are friendly and eager to help. They usually____53____me to the bus stop where I could take the bus to the places I wanted to go.

   It takes time to be used to the local accent. What I want to emphasized here is that you should hold on to talk with the local people even if there are difficulties in ____54____. Before you go anywhere, write down the ____55____. Remember a dictionary around you could also be helpful.



A. made

B. kept

C. got

D. set


A. even 

B. still 

C. yet

D. almost


A. contain

B. mean 

C. cover

D. reach


A. matters

B. events

C. business 

D. troubles


A. Except

B. Though  

C. Despite 

D. Besides


A. satisfied  

B. shocked

C. glad

D. worried


A. advanced 

B. strange 

C. same

D. different


A. watched  

B. recognized  

C. found  

D. knew


A. robbed

B. broken 

C. destroyed

D. lost


A. All right 

B. Not at all

C. Never mind

D. No problem


A. single

B. only

C. alone 

D. just


A. fight

B. strike 

C. break

D. march


A. Luckily 

B. Unfortunately

C. Honestly.

D. Personally


A. guessed 

B. puzzled 

C. doubted 

D. considered


A. However 

B. Similarly

C. Even so 

D. Therefore


A. take out 

B. figure out

C. give out 

D. bring out


A. even if 

B. as if

C. only if

D. when


A. took 

B. pointed 

C. sent  

D. showed


A. communication

B. touch

C. understanding  

D. greeting


A. direction 

B. number

C. address  

D. route



Just as you imagine, studying in new environment is difficult. Though I had___36___ a preparation for my study in the United Kingdom, I___37____met many difficulties when I arrived in Britain. These difficulties ___38____ almost every side of your life, including language, daily ___39___, feelings and study.

____40___ the fact that I have studied English for quite a long time, I was well ____41___ to learn that the British people speak seemingly ___42____ English from what I have learned at home. When I picked up my luggage in the airport, I ___43____a long crack on my suitcase. Anxious and a little bit angry, I rushed to a man in uniform and told him my suitcase was ____44____. With a smile on his face, he seemed to be explaining something to me. But I was totally puzzled by what he was saying. ____45____, the suitcase was still OK to use. I managed to pull it to the train station.

   To my surprise, after more than two hours, there was still not a ___46____train coming into the station. Finally, I was told that all trains had been cancelled that day due to the ____47____of the railway workers who were demanding a pay rise.

   After a good deal of bother, I finally reached Liverpool. ____48____, I found it even harder to understand the local English. I even ___49____whether the local people were really speaking English. ____50____, they could hardly understand what I was saying though I had tried my best to pronounce right. I could never really ___51____ how to be the place I supposed to go____52____ they told me the way. However, the good thing is that most British people are friendly and eager to help. They usually____53____me to the bus stop where I could take the bus to the places I wanted to go.

   It takes time to be used to the local accent. What I want to emphasized here is that you should hold on to talk with the local people even if there are difficulties in ____54____. Before you go anywhere, write down the ____55____. Remember a dictionary around you could also be helpful.

36. A. made             B. kept           C. got                    D. set

37. A. even                 B. still               C. yet                    D. almost

38. A. contain               B. mean            C. cover                 D. reach

39.   A. matters              B. events            C. business              D. troubles

40. A. Except                   B. Though       C. Despite                D. Besides

41.   A. satisfied              B. shocked         C. glad                   D. worried

42. A. advanced           B. strange         C. same                  D. different

43. A. watched              B. recognized       C. found                 D. knew

44   A. robbed              B. broken          C. destroyed              D. lost

45.   A. All right               B. Not at all        C. Never mind           D. No problem

46.   A. single                 B. only           C. alone                D. just

47.   A. fight                  B. strike            C. break                 D. march

48.   A. Luckily                B. Unfortunately     C. Honestly.              D. Personally

49.   A. guessed               B. puzzled         C. doubted               D. considered

50. A. However             B. Similarly         C. Even so               D. Therefore

51.   A. take out               B. figure out       C. give out               D. bring out

52.   A. even if              B. as if           C. only if                D. when

53.   A. took                 B. pointed         C. sent                 D. showed

54.   A. communication      B. touch         C. understanding         D. greeting

55.   A. direction             B. number          C. address               D. route

