One of the walls of the reading--room should be painted yellow, and . A. the other is white B. the others white C. the other white D, another is white 查看更多



One of the walls of the reading--room should be painted yellow, and ______.

A. the other is white                                 B. the others white

C. the other white                           D, another is white


One of the walls of the reading--room should be painted yellow, and ______.

A. the other is white                                 B. the others white

C. the other white                           D, another is white


One of the walls of the reading--room should be painted yellow, and ______.

A. the other is white                                      B. the others white

C. the other white                           D, another is white


One of the walls of the reading--room should be painted yellow, and ______.

A. the other is white                                 B. the others white

C. the other white                           D, another is white


One of the walls of the reading--room should be painted yellow, and ______.
A. the other is white                                     B. the others white
C. the other white                          D, another is white

