动物:a dog 狗 a cat 猫 颜色:red 红色的 blue 蓝色的 衣服:a sweater 毛衣 a jacket夹克衫 文具:a book 书 a pen 钢笔 物品:a desk 书桌 a bed 床 食物:an egg 鸡蛋 a cake 蛋糕 交通工具:a bus 公交车 a car 汽车 水果:a banana 香蕉 an apple 苹果 地点:a zoo 动物园a park公园 人物:a boy 男孩 a girl 女孩 查看更多




In the picture, I can see......
(     ) 1. a monkey
(     ) 3. a panda
(     ) 5. a pig
(     ) 7. a mouse
(     ) 9. a squirrel
(     ) 11. a bird
(     ) 2. a dog
(     ) 4. a cat
(     ) 6. a rabbit
(     ) 8. a bear
(     ) 10. an elephant
(     ) 12. a duck



A. a dog B. a bird C. a cat



  It is a fine day today. The sky is blue. Now it is nine o'clock in the morning. There is a sports meeting on the big hill. Look, a horse, a dog and a cat are running. Over there two tigers are jumping. Two monkeys are climbing the trees. Four birds are flying round and round and singing.

  There are some other animals, too. The elephants are standing. A monkey is sitting on an old elephant. The monkey has a flag in his hand. Polly is sitting in a tree. A fox, a baby panda and some small animals are sitting under the trees. They are wathching.

1. It's _______ today.

A. Sunday B. fine C. blue

2. _______ animals are running.

A. Five B. eleven C. Three

3. There are ________ at the sports meeting.

A. many monkeys B. many people C. a lot of animals

4. What animals are climbing the tree?

A. The monkeys B. The pandas C. The foxes


Look and read. Write T or F.


(1)There are three trees. ________

(2)A dog has a black tail. ________

(3)There is a car on the street. ________

(4)There is a dog under the tree. ________

(5)There is a bus in front of the trees. ________


Follow the Chinese. Fill in the blanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。
1. I               (see) a black bird yesterday morning. 
2. A hare is               (sleep)  under a tree. 
3. He knows many interesting                (story) .
4. One day, a dog               (find) a big bone. 
5. He               (carry) a toy car without any wheels last week.
6. He               (feel) sad after he heard the news. 
7. The white dog              (bark) the black dog because of some bones. 
8. I can't answer the question               (quick) . 
9. The tortoise              (win)  the race at last.
10. My bag is               (good) than yours.

