There a box of rubbers near the books. 查看更多




  Hello, my name is Jimmy. I have a happy family. In my family, there are three persons: my f   , my m   and I.


Look and read. Find the correct word and write it on the line.

a chemist's an onion a mountain a journalist flowers a sofa a stamp a bath a shark butter geography a diary a monkey a snake history

Example: It is a soft thing to sit in. a sofa

1.You might cry when you cut this into small pieces. ________

2.You go there to buy medicine, and you can sometimes buy soap and tooth brushes there, too. ________

3.Some people write it everyday to remember important things happened on that day. ________

4.They smell nice and you put them in a vase. ________

5.This is made from the milk of cows, sheep or goats. ________

6.It is a meat eater which live in the sea and has sharp teeth. ________

7.It is a subject which lets us learn about weather and environment. ________

8.You can climb it. Then you can see a lot from the top. ________

9.It must be glued on top corner of an envelope or a postcard before being sent to someone. ________

10.It's an animal which can climb trees quickly and swing from trees to trees. ________




There _____ thunder, lighting, wind and rain in Guangdong.

A. are  B. is  C. be



A. there   B. smoll   C. big



--Is there a _____?

--Yes, there is.

A. supermarket   B. bank  C.bookshop

