1. 当你想买一双新鞋时,应当说:
A. I want to buy a pair of shoes.
B. Can I help you?
C. I am going to the shop.
2. 当你打算去科学博物馆参观时,应当说:
A. I'm going to the Science Museum.
B. How do you go to the Science Museum?
C. Where are you going?
3. 当你要去书店买书,但又不知道书店在哪儿,应当说:
A. Excuse me. Where's the bookstore, please?
B. Is the bookstore very far?
C. How do you go to the bookstore?
4. 当你要告诉他人图书馆在电影院附近时,应当说:
A. The library is not far.
B. The library is next to the cinema.
C. I go to the library by subway.
5. 当你感到身体不适,想要去医院时,应当说:
A. I feel sick. I'm going to the hospital.
B. I want to buy some stamps.
C. I feel hungry. I want to go to a restaurant.