-- You know who came to our school yesterday? -- Professor Smith? We once met at a conference. -- . He came and gave a wonderful speech. A. How did you know that? B. That was good news. C. Got it! D. Well Done! 查看更多



 -- You know who came to our school yesterday?

-- Professor Smith? We once met at a conference.

-- ______. He came and gave a wonderful speech.

A.How did you know that?

B.That was good news.

C.Got it!

D.Well Done!



-- You know who came to our school yesterday?

-- Professor Smith? We once met at a conference.

-- ______. He came and gave a wonderful speech.

A. How did you know that?                    B. That was good news.

C. Got it!                                 D. Well Done!


-- You know who came to our school yesterday?

-- Professor Smith? We once met at a conference.

-- ______. He came and gave a wonderful speech.

A. How did you know that?                    B. That was good news.

C. Got it!                                 D. Well Done!


-- You know who came to our school yesterday?

-- Professor Smith? We once met at a conference.

-- ______. He came and gave a wonderful speech.

A. How did you know that?                          B. That was good news.

C. Got it!                                   D. Well Done!


-- You know who came to our school yesterday?

-- Professor Smith? We once met at a conference.

-- ______. He came and gave a wonderful speech.

A. How did you know that?                    B. That was good news.

C. Got it!                                 D. Well Done!

